>taller and stronger
>higher testosterone
>bigger dick
>more violent
>low IQ
>taller and stronger
>higher testosterone
>bigger dick
>more violent
>low IQ
Other urls found in this thread:
who cares
>Should I ask Asians how they feel about white people or should I ask white people how Asians feel about white people
>Not the most psychotically violent people on the planet
No, they just view us in widescreen format.
Doubt it. White people invented pretty much everything.
I don't think they have souls
All I know is the white man is referenced often with an emphasis on their size.
"He's a ghost, that's why he is so fucking huge!"
My 2 cents.
>nigger violence
Primal, blind, rampant
>white violence
Targeted, mechanic, comes in large but short bursts
>asian violence
dramatic, brutal, unyielding
Finn diaspora here. Fuck you white devils.
People fear what they don't understand.
Be their hero, gaijin.
Checked. Kek. Probably, but they love us.
No everyone sees niggers as niggers
We're not smelly you wank
can confirm that even a mild mannered gent from New England is too much of a nigger for a Japanese gent of the same age and economic status.
I mean would a white guy meeting an asian girld parents be like a white couple meeting some nigger boy thats got with their daughter?
It depends if you have money or not
Asians come here to live.
They don't go piling into fucking Africa and neither do white people.
Asians like white people just fine as long as you're polite and well mannered. They highly enjoy a well mannered Caucasian.
Go to China or even Japan and you might find that groups of people follow you around, just looking at you. If you're white.
Nobody follows a nigger around. They tend to follow you just before the robbery attempt.
Yes we are. East asians dont need to wear deoderant
Oh and also, American films are very popular in Asian countries because they all find white people very attractive.
North Koreans see South Koreans as niggers. They frown upon KPOP because it's a degenerate Western-like culture, the way White people frown upon other White people for twerking because it's degenerate Black culture.
How do Best Koreans view circumcision in Worst Korea?
What're you talking about, they fetishize us more than we do them.
I heard they only did that because American dicks were bigger and they thought it would work
if they are in the west probably not
if you are in the far east yes. its a by comparison evaluation. nigs make you look better so do sand nigs and beaners. you much better behaved than them and smarter. only people from specific parts of the west seem to be smart enough and well behaved enough to not be problematic in the east . america is sort of a mixed bag and has a bad reputation by now
Yes.Degeneracy in the West is simply not acceptable
To an extent that is how some whites think about nigs too
How could they not?
I always envied their trim, elegant bodies compared to our disgustingly large and hairy ones.
It's also been scientifically demonstrated that whites smell worse than east Asians (blacks smell most of all, obviously) and we have a kind of sweat and earwax that's more oily whereas their skin is more dry and clean.
Personally I wish I had the body of an Asian person - trim, compact, hairless, flexible, less sweat and oil production,
Their faces and skull shapes, however, are just disgusting and subhuman.
>Whites gave Asians electricity
>Asians view Whites as niggers
Pick one.
Many (not all) Asian men are giant manbabies as evidenced by groups like r/asianmasculinity so many Asian women go for white males.
Whites are about intermediary between blacks and Asians. Strength, T and cock size being just about right while not as dumb or violent as the average jigaboo.
Of course they view themselves as superior, but consider whites a step above niggers.
pic related, the ideal gf
Yes, but unlike niggers, we're able to create and maintain civilization. The best of both worlds.
There is one difference, though
Also. The iq gab between whites and asians is merely 5 points.
Between whites and nigs is 15 points in the US and over 20 points in Africa.
Are Africans who don't come to Western countries and >muh BBC niggers? No, they're respectable African men.
If you stay in your own country and don't move to Asia, you're fine.
*iq gap
Asians worship the ground white people walk on lol
>he hasn't lived around "respectable African men" in Western countries
Chingchong you should see what the insectoid chinks do here as well. They're just less outgoing about it.
wut? take a shower faggot
We are obviously superior to whites.
his point is asians don't smell at all, so whites are relatively smelly.
yes now post more tofu
Asians see whites as whites, niggers as niggers and ozzies as cunts
nice quads
They smell, too. Their personal hygiene is often not very good so they live in even more squalor than usual without it being as obvious.
No, white asians (japs, koreans, taiwanese) view jungle asians (burma, vietnam, everyone else) as niggers
Do whites see Asian fellas as gooks when they bang white woman?
My Viet girlfriend and other Asians I've talked to say some whites smell like "dried dairy products." Also they don't need nearly as much deodorant or showering.
