Other urls found in this thread:
Ooo too many words for nu/pol/ to understand.
>Also being a retard
Yep, it's a rightist.
>This thread
why would you not confront that issue if its true? is neoliberalism not capable of solving those issues. you all like to smell ur projected turds
>Inherrent inhumanity
left cant meme
Lol. Congrats, you have a cartoon that straw mans your opponents. You could do the same thing to any group. You could say feminists are ugly, secretly resent men because they don’t get attention like the hot girls, have high levels of testeterone etc. Doing stuff like this is monkey-howling. It’s what niggers do. It’s not an argument lol it’s twitter-tier at best.
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
I hope this works, I really need this in my area
wait... So if I dont want muslims to rape my daughter I am alienated?
i'm socialist but i believe race exists, i don't believe men and women are biologically equal, i don't support homodegeneracy and i'm a nationalist
Helicopter rides are to merciful for communist scum.
Based hungary.
Reporter: "what's it like to kill people in war?"
Based guy whom I forget his name but was a badass: "i don't know i have only killed commies"
Helicopter rides are to merciful for communist scum.
>Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
>Liberal capitalist
>implying that’s even represented in politics these days
Helicopter rides are to merciful for communist scum
Such low effort.
There were times I worried, but shit like this reminds me of what we are really up against.
>1 Post
Stop contributing to slide threads you fucking newfags
also Sage
Helicopter rides are too merciful for communist scum.
>Central banks given a charter by kike puppets to loan money to the government with interest and control the printing of money
>kike media that brainwashes the population to misceginate in a system of dysgenics to remove competetion
wew lad
>Capitalists literally destroy society, the economy, the environment, everything
Not if you're obliterated first, faggot.
So now we know the source of the leftist shilling. Chaps trap house.
>people have a right to the product of their own works
>inherent inhumanity
>nobody has a right to their own labor. the efforts of the individual belong to the state
>500% humane
i have some rope here that i can't wait to redistribute
>people have a right to the product of their own works
>Propaganda is reality; Reality is heresy!
This is what rightists actually believe.
Having listened to /leftypol/ describe their ideal society, I can say with certainty that most of Sup Forums would be even worse off in a communist society even if all of communism's flaws were removed via magic wand.
/leftypol/ unironically believes that familial relationships are one of the pillars of capitalism, and in order for True Gobbudism to come about, families must be abolished so we can all be communist polyamorous tumblr ubermensch instead.
Communism, according to /leftypol/, will free women of ever needing a man again, because they will simply be able to get everything they want for free. They don't even need to fake fibromyalgia to get gibs any more, everything is just free by default. Also applies to wogs.
Remember, wanting to own things yourself is a social construct. You don't ACTUALLY want your own single detached home (seriously, commies have a fucking uncanny hatred for suburbs, suburbs are literal satan to them and they want to blow them all up), and if you do, capitalism just tricked you into wanting one. Once the revolution comes, you will be re educated to desire a grey commie block high rise in the city (it'll be a "communal living space", though, which makes it better somehow, because not having a private backyard where your neighbors can't wander in at any time sounds fucking fantastic)
Shills here are even using the same kind-of language from that cancerous censored subreddit.
>communists completely wreck the Russian environment
>b-b-but capitalism tho
1991 best year of life
>communist talking about property rights
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.
>Capitalists literally destroy society,
Nope that's marxist sociologists and their social engineering fetish
rightist? the fuck?
goddamn shills man I swear to christ
>liberal capitalists
>implying the alt-right is pro-capitalism
hmm, an ideology diametrically opposed to international banking and Jewish usury, which supports strong government regulation, a resurgence of community, and economic nationalism, sure is pro-capitalist. Git Gud
Yep, I've spent some time debating these fuckheads about that in r/Chapotraphouse and leftypol. Made similar arguments about female nature, got banned for disrespecting "proletariat waman" despite most men knowing its true. The Soybois who support this system don't realise how fucked they'd be if women were given more gibs and power. They're very naive.
Helicopter rides are too merciful for communist scum.
>liberal capitalists
commie propaganda
they try to blame all of the white privilege feminism socjus liberal blathering on moderates and crypto commies whereas in reality they're just as bad if not worse
>it's another commie thread
>people have a right to the product of their own works
prove to me that i don't
>implying nationalism is a bad thing
The only good globalist is a dead globalist
Why are Leftwing Comics so fucking lame?
>OP in a nutshell
Isn't what's under the mask what Commies also believe anyway?
Better to be a mutted cowboy with rights and Western society preserved by our Commander in Cheetos© than to be a posh purebred leftist who's continent and culture is decaying exponentially
How great this is...
>Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.
So you're literally a "Nazi" in the actual ideological sense
if you remove the mask, will alt-right die?
it would be extremely painful
>Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
If you remove our mask we will become more autistic than you can possibly imagine
>liberal capitalists
the year when capitalistim's shock doctrine proved to be worse than one of the most brutal regime on earth?
>they try to blame all of the white privilege feminism socjus liberal blathering on moderates
lmao equality is crucial to capitalism. women working boosted the workers pool by 100% overnight this mean more workers more consumer with disposable income and lower wages. everyone is a consumer and $$$ are colorblind
you poltard hate da joos while describing them as the sterotypical fatcat
If you don't have the means to protect your daughter, then you're just a leech expecting the state to do it for you. Maybe you should have though about that before you got that whore wife of yours pregnant, bootlicker.
Fixed it for you
>liberal capitalist
If this is supposed to be one of those ebin radical centrist things, it's a fucking failure.
The comic actually endears the alt-right as victims of and rebels against unethical and unrestrained capitalism. The fact that he returns the mask signifies that he'd rather face the strawman made out of buzzwords than a truth he might agree with.
>liberal capitalist
so that's someone who likes capitalism, but they're liberal so they believe in the liberty of THE STATE TO HAVE FULL CONTROL THE ECONOMY
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.
Also, praised be the Magyars.
This, what he sees now is what he will become down the line and he thinks that he won't become like that.
Helicopter rides are too merciful for communist scum.
>The comic actually endears the alt-right as victims of and rebels against unethical and unrestrained capitalism. The fact that he returns the mask signifies that he'd rather face the strawman made out of buzzwords than a truth he might agree with.
that's literally the point you dumb faggot
If you don't want to suck my dick you're a transphobe.
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
>Only 1 demographic in the last 60 years whose morality rate is rising
>Straight white men
>Deaths from sucicde, alcoholism and drug use aka deaths of despair
>Commies will call this dismantling white privilege, even though every other minoritys life expectancy has only risen under the "patricharys" rule
>They wonder and bitch about rhetoric about us gassing them when they won't even acknowledge this without celebrating it
You might not believe in Collectivism, but Collectivism believes in YOU.
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.
>be a mutt
>Western society
The West is White European People.
You only find the term "liberal capitalist" weird because you're using the American definition of the term "liberal". To most Europeans liberalism and capitalism are strongly intertwined.
see You Americans use the term "liberal" very differently to most of the world
>Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum