Clean your room, follow the link, print a copy, and begin highlighting key names and crimes.
They're trying to silence the memo; they do not want the public looking at this classified file

Read through it; don't let a neck beard tell you what to think, don't let a political pundit tell you what to think. Read it for yourself and let it all sink in


Other urls found in this thread:


omg hillary and obama are gunna be locked up any second holy shit

When was this released? This is huge!

(((They))) are using full force to make everyone forget the memo was released yesterday by posting slide/distraction threads. 97% of all threads up now are to silence memo threads.

The memo demonstrates the corruptness and instability within the government and how the DNC was directly tied to it all. And it has been said that this memo is ONLY 10% of what's to come out.






Screenshot this.

Nothing is going to happen with the memo except Sup Forums circle jerking and probably some mainstream media jerking off and e-celebs crying.

Nothing substantial is going to happen. It's just another circus. Now call me a shill or cry about it but you know i'm right.

Did you read it!?


Can america not just do the rest of us a favour, get it over with and just nuke itself already.
/Sincerely yours, the non-judaized parts of the world

What do you hope to gain by working for the bad side? Do you get a few bucks in your pocket? A sense of belonging you've lacked your whole life?

Maybe you don't even know it yet and still believe you're some "freedom fighter" when in reality that's what the enemy has brainwashed you into believing so (((They))) can control your actions via your feelings.

If you don't wake up now, your eternal progression could be revoked when you return to the Source; all because of this little insignificant lifetime.

Is that you again?

Listen to george galloway on talkradio mention this


Here's a conditioning-breaking bump.



read it


I just read this twice. There will be blood.
>its too dangerous to release!
>its nothing! don't look!
This is concise and easy to understand, it clarifies this whole treasonous criminal assault on our democracy, our government, and the people of the United States of America.
It is the result of all of the meticulously collected evidence proving the attempt by corrupt senior figures of power and authority in the FBI and DOJ to take the elections for president away from the American People and put a deeply corrupt former first lady in power.
This memo does not go into the 'why' however this unbelievable level of bias, this complete disrespect and total disregard for the laws of our nation and the consequences of their actions on the entire county and the world is so alarming and infuriating that those perpetrators who were named in this memo will need to be taken in to protect custody or provided with secret service security details just to live through the rest of the day.
The nation is howling for their blood and we will feel it on our hands TONIGHT.


Let it be known; we will not be silenced

>pic related


brainlet detected

the only credible criticism of the memo is that it's deliberately incomplete information inteded to serve political purposes. the "its nothing" line is clearly not true, even if the whole thing is false then its not "nothing" since those false accusations are enormous and the accusers would be in deep dick. it's either hugely bad for everyone in it, or hugely bad for everyone who wrote it

I'll silence you, faggot.



You can try, ya dip

Attack is the best defence.

Memo makes Republitards look even worse.

Yo memo is so irrelevant, even Scaramucci lasted longer.

Reminder that President Oprah is already kaput
Chapstick Joe is finished

just read the memo. jesus christ its fucked up.

fuck the democrats


show the left this.

Nice slip of tongue Russian shill. Funny how the internet and Sup Forums is supposedly full of shills of all types like JIDF, SRS, Shareblue, AIPAC, CTR, leftypol, etc, yet, you never see any talk on Sup Forums about Russian shills.

I wonder why that might be?


do it

Kaput is German


Typical willfully blind and delusional foam mouth supporter. You and donny deserve each other. Things are definitely looking like it's gonna hit the fan, but your team will be fucked. Here's some advice. When you an hero, pls don't involve a school

Look at this British shill from Mexico using English words to spread British propaganda.

ill read it and save it


Did anything fucking happen? Did the fbi close its doors? Did Hilary get arrested? No. This is water gate bs 2.0

Fuck trump the jew puppet and fuck you.

m8 you're a little late, we all read it already

Why doesn't my media cover this

Dude you think this is the first time someone like this have ever happen? You think they will betray each other? Theu wont. They make the rules it their game not ours.

Unless you rise up but everyone is to much of a pussy to do that.

>evidence of treason

The whole stuff looks like the biggest rigging there ever was
>not a single story about it here


Also read Carter Page's testimony. Shit's about to go down. The memo was only the first step.

Nah,he's probably run out of letters by now. It's exhibit AZ1

The eternal shit is eventually going down 56%.

First Hillary was getting locked up, then it was the pedophiles in her campaign, then it was LE DEEPSTATE AND 6000 warrants. Now you 56% dumb asses have THEMEMO.

Stop falling for John Birch Society bullshit.

Read it. It doesn't make any sense. Carter Page was no longer associated with the campaign when the court order was approved. He had such a known association with Russia that he had been fired. He gave speeches in Russia about the need for us to favor Russian foreign policy. He was poison. There is no evidence that the dossier influenced the decision and the warrant was renewed 3 times. So it was backed up by facts. The Republicans won't allow the minority report to come out. Why?

The Chad Imperium is a server for political discussion, (((everyone))) welcome


read the last line of the memo

Section 4

>Stop falling for John Birch Society bullshit.
nobody can argue that Trump's people are the resurrection of the John Birch Society

The one which isn't backed up by any declassified information? Maybe when we get to read the minority report... Anyway what is really striking is how it twists facts and ignores the timeline. This is republic staffers throwing mud. They're trying to dirty the name of the FBI because they're afraid.

really, a memo is made based off of the classified material, also for the past week the libs have been stating that this memo would "undermine national security, by giving names and methods", yet it did nothing of the sort. It doesn't ignore the timeline, it follows it very well

This whole thing is a plot to fire Rosenstein in a bid at another Saturday Night Massacre. Firing Mueller won't make it all go away. It will just help Democrats flip the House and the Senate come midterms. They should have waited. Why is Trump so desperate to end it if there is nothing to it? All this flailing around. It doesn't look good.

Actually it doesn't. It states it then ignores it in it's accusations. It's very sloppy. Also this is an edited version. The last second revisions should give you pause.

There were no last second redactions, trump approved it as is


Then the white housd claimed there were no redactions, but there were. It's kind of like lying about crowd size.

>shill bot 9000 online

I now understand how can someone like amy schummer have an audience in the US... you liberals are really retarded

kaput is an english term based off a german word
>you are stupid

>To: HPSCI Majority Members
>From: HPSCI Majority Staff
Republicans write a memo to themselves and you think it's anything other than political theater.