>tfw no Dahyun gf
Why live?
the IQ gap isn't even close to what it is with blacks though. we're basically just as smart
>more violent
Completed to peaceful, hygienic 3rd worlders
>>more violent
Exept whites are like the least violent people
>Go to China or even Japan and you might find that groups of people follow you around, just looking at you
To make sure you won't steal anything, gaijin
Cry more white-bitch baby. We are happy to dominate every single industry in America, Australia, Britain, Canada, Spain because we can. White people are stupid, black people are stupid, Euros are stupid, Mexicans are stupid, and chinks/gooks are smart but they have to study 5x more than we do.
Just accept that America is like playing a video game on lowest difficulty for Indians.
We don't even have to try to beat everyone else in America.
Even the dumbest Indians in America become millionaires by owning gas stations and motels.
BRB the entire medical field is full of Indians
BRB tech is full of Indians
BRB law is full of Indians
BRB Indians taking over Wall Street
BRB all your businesses, schools, white bitches now all belong to Indians
LMAO white people always comment on the state of India and how the average Indian IQ is low as fuck because illiterate villagers are lumped into that calculation. They have nothing else to come at us with because they know that we completely murder them in every way when given American opportunities.
Enjoy being brainlets, non-Indians. An Indian person in America can accomplish ANYTHING that he or she wants to. It is quite simply the most amazing feeling in the world.
Meanwhile, white people have to "discover" themselves and all this bullshit LMAOOO just LMAOOOO.
>white people
Wut? Asians stink like cabbage and curry.
Pure curiosity, how did you move to the US?
[spoilers]poos aren't asian[/spoilers]
No, we don't see you as niggers. You are a step above niggers. You compare to us more like Indian street shitters compare to niggers. Niggers are still worse. Sand niggers are the worst.
Are white people desperately trying to move to nigger countries?
It's still close to a standard deviation.
kek, the bleach machine has come
You street shitters are the biggest welfare queens of them all. You get all the same diversity bullshit that niggers get, but cops don't have the decency to shoot you.
Nice try, but that is only the case because, on average, it is mostly high iq indians moving to America. India does not have a higher iq than western countries.
Thats why they like us so much?
maybe ull get a sana gf
>iq gab
The absolute state of the white iq
>dress like us
>make music that mimics ours
>build buildings that look like ours
>steal our technology
Clearly superior
>more violent
Mao's rule killed more people than both stalins and hitler kill count was.
No dyke stuff allowed. This is a Christian board.
Shut up Pakito
girl on left is a good christian girl
I made this point last night, but elsewhere. That we're both seen in a negative fashion by some and fetishized by others. The one thing that differs is we command respect. We are sought after for bridging trade while African countries only attract interest in their natural resources
>it is mostly high iq indians
No, it's street shitters. They will give an H1B to anyone that smells like curry.
They know that. But still, they consider themselves superior. For reasons that they can't articulate using logic.
At the same time, they know who runs the world and having white people around grants status. It's part of why their women love us so much. There are cafes throughout Asia just staffed by White men, just because they want to be around us so much.
Basically, imagine if niggers actually had money and power in society. That's us to them.
>good Christian girl
>is a lesbo
Pick one.
haha cute
why are there no Asians replying?
And why is the thread filled with America / Europe circle jerking on what they THINK Asians think.
I think this is the perfect example of the western world currently. Get a room and ask only Asians something and you'll only get replies from self absorbed non Asians while the actual Asians keep quiet.
but shes not lesbo, 뽀뽀 is a peck on the cheek
cus theyre sleeping
With all the muh dikk threads made by whites when referring to asians, I definitely think white people are the niggers in Asia.
all the slants are on 2chan
Straight women don't talk about kissing and making each other's hearts flutter.
>>low IQ
If I remember correctly, the IQ difference between east asians and europeans is verry little.
>doesnt understand asian culture
Idols like to lesbo tease their fans.
Straight women don't do that, period. There's a reason why it doesn't happen in puritan Christian countries, and why most of Asia is not Christian.
My understanding is that they grudgingly admire western countries.
Then they and their fans should be called out for the degenerates they are. We don't tolerate western whores that use their body for fans, so don't excuse Asian whores.
Asians literally sell products to whiten the skin to look more european, also in South Korea many people undergo plastic surgery to have caucasian looking eyelids, so I'd say they definitely don't think of us as niggers
>muh dick
What are you on about, we look like them but taller and broader with coloured hair and eyes.
It's not like we're hideous somali niggers
I would also add "ritualised" with asians.
They essentially had to culturally make every mundane task as long as possible to keep people from chopping each others head off.
Technical translator for a car company. I just turn English into Finnish and email it to a guy.
I have relatives that work in Tokyo, the local people told them that europeans smell something like milk, don't know why honestly
I can assure you, they really do not mean it.