BREAKING: Second Source Comes Forward=> Claims Rosenstein Threatened Nunes and House Intel if They Didn’t Stop Investigation!

>FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett went on with Sean Hannity on Friday night after the release of the House Intelligence FISA memo.
>Jarrett said his sources told him Rod Rosenstein threatened the House Intelligence Committee members three weeks ago.
>Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Other urls found in this thread:–King_suicide_letter

Yeah... Rosenstein is a traitor.

If Rosenstein was smart he would have kept his nose clean so Trump didn't have a pretext to fire his traitor ass.
Threatening congress with abuse of his power... wow. Epic stupid.


Now, a public statement about Rosenkike's threat, and how he was mad at any oversight...

And then fire him for conduct unfit for the DOJ.
How ya gonna argue against that? DOJ DAG's don't get to threaten members of congress who are simply doing their oversight duties.

Fuck these deep state faggots.

oy vey goyim

b-b-b-b-but based reddit lawyers told me it was a nothingburger!?!?

>DOJ DAG's don't get to threaten members of congress
Is this an act to keep us entertained or did he actually believe his threats were backed up by greater force?

>he still believes in a blue wave

We should have gassed them when we had the chance.

I like how everyone was claiming "see the doj don't want the memo released either!" When it's obvious it was only rosenstein who didn't want it released.

Just confirming what we suspected all along.

FBI sees itself as the Fourth Branch of the Government, accountable to no one but itself.

>The threat of a thing is worse than the thing itself

Well that says it all.


This needs to be confirmed, made public, and used to fire Rosenstein and then Mueller.




What a fucking kike. Every single politician and official in the federal government who has dual citizenship with israel is a traitor and needs to be executed.

gee, who would have guessed. The kvetching of Jews is music to my ears.

Wait, wait, wait...since when is the FBI not allowed to stand up for itself? We have a demon fuckwit President in deeper shit than Nixon attacking them night and day and they're just supposed to lay there and take it?

Fuck you! Hope Mueller orders arrests for these clowns.

US intelligence is full of superpatriots and they all hate Trump for a reason.

>only Nosenstein
Top kek you shill faggot, pay attention your party is going down in flames


>The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

>Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

>The four FISA surveillance applications were signed by, in various combinations, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, and Rod Rosenstein.

>The FBI authorized payments to Steele for work on the dossier. The FBI terminated its agreement with Steele in late October when it learned, by reading an article in Mother Jones, that Steele was talking to the media.

>The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

>DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

>since when is the FBI not allowed to stand up for itself?

Just in case you really are an idiot... You can't obstruct a Congressional oversight investigation by threatening to use the powers of the DOJ to stop the investigation.

Another one. Now with me. Another one

>listening to team hannity's fantasies

>I'm gonna subpoena you
>even though you didn't commit a crime
>and you have oversight powers over me

how fucking stupid can you be

Add this

EVERY BOGUS 2016 FISA REQUEST to Spy on Trump was Signed by Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch

I-its still n-nothing

>nose clean
Kekd and checked

Have any of the accused responded to any of this yet??

Jew steps on his dick again.

these spooks are getting bold. i think theyre going to pull the same shit they did in all the latin american countries they overthrew and replaced with dictatorships.l

Jew + Government Position = Corruption.

See the Bolshevik revolution for further reference.

No way... it’s an innocent idea! The doj is just looking for beanie weinie recipes

>muh sources sed

tired of this pussy shit

I was looking for the obstruction of justice, but I was really looking for me the whole time! It's the perfect crime!

So let me get this straight, DoJ thinks it's above both the executive and legislative branches? Where the fuck is old man Sessions? How about Mattis? Don't we have a fucking army for exactly this sort of thing?


Probably why they're so keen on importing the populations of Latin Americans here.

Thank god for all of that highlighting. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known which parts to read–King_suicide_letter

>superpatriot reasoning .
They hate Trump simply because they perceive him as stupid.

For a kike, he ain't too smart.

Well according to sources familiar with his thinking, your fascist orange Drumpf tried to fire anyone trying to link him to Putin? That’s obstruction, sweatie.


Checked after I KEKd

I dont have a twitter..

#Roddidmetoo ?

Try him for treason.

Nosenstein certainly had the power to add the investigating agents to the Mueller Witch Hunt
From there, its up to the propagandists to spin it as "necessary and overdue"


>You fight back and they call it obstruction
From my perspective, investigating Nosenstein is fair play

the fbi thinks its like the supreme court or something...

Its been almost a year and half and they have nothing to indict trump with? What more can they do? Now theyve been found to have illegally attempting to obtain something on him. How does this not make sense to lefties. Hate trump all you want but using the government to get rid of bernie, and then attempting to get rid of trump didnt its #histurn to burn yall to the ground

Fuck me

Baiting Trump?

> (OP)
>If Rosenstein was smart he would have kept his nose clean so Trump didn't have a pretext to fire his traitor ass.
>Threatening congress with abuse of his power... wow. Epic stupid.

This means Trump has just gotten himself over a double checkmate DNC coup of the DoJ. That being that Mueller and Rose are aligned to force trump into obstruction or perjury or some technicality. If he pulls this off, he will be a legendary figure with the likes of Jackson or Jefferson.

