'Exploitation of a minor' usually refers to child porn of varying degrees.
>According to Washington state legislature, it can include elements of commercial sexual abuse of a minor or 'depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit content,' such as creation, distribution or possession of depictions of child pornography.
Damn. I haven't even played Counter Strike 30 yet. They really put those new releases out there. >Oxford comma
Julian Lee
Hey, Wild. I'm in the Southwest Precinct of Seattle. I wonder where he lives? Also, I think it's retarded that he could get his life ruined for fucking a 16yo girl willingly. And recording it... woooh, he's gonna get nailed.
Oliver Ross
>16-year-old-girl >Google "Age of Consent" in Washington >16 So it's fucking nothing then? confused.
Adam Moore
>arrested >posts bail
>has yet to be charged with a crime Wait, what?
Elijah Cooper
maybe they have more on him than theyre saying so far
Joshua Scott
He recorded it without her knowledge, apparently. He was probably in the clear until then. I've got a buddy here who lives in one of those 'art spaces' that are set up by 30something men to get access to jailbait. Well, what a surprise, he had some girl just walk into his space and start sucking his dick. She finished, got up and left without a word. He thought he was the luckiest guy on earth until she came back with her ID, which said she was 16. She then said "I need like $200 right now or I'm calling the cops".
He paid her, then ran over to my house and was like "Fuck dude, I'm being extorted!!!". I laughed at him for a bit, but told him to tell her to fuck off if she comes back around. She did. And he told her to fuck off. Then nothing came of it. But it was funny to watch him squirm for a couple days, knowing that it wasn't going to lead to anything serious.
Connor Nelson
He recorded it on his phone. You need to be 18 to produce porn; which ultimately, he did. Same with the UK.
Jacob Myers
Valve is not making a half life 3 because they're too busy fapping to cheese pizza
Evan Nguyen
I guess it contributes to sexual exploitation of a minor by creating demand and an avenue for the exploitation.
Unless it's simulated, through anime porn or 18+ actors dressing up as young, I am fine with this charge. If you posses images of child sexual abuse, you are contributing to the abuse of children.
Jacob Johnson
shouldve went long A
Benjamin Lee
Though experiment: What if there were never any laws about child molestation, intercourse/sodomy, or nude photography ever written or created in mankind's history. Would that have changed the perception of pedophilia? I am talking about more would people still frown upon it or would it be a widespread thing among adults?
Justin White
Leo Torres
Commit suicide you fucking pedo piece of shit. If it were up to me, CP and all other forms of EXPLOITING/HARMING CHILDREN would be punishable by firing squad.
William Anderson
The only way those laws wouldn't have been created is if people didn't think it was bad.
Nathan Reyes
They're touting the whole CP thing in headlines, but he's gonna face charges for filming her without permission.
Not sure if they can get him on cp if she misrepresented her age. Probably can though, because courts are fucked like that.
Nathaniel Reyes
This girl's gonna get a payday the likes of which you and I will never see. And it's all because she hooked up with an autist millionaire who didn't know she was 16 when he decided to film himself fucking her.
Henry Lewis
But you see those sandniggers widely accept it as normal in the middle east. As men we all look at young girls in real life. We all find them beautiful and attractive. What makes people like me stop and think "hey this is someone's daughter and I wouldn't want to fuck her up in the head or do any harm to her?"
Cooper Jackson
>As men we all look at young girls in real life. We all find them beautiful and attractive. user...
Jason Walker
The problem isn't that pedophiles are getting what they deserve, the problem is no one is punishing the kids for being so stupid, or the parents for letting their kids get into this sort of shit to start with
Kevin Ramirez
You sound like a pedo. Having CP is, in fact, exploitation since those fuckers tend to enable more CP content and protect the abusers identity.
James Garcia
a man that fucks a 16yo isnt a pedo, hes an idiot
Noah Miller
To clarify, post pubescent.
Gabriel King
>One Post by this ID >Checks for Meme Flag
Connor Phillips
Can't wait until we can skin pedos alive
Isaac Edwards
Who's bad side did he get on?
Eli Wood
>no one is punishing the kids for being so stupid The degradation, humiliation, and long term mental problems are punishment enough.
>or the parents for letting their kids get into this sort of shit to start with Depends if they can really be considered culpable. Lactatia's dad pawning off his kid is a different story than a kid making a mistake and being blackmailed or something like that.
I suppose it comes down to whether you are comfortable with being intimate with a stupid kid. I'm certainly not, regardless of the law. Would you fuck an attractive downie (pretend there's no physical deformities)?
Zachary Rogers
>Police did not say if an actual child was harmed. So it's nothing.
Alexander Reyes
Can we start with him?
Ian Reyes
It's the video part. Even if she made it herself she could be arrested
Jordan Flores
Isn't there a paradox there. Charging a minor with an adult crime even though they are a minor?
Brandon Richardson
>be over 18 >sign up to dating website that is for 18+ only >assume everyone using the site is 18+ >girl lies and isn't >you must pay thousands of dollars
John King
Counter-Terrorists win.
Dominic Ross
16 is legal in civilized states and countries, faggot. Filming it on the other hand, not so much.
Logan Morris
To be honest, knowing developers it's likely
> 'depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit content
As in underage furries or anime/weaboo shit.
Andrew Peterson
The fuck is this? >Girl makes a profile on a 18+ dating site >Has sex with guy for money >He records her, thinking she's 18+ >"lol jk im 16"
How is he in the wrong at all? That bitch tricked him.
Asher Davis
pedophiles deserve a praise, for to be on openly takes immense courage in our parasitic and hypocritical society
Jose Gray
Is this why Valve hasn't put out HL3 yet? Loli Freeman?
David Thomas
(((chris hansen)))
Colton Davis
Counter Strike breeds pedophilia. It is known.
Jeremiah Peterson
yeah its fucked up. lying bitches ruin lives.
Sebastian Miller
Mike Pence/Chris Hansen 2024 Take a seat on the electric chair.
Levi Rodriguez
>prostitution is legal Only in Nevada and only shithole counties no one lives in. In the rest of America prostitution is illegal.
Leo Reed
Ok, then charge him with buying a whore. Not child sexual exploitation.
Anthony Brooks
the chick fucked him voluntarily, was above the age of consent, and claimed she was over 18, how is that exploitation and abuse? he didn't even know she was underage