The Gender issue is being challenged in the US military and it is being defeated.
The military is no place for misogyny or racism, a diverse military is a strong military.
Pic related is a 4star admiral in the US Navy being greeted by her subordinates, this is what makes the US military the strongest military in the world.
United States Military
So long as people aren't put into positions solely because of identity.
this is the future
Ask any male Marine what they think of wooks and you will be proven wrong instantly, and I mean even the modern day soyed up pog Marines, even they will be honest with you about them.
I know this is a slide thread but god damn do I hate this shit.
It doesnt matter what they think, they are racists. these are the brothers and sisters that are protecting their soyboy ass while wh*teboy sits at home
>proud women of color defending their great nation
Because nothing says progressive politics like the military
>average female in the military
> wooks
>whiteboi butthurt he cant get nun of dat juicy
You're hardcore memeing right now but whites make up the vast majority of 03s and 11xs with some spics thrown in. Women do fuck all.
thats the past user, the future is female.
> 4 star admiral
you know it
Been in the military for 15 years, shit really started to go downhill after obummer started enforcing a bunch of bullshit rules. Back in the day if you talked back to your supervision you'd get wrecked, now we are literally taught to sit down and try to understand why they are upset and help them with their problems rather than yell at them for being insubordinate shit heads. Millennials are ruining the military, all the E5s I know are getting out they don't even give a shit about retirement anymore. All the new kids are quitting after their first enlistment even after making E5 on their first try. My unit is half the size it was 8 years ago and our workload has increased. I'm out in 4 months and I can't wait. I love my country but this shit is getting ridiculous.
I wonder how long before Trannies attempt to register as women only to fuck up the number of actual biological women registering for the military.
Also OP's post is extremely weak Strawman.
Bruno Mars looks like THAT!?
sad state of affairs user, and these fucking retards think im memeing.
I personally know several people already in that have transitioned after enlisting, once the operation is complete their sex is switched in the system and as far as statistics are concerned they are counted as female. And the year plus long process to transistion makes them ineligible to deploy and they are exempt from physical fitness tests.
>The military is no place for misogyny or racism,
Yes it is, you need your military to view your enemies as subhuman in order to keep them from going insane from killing them and breaking their stuff.
> a diverse military is a strong military.
How so? Because all I've seen so far is more mandatory training like EO, and SHARP that take time away from the actual important training of learning how to kill people and break their stuff.
> this is what makes the US military the strongest military in the world.
Handshakes and greetings do not make strong militaries, the ability to kill people and break their stuff does.
>Millennials are ruining the military
The good ones left asap once they dealt with that pozzed up faggotry. Terminal Lances are a result of the military being gay as fuck.
Hasn't anything changed after Trump got elected?
Still too early.
here is why they are flocking to the military
>>Millennials are ruining the military
Reminds me of this guy
Now that's a diversity hire.
That guy is pretty fucking pussy when it comes to politics overall but he's usually right when he bitches about the military itself. That video is 100% accurate and that's without even getting into the fact that no one seriously signs up for infantry just so they can watch pro tranny power points.
This. There is starting to be some pushback, but once you let them in it's lose/lose if you try to get rid of it. If Trumps says Trans are a detriment to the military the media will have a fucking field day. Any change will be slow and difficult, there aree too many lgbtqrs people in positions of power now, the previous administration moved quick to embed them as high up as possible because they knew they would go out of their way to force their leftist policies throughout the rest of the military.
>this is what makes the US military the strongest military in the world.
is that why 50% of your military commits suicide after one job ?
Looks like a fine platoon to be sent immediately in Idlib area. On the double!
Considering gender is based on how we feel or choose to identify, would you approve of a single physical fitness standard for all?
I mean, we're all equal, right?
How about a blind, merit based promotion warrant board that cannot take race/sex/orientation in to account?
we wuz officers n shiiiiet
the issue is the current physical fitness standard is designed for white cis-gendered males to pass and everyone to fail, physicial fitness tests in the military are not only racist, they are sexist.
The US military is the strongest in the world because of it's standards.
You have to be physically fit, be able to carry a wounded guy across miles to safety, and have so much stamina to endure the harshness of war. Not a whole lot of women can do that; you'll see most of them behind lines, like officers, or some crap like that.
Quit drinking the blue coolaid.
>Allow Women in the military
>Women can't even pass PT test
>Lower minimum scores for Women so they can pass
>Somehow having weaker servicemen makes us stronger
Feminism because gender matters more than actual ability
as someone in the navy i can tell you that women are ruining the military. My ship is one of the last surface vessels that is all male and we routinely outperform integrated ships. The evidence is there.
Everytime I talk to someone that comes from an integrated command they tell me how terrible it is. If you even look at one wrong it can ruin your career and they dont work hard so the men have to pick up the slack. I feel bad for the military but this is one of the reasons I am getting out. Not the biggest factor but its certainly up there
>4 Stars
>That collar device
Nigga what.
old picture, she did make an admiral.
Fine. Call me back when they're all being gang-raped in the Middle East. Or rather, when they suddenly and unexpectedy decide to get pregnant and bug out when someone actully wants to deploy them and they can't just pretend-play at being empowered Womyn.