>euthanasing retards is considered immoral and bad
Euthanasing retards is considered immoral and bad
Not in Iceland.
>that clap at the end
They probably should be euthanized but that was funny.
wtf? won't she go blind if one the candle goes thru her eye?
Take them out back and shoot them. It's the kindest way.
top gangster
Yeah, it's the icing on the cake.
But it's illegal goyim! also muh morality!*floods the west with africans*
>americlap 56%
she went blind
56% clap
Bahble sais god luvs all even potato
i work with retards and have genuinely never seen this behavior. He must have seen some video somewhere of friends mashing each other into cakes. Why did no one fucking hold him away from the open flame. Jesus christ what a sin, retards are such a tragedy.
Should've been aborted.
But senpai WW2 said that was bad because of the 6 million!
you forgot this
Where did you hear that? Source?
>retards are such a tragedy.
Oh come on, it's not that bad. Sure they sometimes heckle, or scream around and make us feel uncomfortable and un-secure. But at least they're happy right? The dumber you are the happier you live your life.
tards don't have to worry about alot of stuff because they're not capable.
Wtf is that shit lelz
>But at least they're happy right?
if this was my brother or any relative i would train him to do the most insane things since he has a free pass for being retarded.
imagine having a minion that can do anything without consequences lmao
Most mentally retarded people i've known have been more friendly than LE BIG IQ shitheads.
Watching this webm you see the retard does the bad thing out of ignorance while regular people do bad things out of malice.
>The retards satisfaction at burning a little girls face outweighs the pain and trauma the little girl went through so its not that bad
You'd be astonished at how many have compartmentalized anxiety disorders or depression. Not to mention the physical pain of having a hydro-cephalic brain case or having bad joints or a swollen tongue that doesn't even allow them to swallow correctly. Sure some retards are just slap happy and cruise through life, but many have pretty disgusting, undignified, and painful lives. Its oftentimes a thing as well where the less retarded retards have a scope of their situation. Even profoundly autistic people struggle with the fact they will never go to the bathroom alone, never eat without help, never walk without a wrangler.
Being retarded and having a retarded child are the worst curses you can wish upon anyone and I dont wish it on anyone. Its a hell beyond anything imaginable.
I hate retards so much
So essentially, maxing out strength at character creation but leaving endurance, hp, intellect etc at 1.
>the dumbass little girls first reaction once she pulls her face away from the fucking cake is to wipe her hair from her forehead, essentially giving us a better view at the damage caused by the retard.
Top kek
No. Its a pretty common misconception that retards are somehow inhumanely strong. Its patently false. Downies are usually pinned as the gorilla of man, but Downies are just stocky and their bones are thicker. This doesn't equate to strength more-so density. They're difficult af to move. Another aspect that makes them seem stronger is their lack of fine motor control, so all of their capacity goes into wild and flailing movements that are dominated by larger musculature, and when you're 240 pounds of just tub and bone you can throw that weight around if you want too. But just because a 1000 pound man can fall into you with the force of 1000 pounds doesn't mean he can just one arm lift you into the air at a stand still. The same is true for Downies.
Downies also have less muscle tone than regular people, making them demonstrably weaker on average than any other normal man.
tl/dr Retard strength is a myth and just seems to be true because they're usually fat and throw themselves into things.
It's so obvious i'm not even gonna say it anymore. Fucking hell, what a mess.
true. this is why you're still alive and posting
kill the girl rape the retard
You can have your kid tested and abort it if you want.
Yeah it's fucked, I want to nuke Africa too, user
I'm not.
It is. Maybe the retards will teach families and societies patience and love.