Opinions on homosexuality

What is Pol's opinion on Homosexuality, do you see it as fine or as something that must be eradicated. Is it fine, or is it something that is extremely abnormal. Is it fine to date trannies or should they be gassed aswell

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Not gay or a tranny
But they can live their lives how they want to.
It's all about personal freedom

I don't care at all since it's something that involves like 3% of the population and it's just another memey issue to keep the goy apart.

I don't care if its normal or not. The culture surrounding it is inherently degenerate. Their politics are inherently degenerate. They cannot be allowed in an ethnostate, let them rot with their pet sudos

>Fags should be gassed
>Not flinging a fag off a roof instead
Come on OP

Must be completely eradicated.

Some things must not be allowed. Homosexuality starts with 'I dont care as log as gays do their things behind closed doors' always leads to introduction to public of even more perverse forms of degeneracy

Don't have a problem with people having sex with eachother as they wish.
I do have a problem with same sex parents and I definitely have a problem with the """pride parades"""

Agreed. Have not met any "normal" acting gay person in my life. 99% of them are fucking disgusting

I don't really care or mind. But mush it in my face or my kids face through education or degenerate parades an I'm fucking you up.

Just another form of degeneracy.

I agree with Russia, you wanna suck dick cool, you like vagina fine. But you start throwing hedonistic degenerate parades and teaching it to the kids through subtle introductions, shows, movies and commercials, then it's crusade time.

Nothing is contrary to genetics, since all DNA that exists exists. Traits that are beneficial are at first extremely rare mutations that prove themselves over many generations, so the "abnormality" of a trait doesn't show that it's not ultimately beneficial. For hundreds of thousands of years, humans roamed around without permanent settlement, then the first civilization formed when one group of humans planted seeds and invented farming. This innovation was a great improvement and became the norm. Any unusual trait might turn out to be an innovation of this kind, so we must be neutral about traits. To be common is not necessarily proof of being better, since evolution tracks a moving target.

Homosexuality can't be eradicated, it is a choice and we have tried to do so for hundreds of thousands of years, however gays should be killed in order to keep degeneracy out of the public eye, and encourage other homosexuals to only have heterosexual relations.


How about dressing up in a gimp outfit with rainbow colored dildos attached to the suit.. How does that help or contribute positively in anyway?

It's a secondary issue. We've got bigger problems right now.


We don't have to think about homosexuality because we aren't faggots. Maybe you should go see Pence.

unless you want to fuck somebody,
what difference does their sexual preference make?

It is a visual indicator that the person’s genes are inferior and not worth passing down. The vibrant display warns off any potential female mating partners and aids in forever purging these traits from the gene pool.

Of fucking course it is. Your genes are the end result of millions of successful heterosexual couplings throughout the ages, only a mutuation or deeply unwell psyche can go against that level of genetic conditioning.

That would be cultural appropriation

Um.. Is not Bill C16 directly related to the LGBT community specifically? Bigger problems than controlling what can and what can't influence the next generation or your kids? Saying there are bigger problems or simply that there are other problems does not detract from the fact that is IS A PROBLEM.

You don’t have to date trannies but don’t gass them either if you really can’t stand them that much then when the ethnostate forms they can be sent to a remote camp in Alaska to build their acropolis and live in peace under their skeleton queens.

There’s nothing wrong with a man starting a traditional family with his wife(male).

Take pride in your natural born decadence lovingly bestowed from the all father lucifuge own your sex life and all the kinks that come with you


I actually remember that first article from a lgbt reddit a long time ago that’s fucked up. Pedos should be thrown into a chasm.

This unnecessary comma, annoys me more.

>complete lack of reproductive motive a genetic abnormality

Riiight. Having little ten year old boys in full makeup twerking in short-shorts is fiiine.
Of course a faggot Brit would have that opinion.

Mental illness that has a culture created around it fetishizing sexual contact between men.

being homosexual is okay, just don't be in my face about it, or indoctrinate my kids.

What's wrong is maybe 80-90% are degenerate by the average conservative's standards, and 95% by Sup Forums's. You know the many partners, the pride parades, the common link to wanting socialism.

we do have reasons to think there is an evolutionary basis behind it, firstly its common throughout the mammalian world, and secondly we do have theories for how its beneficial. its a common misunderstanding of evolution that the goal always needs to be for the organism to reproduce, thats not necessarily true, the only thing a trait needs to be selected for is to make itself more likely to be selected. it can do that by either reproducing, or making its relatives more likely to reproduce. the more related they are, the more of an effect it has, since the more related it is the more likely it is that it shares the specific gene for that behaviour. and so basically the theory goes, gay males care for their siblings, which makes their siblings more likely to survive, and therefore selecting for the gay genes, which have a high chance of being in their siblings. or atleast thats one theory, there are plenty of others

This. any man/woman fighting for his freedom is an idiot if you do not accept that being gay is something personal and should be handled as such. gay pride parades and gay marriage (with the sole purpose to adopt kids) is where i draw the line tho.


TRUMP HALP. build that fucking wall i prefer stones to

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!


homosexuality is tearing canada apart, it is a mental illness and should be treated as such

I had sex with a guy 10 years ago and regret it as one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I don't know what's wrong with me except I was molested as a kid and groomed by people I can't even remember who at this point. The only one I remember well was my older boy next door molesting me under my blanket on my bed. Then I never got attention from anyone for many years, even though I always had a lust for women. So I finally cracked in my 20s and had a boyfriend for a week til I realized how wrong it felt. So maybe Ill go to hell but I've just wanted a wife and kids since all my life and was going through years of rejection from the girl I loved, but you know my life is just fucked up. I was called a faggot in school and I don't like it, but I guess I am one even if I'm just bicurious. I despise gay guys, especially out of the closet ones. It's a disgusting mental illness and I can't believe it has been normalized and now society doing what happened to me at large to kids out in the open like it's a cute liberating thing to be sexually abused and warped as a child.

I was originally on their side with liberty, freedom and individual choice, but so many of them are against the very same that I've switched stances back. They don't just want to live and be left alone like you or me, they have an incessant need to "poison the waterhole" and assume that everyone wants to see/hear about the depraved lives they live. GLR was right that they're the biggest threat.


I'm fine with the gays. Thanks to our national culture, and to our early tolerance of faggots, the homo's in our country are relatively normal citizens. Our first modern far right leader was a flaming faggots, who got killed by a "tolerant" leftist radical. Gays are voting pretty much exactly the same way as the rest of the population, and the left is getting bent out of shape over it. Doesn't help that faggots are favorite targets of immigrant scum, and that the left has dropped them hard in favour of said immigrant scum. There's been a big fag flight to the right.

The Marxists are playing tricks on you, and on the faggots. They convince faggots that they can only be faggots within Marxist doctrine, and that they must act in the way we all hate. Loud, obnoxious, transgressive. This is all designed to keep the gay vote firmly with the left. But if you break that Marxist tradition, you break everything you hate about the gay community. You'll never notice them, they'll never bother you, and they won't turn their faggotry into a political point.

Marxism is your enemy. Don't fall for their tricks.

That's not OK, just as it isn't OK for heterosexuals to do it to little girls.

As for homosexuality itself, I'm indifferent.

Be at peace, bro. You made a mistake and you learned from it. Plus, abuse messes with people's heads, especially the sexual interests.

Daily reminder that sticking your dick in another mans butt is disgusting and having an adverse reaction to it is completely normal.

>be all for gay marriage and all that
>go to college
>think they're kind of insufferable
>start to think homophobes have a point
>only confirmed when i see their behavior in public for constant attention seeking

I’m sorry user. It’s not your fault. You’re still a good person and you’ll find a woman who loves you like you deserve to be loved someday.

Does anyone know what children who were sexually abused at a young age are more likely to be gay?

I tried looking this up but it's bigotry to ask questions like these.

There are right wing gays out there who don't give a shit about gay pride or anything and have great jobs and lives you know.

See, this is what I'm talking about.

