Somalians are the most filthiest and the most disgusting """""people""""" I have ever met. Their shithole as known as Somalia shows that two invasions aren't enough for them to stop shitting on everything and ruin it like it's nothing. I FUCKING HATE THEM! I want them dead, I want to see dead Somaliniggers because the world hate them! They are parasites, they are leeches.
Somalians are the most filthiest and the most disgusting """""people""""" I have ever met...
user, go do something about it...
It's ok have a cake
Somali are just fine. Don't be racist.
They literally sleep where they shit. Many in Toronto
I'm black. They are the nigger of niggers. They are somehow worse than slavs and gypsy scum.
I too hate Smelly niggers.
OP tell us some stories about your experience with Somalians....
memeflag raging faggot. Hooyada futada cadhmuun ka other words, go lick your mom's stinky cunt weirdo
We Somalis rock. Laprers gonna larp in this cesspool, WE ARE THE EUROPEAN NOW BITCH! deal with it
>Be me
>Walking down the street
>See 5 somaliniggers
>Ask me for money
>I say no
>They spit on my shoes and start talking in their disgusting language
I have many reasons why I hate these fucks. They're also insanely ugly
How does it feel to look like a literal creature. Your a race of your own you disgusting dogs.
Is that a bar? At least he's got good taste in gun
Paid for with your money.
>Be me
>They asked me money
Nigga, if you look that weak that some random niggas asking you for a money, maybe you should work on your ass and lift some weights
How does it feel to get punk'd and cucked ''by literal creatures''? Bitch grow small balls and stop larping here edgy gaylord
Not me, amigo
I'm 6'4 and pretty big, not toned. I had bags in my hand and £300 in my wallet. If there weren't 5 of them and I didn't have bags I would've fucking killed them. GTFO my country somalinigger, literally all of you are rude, ignorant, you pray in the middle of the road and hold up traffic. Just fuck off back to your shithole and don't come back.
You are not black. You are just slightly brown. Don't be so hard on yourself. Just becouse somali hijack other boats with kalisnikovs doesn't mean they are but people. They are just missunderstod. It is all our fault.
Somalis are the Niggers' Nigger
Jamaican heritage, 4th generation Briton. I get what white people mean when they say they want a racially pure country, with me I just want people to not behave like subhuman niggers. I don't have a problem with gooks apart from the mass amounts of them in the city areas but atleast they can behave. Fucking samboniggers need to go back to where they came from.
100% agree. Somalia should be nuked out of existence.
You are literally the ugliest people on earth except maybe aussie abos with your weird alien heads, and your genitially mutilated females look like down syndrome orcs.
Despite being low IQ niggers you are physically worse than even Indians, you have pathetically weak little bodies to go with your oversized lightbulb shaped heads.
The absolute genetic trash of Africa
I'd bury my face in the stinking twat of a Somali woman and go
Yes, the fact that people are supposed to believe that such vermin are our equals is a joke.
why stop there ?
just bomb the whole middle east
If all Somalis disappeared today the world would be much better off in every single way
There's literally no upside to being a samboNigger
I doubt even our domesticated species of burgernigger would go near one of these creatures, user
I am appalled...
I think I've seen your posts before. As far as namefags go you're alright.
I was always see those and I just can't imagine why you would want to bang that. They have like 20 kids with THAT. lmao.
I'm Moroccan but i love Somalis. I had a lot of Somali neighbours in my block when i grew up. For such skinny build people they tend to have much more balls then your average white guy, and i honestly respect that.
41,000 of them will be invading Los Angeles.
My home city.
I'm not looking forward to it.
I would advocate for you in the ethnostate.
I heard about that. Good luck.