Listen up little nazis

I was once one of you. Sitting in my moms basement eating Doritos and shitlosting on pol. It nearly destroyed every single one of my relationships. My frothing anti Semitic rambles pushes away the people closest to me. Luckily, I woke up to what my woke siblings were telling me, and today I walk proudly as a progressive mouthpiece to the lowly trolls such as yourselves. Heed my words.

Cringed, saged, enjoiy page 10.

On a more serious note, we are headed towards communism or fascism. Within your lifetime, you will likely kill or be killed in self defence. Each new generation of children will suffer exponentially more than the last as we come closer to Jesus’ return. Which will you choose? Communism with its rejection of beauty, or fascism which idolizes beauty?


Under communism, no one bows to beauty. No one bows to any notion of superiority. Under capitalism and fascism, they bow. What am I to choose as someone who believes there are better or worse ways to be? The communist mindset has vilified my entire being. It crushes me between its jaws; I have no other option but to kick out. It takes my strengths and labels them vile and oppressive. Anything valuable that I have earned or inherited was done so through racist, oppressive measures (true, maybe)
I think Christianity will survive the coming storm...
Christianity does not fraternize with nazism. The words of Christ are relayed through my father and never fail to incisively separate me from the wholly seductive urge to blame it all on “Tha Joos, tha fucken Joos”

No one really eats those anymore, their quality has fallen a lot over the years , yet the price keeps going up.
You can actually find better chips at a dollar store ,or even Walmart generic shit

So you are a cowardly failure, or more likely, a redditer who is lying.

Which is it, failure, or lying bitch redditer?

>implying it's not both

Nothing beats the cheesy crunch of a dorito chip.

Neither you dumb fag

Could be both. The doritos thing is what threw me off, seem to faintly remember doritos being a may-may anciently and then making a very brief re-appearance during the CTR war.

You triggered yet demoralization shill?

This OP is a demoralization shill, everyone troll his defeatist weakling bitch ass.

>We found the advertising shill
Dude, a fucking plain corn chip has more flavor than a Doritos
Seriously, there's a reason their sales have fallen so much over the years


you’re flag is gayer than mine by far

Every time. Fake and gay. You know what to do.

You sound triggered demoralization shill.

Make my day, brainlet.

I like shitlosting, little bitch.

this is not rk9 faggot. now step aside, adults are talking

At the end of the day, there’s no conspiracy to make Americans fat and ugly. They just love to do so all on their own!

I picture all leaf posters like this guy

Now I know you're a demoralization shill.

>mfw I have no face



Fuck that. I’d set fire to this cunt.

> I used to shitpost on Sup Forums

Nobody ever really leaves. And we don't care that you live in Toronto. Faggot.

>How do I convince these people to come to my side?

>I know! I'll personally insult them on deeply personal levels!