That shit doesn't happen in the Netherlands. Or in many other places that do have gay people. In fact, the only place I can think of where it does happen is fucking Afghanistan, and I'm pretty sure they have the death penalty for homosexuality. But muslims, being even bigger hypocrites than leftists, don't consider it gay when there's a sufficient age gap and it's a non-reciprocal relationship.

This pushing of children as drag queens is extremely new. Literally just from the the last two years, tops. And it's a conscious push by the left to keep the gays voting leftist. I'm willing to bet they stepped it up after the Pulse shooting, too. I mean, a registered Democrat Muslim gunman going specifically after majority leftist gays? That was a big PR hit for the left and its anti-Western lies.

They don't do that shit because they think it's great. They do it in order to convince both gays and right wing people that gays are supposed to act this way. They spread this image all over the American media, so that's what people think of when they think of gay people. And it will make the leftists move more towards the radical left in their idiotic "tolerance" of anything their masters tell them to put their asses up in the air for, and it will cement the notion the right has of gays as degenerate. The left is remarkably open about this reasoning, usually calling out anyone who doesn't like it pre-emptively in their reports and articles.

Again, they specifically targetted groups of children. Those gatherings in liberaries, those camps where they did the runway shows, the attempted breaking down of gender boundaries (but only for boys because tomyboy girls don't trigger anyone). It's a concerted effort to retain the gay vote as the left's sole privilege. People like Trump scare the fuck out of them, because he's probably the most gay-friendly Republican candidate yet. This pushing of child dragqueens coincides almost perfectly

You are a good person.

(((Frank Kameny)))


its cool man, you did some weird shit and its all over now. no need to dwell, life is a learning process and its hard to navigate through all the jewish tricks and fucked up predators out there. i had some similar shit happen to me. i moved to a new town the summer between 2nd and 3rd grade. i didnt know anyone and the only person my age was a neighbor in like 4th grade. it started as some weird flashing game and went as far as him wanting to blow me and me letting him. completely robbed me of my innocence as a kid. i have a feeling he was molested himself so i try not to harbor resentment although it fucked w my head for a long time. it made me swing the opposite way as you though and i fucked as many girls as i could in high school and after and cheated and was an overall bastard.have a senpai now and 2 boys and i will make damn sure the same shit doesnt happen to them

This is a LARP. Try harder.

Don't encourage him.

Homosexuality should not only be normalised, but encouraged. It helps control the population and is ideal in a perfect world. #HomoAboveStr8

Fine with them as long as its not politicized and forced onto people, two consenting adults can do what they want, but they still need to have the decency that the rest of the population has. I say 75% of them are decent people but the other 25% are so loud and annoying

I fucking love Sisko.

Is that the soy-bizzaro version of Paul Nehlen

first of all. hetero and homo doesnt exist. second of all. if hetero were so amazing then why not just become females rather than enabling them. everything heteros can do, gay MEN can do better. everything heteros say gays cant do or suffer from. they invented and do more

Yes sister, you should've been for Catalonia, this is exactly what we wanted. Anything a str8 man can do, we can do like so much better.

>children who were sexually abused at a young age are more likely to be gay?
This is true.
Homosexuality seems to have several different reasons.
1 Genetic, some gays simply have a genetic disposition to being gay
2 Childhood trauma and/or previous sexual abuse.
3 Culture. Pashtuns are, when westernized, about as gay as Europeans. Bud in Afghanistan they fuck guys left and right because it is cultural.
4 Unknown reasons


Any sex outside a monogamous marriage is shit. There are exceptions on both sides, but 99% of the time someone ends up getting hurt (e.g. the aborted child, the cheated on wife an kids, etc.), it's due to sex outside a monogamous marriage. The Catholic Church is totally right on this issue.

youre buttblasted over your nationalistic loss

>anything i dont like is larp

I think Sexuality might be on a spectrum if that's what you mean, Gender is 100% not though .

