
Sup Forums Last night I legit had a dream that a bad end happens next episode.

I've never had a show cause this much anxiety before.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking loser. This show sucks. I hate all the characters, they're so bland and boring.

Someone's a Chinatsufag.

I hate all of them equally.

BD-BOX box art

I'm actually on the edge of my seat. If this ends well I will consider it one of the greatest love stories told in anime history.

Good luck, Curly-kun.

Prediction - he doesn't get into the same highschool, and they drift apart. Years later, they reunite by chance and rekindle their love

Why did they waste their time and money with such a bland love story?

It's unfortunate, but I think you're right. I really doubt he's going to pass that exam. Koumei seems like a pretty good school and from the mock test scores we've seen he's not doing too well. I guess he'll get good in high school and get into the same college as her. But if this somehow gets a bad end, I'm flying to Japan to commit mass homicide at their studio.

5cm per second end.

They'll be together forever, guys. It's gonna happen.

They should've just gone with something like Into the White Night.

I'm rooting for you, Curly-kun. Don't you lose.

pray for genki girl



What is this, Seiren?



EP12: 00d 03h 41m 09s

Akane will get CARLITO'd.

Bad end, good end.
It's just a matter of perspective.

Bittersweet end, boys.

I had a dream that a miracle happens next episode.

I just can't understand how he gets such bad grades, he reads a lot, there's no way for a person who reads as much books as him to be this dumb, there's no way. Granted, just by reading he's not going to be a genius, but reading, no matter what you read, sharpens your aptitudes, yet he's below average.

I wonder how this series can do MC so well and main girl so badly. Kotarou is a well rounded character where we can see a range of emotions, which in turn makes him more relatable and realistic even if you don't like him. On the other hand, Akane is one of those typical deredere moeblob girls with a one track mind that are found in practically every Moe Drama, Yuri or CGDCT shows.

When will Japanese learn to write decent and realistic female characters?

She's a realistic portrayal of a girl?

>he's too stupid to make it into the good school
>they keep dating, but slowly drift apart
>tomboy chan swoops in and gets her victory
Is what's not gonna happen, but a man can dream.

So many Chinatsufags in this thread

I think the point was that he was dedicating all of his time to writing instead of actually studying. As wonderful as reading may be, it doesn't necessarily mean that you can do well in mathematics and sciences if you don't apply the studying.

>When will Japanese learn to write decent and realistic female characters?
95% of all current female characters can easily be defined as crappy pandering (Waifu, Yuri, CGDCT, Moe ) for yurifag or waifufag


>Implying that the same doesn't go for male characters too.

>both get in
>he gets bullied for being a desperate retard following his teenage girlfriend two hours to school
>she falls for an 18 year old third year track senpai anyway
>he travels 4 hours every day just to get NTR'd every day
>kills himself completing the Daizai pottery
Screencap this.

So it's already the last episode. Damn. I'm going to miss this show.

>text message sequence in the ending credits
>Hey Akane, we haven't talked in a while, what's up? I keep missing you after class. Message me back.
>Hey Akane, just laying around looking at these old pictures of us. We sure used to have fun huh? Maybe we can do something this weekend. Please respond.
>Akane, what's wrong? We haven't talked in a few weeks now.

This show would've been much better if it was just shorts.

Chance of a suprise timeskip and 2nd cour?
Studio feel have nothing next season.

Wasn´t this already confirmed? I´m pretty sure there´s official art work drifting around showing the timeskip

It's not like you can't transfer schools anyway. If that happens he can file for a transfer to Chinatsu's school. Then he can fuck her every night in whatever position he feels like. Remember, Chinatsu's still in love with the guy so he still has some sort of backup.


Skirts are just so overrated.

Are you fucking retarded?

Chinatsu lost and hasn't appeared in a forever except for some very minor moments.

We've already got a bad end.


Spinoff about Roman x teacher when?

Rushed 12 minute ending and then loads of pointless shorts because fuck you.

Was it a happy ending though?

Has it already aired? Did you live watch it? How did it end? Did they actually break up and MC get with Chinatsu? Or was it a happy ending like said?

Just before main boy reads his acceptance letter, World War 3 starts and his house blows up. Suddenly, mutant dinosaurs, robots all over the place and a surprise yuri foursome.

>Has it already aired?


Shh, don't shatter the fujo's delusion.

hi tsubasalover

go back to

Fuck off you subhuman landwhale, this site is for men only, back to the kitchen

Too understandable English for him/her

Well, that's a first.

Can that closure bitch fuck off finally?


She's gonna come from behind and win in the last ep.

Fuck the haters.



I hope CR doesn't fuck up this week too

And end

That's...well, ok ending.

I'm happy.

>The baby with the plush
Cute as fuck.

Chinatsu can still take the win bros!


Rate it fags
Also spoil me pls, don´t think I´ll be able to wait for CR

>happy end.

Also it's delayed by CR, 4 weeks in a row by the way, Professional company by the way.

I fucking need my closure. Don't do this to me. She at least needs to confess and get rejected properly.


Fuck those pieces of shit. I'm watching this one raw. And fuck anyone who subscribes to their service. It's just enabling this sort of shit. If they're going to "simulcast" a show they shouldn't delay it by 10 fucking hours every single week.


Chinatsunigger on suicide watch. Holy shit, I had to wait till the very last frame but it paid if so well. I'm so fuciibg happy.

Wait, they delayed again? FUCK

No, last week they changed their schedule to 10 PM CDT.

So do they do the "we have to spend a year apart before reuniting" shit the the Japs love so much?

Maybe she manages to get Kotarou somehow after he divorces Akane. Damn, I really wanted Chinatsu to win. Akane suited Hira more anyways. This was suicidally depressing.

Gods be praise.

I was worried they might be going for a more "realistic" bad end last week. But now I can safely say this is my AOTS. Nothing comes close to beating this. Not even SnK. This is how you do a good romance anime. None of those usual overused melodrama tropes in effect here. A refreshing take on the genre I must say.

LINE finds a way. Any translation bros in here?

this show has been pretty perfect so far. don't you fucking jynx it asshole!


Picked up.


>You're not going to sleep?
>Same to you
>I don't want to sleep
>Me too
>I'm getting my part time pay next week
>I can finally go meet you
>I'm happy
Isn't this one from last week? So the LINE chat in the ED really were from those two. That's great.


It looks like all of the LINE chats are from them in the end.






Fuck I don't know the last time an ending made me so happy. Perfect. AotS easily, probably AotY for me. And best romance show on god knows how many years.

>Due to production issues, episode 12 will be delayed until late in the day.




This makes me so happy.

And last.

Does he become a writer in the end?