Is this really going to happen? Can Trump remove them now?

But trump appointed rosenstein.

Superpatriots absolutely DO NOT want our nation overrun with third world shitskins, and Americans bankrupted by taxes to support them. The Dems are the party of NON Americans, and if there WERE any superpatriots in the intelligence agencies, they would be busily assassinating all leftist politicians.

Congressional republicans are obstructing an active investigation, they are traitors.

These are the people who funded Fusion GPS before Trump won the primary, only then did democrats have control of the intelligence.

All these leaders at the FBI and justice department were appointed by Trump himself.

Trump is just a scumbag, and there is no other way of getting around it, we told you voting for him was a stupid idea.

>Drumpf tried to fire anyone trying to link him to Putin

Actually no. He may have pondered it, but decided against taking any actions. That is not obstruction

Rosenstein told Trump to fire Comey.
Rosenstein now leads investigation into Trump firing Comey.

Wow, who could've seen this coming? This is my surprised face.

>If he pulls this off, he will be a legendary figure with the likes of Jackson or Jefferson.

I think things that were started early last year are just now falling into place. Hang on to your seat, because this is going to be one wild ride.

Great job, Lads! let's Meme this all the way!

Nice bait mate

>Rosenstein told Trump to fire Comey.
^^ THIS ^^

Its all deep state.

They tried to eliminate Trump through the Republicans but he won the primary. They tried to eliminate Trump through the Democrats but he won the Presidency. Now they are using the Republicans to bait Trump into doing things he shouldn't.

Is this some kind of 4d chess?

The MSM and Democrats think this is going away, but it's just starting

Former Judge: Ohr, Comey Could Be Held In Contempt Of Court For Misrepresentations
>A FISA court judge has grounds to hold Department of Justice officials including Bruce Ohr in contempt of court for making misrepresentations about the sources of information used to obtain a surveillance warrant against a Trump associate, a former judge and Republican congressman said.
>“I think it’s important to know who the FISA judge was, and why with all the info he’s had for some time, he has not put anyone in jail for committing fraud on his court,” Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican who serves on the Committee on the Judiciary, told The Daily Caller News Foundation Friday.

Rosenstein a Trump apointee is swamp deepstate.

Ignore the shill
bump for justice

Kek be praised

I realize this is a bait post but
>trusting unelected bureaucrats over elected representatives

Breaking news, boys!


>Rosenstein a Trump apointee is swamp deepstate.

He was next in line, and was planted by Mueller as a backup plan in case Comey was removed. Don't forget, it was Mueller who was going for the top spot, but was denied by Trump. Comey was plan B, and Rosenstein was plan C.

The Deep State is deep

So? At this point it is not enough to be right. The enemies of freedom have adequately distinguished themselves. The question is “what will you do to correct this sorry state of affairs?”

>Breaking news, boys!

Pizza related?

(((Rosenstein))) is heading for a Federal lockup.

what is actually going to happen because of all this?

is hillary ever going to get in trouble for any of the shit she did?

No, Texas Judge arrested by Feds. Sealed info until indictment Monday.

hear what Gorka as to say about Rosenstein and Muller at 3:16


>Rosenstein escorts Muller to be interviewed by the president to be the director of the FBI on May 16th
>after failing the interview, Rosenstein apoints Muller as the Special Councel to investigate Trump on May 17th

really makes you think...

>rudy delgado
Sup Forums - time to go to work.

Drumpf is finished. It's over for him.


Here's from a local news.

She's guilty as sin but she'll die a free woman. That doesn't mean we can't clean up the institutions.

Its instinct, not intelligence

He'll look good in a rope.

Judge had lost a son in an accident.
Nephew was burned alive in bad drug deal.

Can congress threaten the DOJ by shutting them down?

the right isnt going to do a damn thing
everyone on Sup Forums is all talk.

Who would've guessed???

He was dirty, prior arrests.


>jews = swamp

checks out

But all the elected people helped fund the research you are mad about. Republicans started Fusion GPS

Gassing is a meme, we need railway carts designed to hold a hundred per cart and lock them in for 3 days w/o water.
Presto, 3 days later you have a fantastic fertilizer ready to be sent through a chipper onto the fields.

Lisa Barsoomian
Mrs. Lisa Barsoomian is an attorney; but most importantly is that she is the wife of Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice. Prior to that, he served as the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland. Surely you don’t want to read about that, therefore check out the 5 facts we found about Mrs. Barsoomian Rosenstein

50-year-old Mrs. Barsoomian was born on January 15, 1968. She is the daughter of Armenian immigrants.
Together they have two beautiful daughters; Julie, 18, and Allison, 15.
She graduated from Georgetown Law.
Moreover, according to reports, she represented Hillary Clinton, between 1991 to 2017; she also represented Bill Clinton, James Comey, Barack Obama, Kathleen Sebellius and Robert Muller.
Furthermore, Lisa Barsoomian Rosenstein works for R. Craig Lawrence.

R. Craig Lawrence helped seal Obama's college records to prevent inquiry into his application for full scholarship as a foreign exchange student.

You don't say!

Sweet. The FISA memo is going to help in getting FOIAs in the illegal spying of Trump