some people simply do not deserve to feel pride
Why are you comparing it with a gravestone?
Probably because the nordcucks didn't have anything else to show. My question is why a swedenyescuck flag even started this thread.
niggers still live in huts.
This girl i know form HS is a nurse and is in Ethiopia right now, she posted pictures online of some niggers that he's "helping". They literally live in huts still.
Fuck off Nigger also Sage
Daily reminder that KANGS are closer to Northern Europe than Nigeria, where most American negroes came from.
Snowniggers had the world's most advanced boat technology at the time.
Wooden structures degrade over time.
and are also susceptible to being burned down.
>(picture very much related)
oh look. its retarded.
The Norse built mostly with wood, for obvious reasons.
Now post niggers now vs scandinavia now.
>putting AD after the year
Why doesn't anyone every mention this in these kiked threads?
Scandinavia was a shithole for many centuries but they became a great civilization when they became Christian.
Norse mythology has cool stories but as a religion it's fit for savages only.
>right on cue
Crazy world.
This doesn't make Egyptians look good. How could Scandinavians have achieved more and built superior societies in less time? You had 1000 year head start and live in shit tier hell holes. It shows you how superior white people are.
Käften Mohammed. Hur var Icke Godkänd/F:et i historia?
The pharaohs were Celtic
what a cuck
Defending dank empires it's actually a lot of fun.
Alltså det här är ju efterblivit. Vi segla för helvete och plundra och hade utmärkta snickare å var extremt bra på att utvinna metal.
Why is it so hard to understand that smaller populations generally accomplish fewer things? Northern Europeans were naturally selected through the cold and through the US forever changed the direction of humanity.
I see the resemblance
Too bad you all never entered africa till later. You are lying to the people
It seems that shills are afraid of this memo
Sage for this memo whatever it is about
Fucking (((slide))) threads
Sup Forums BTFO
LOL This says that the Sphinx was the head of a lion. Doesnt say anything about western Europe
crackers BTFO
Average MLI scores in Table 1 indicate the STR profiles of the Amarna mummies would be
most frequent in present day populations of several African regions: including the Southern African
(average MLI 326.94), African Great Lakes (average MLI 323.76), and Tropical West African (average
MLI 83.74) regions.
Title of Article
"The Great Sphinx of Giza reborn as a lion in the desert"
Doesn't say anything about niggers either
>he doesn't understand the origins of the term "cracker"
kek. Call me God next boy.
Nigger means Black anyway
>he replied to me three times
>shill thread
Fuck off kike
You spelled subhuman wrong
Read my other responses to that post then faggot. Check out the link!
Awfully silent in here !
>please clap
>writing system btfo
should we prepare it to some Egyptian tombs?
Skräp bete.