First off not everyone is a Christfag Second off, you’d be hard pressed to find a christfag who thinks Leviticus means anything this side of the cross.

so you fuck your mother then

I agree

Bisexuals should be allowed to fuck traps thats my opinion.

this. all the clobber passages mean shrine hookers. and sodomy means "grabbem"

Helps us identity the herd to be culled?

>rainbows are shit
>i prefer nephilims
better whip out your gyno at mardi gras

Idk Why the U.S. doesn't have the death penalty for it, its worse than Murder

too many jews do it

you'll be thrown into the camps unless you save yourself from the jewish degeneracy that has made your brain rot.

Star Trek is a good stuff. It always puzzles me that left wing people say "how can right wing people like it?" and plainly don't notice that Trek's message is universal, instead of partisan. I mean, you get Far Beyond the Stars about discrimination of niggers, but then later when it's still bothering Sisko, Cassidy plain and simple calls him out on it.

And I bet they also imagine that the Maquis are left wing freedom fighters, but let's look at them: They're colonists living on majority Cardassian worlds, left out to dry by the nation the came from for political reasons, to a racially driven enemy that everyone is told to respect. Sounds more... I don't know... fucking Rhodesian or some shit, doesn't it? But that's the thing with science fiction: You can take situations very much like real world situations, but remove all priming factors, so people will have to judge it by their own merits. And suddenly you have left wing people cheering for Rhodesia without even realizing it.

And then there was that episode with the refugees. Or the one that did 9/11 before 9/11 even happened. DS9 was fucking great.

tit for tat buddy. the jew star means penis vagina. masons worship "divine" pussies in the sky. get fucked mate

This is almost correct. Just delete the "other man's" part.

No catfishing.

44% of men have anal. and women piss on ya when they cum

just have a gut revulsion at the whole bottom-sex, promiscuous life-style. I think alot of gays actually have deep seated self loathing about it aswell which is one of the dynamics that underlies their constant demands for approval from normal people


youtu.be/lyLgZ65CrUQ in 2024 after Comrade Sanders reelection, the father would probably be thrown in jail

average woman has hundreds of partners. how do men boast of their "conquering" females (oooooo; how difficult) without women allowing themselves to all be whores? you got a g spot. use it. aids meds die in vaginas. there's periods and box pox and zika and super gonorrhea. and snot and smeg and trichomoniasis. and autogynephilia. and vaginismus. yep. nothing gross about you at all. all adult animals suck tits right?

ok epstein. and moore. and pence. and putin. and stormy daniels

I'm surpirsed the fag brigade isn't in here yet advocating for pedophilia by explaining how children understand consent. More on topic though, fags should be dragged to death down gravel or asphalt roads. They're disgusting child-molesting perverts and are not worth anymore thought than it takes to decide what material to use to affix them to the back of your vehicle.

It's absolutely fine.

It's marxism that needs to be eradicated.

Don't let your past be the chains that hold you down, rather let it fuel your resolve to change your future.

finished sucking on a baby penis there rabbi? did you give him herpes? did you put him inside your matzoh? did you drink his adrenochrome?

Moore didn't get Due process but he looks pretty guilty, pence hasn't done anything but hes 100% a closet case, I mean look at his wife. Epstein is a freak, and you know who he hangs out with slick willy

The reason we are where we are, with schools teaching degeneracy about homosexuality & gender, gay marriage, and now advancement of pedo rights and furries is due to the same PC trap that is leading the country to legalize millions of criminals here illegally. "It's only a few. They're people too. They're not harming anyone. What's the trouble - they just want to keep to themselves and contribute positive things to society?"

LIES! They DON'T keep to themselves. Give them a little bit and they'll demand more. They will never be satisfied until the family is destroyed and the sickest perversions known to man become normalized. They are beasts with full knowledge that they live contrary to nature, yet they continue further and further down the path of destruction - unsatisfied unless they can pull others into the horrors of their imagination.

If we would've hung them from the start, we could've avoided the decline of our civilization. But (((they))) love their degenerate pets and they love undermining civil society with degeneracy, in the name of "human rights" "tolerance" "love." The double speak could not be more overt. The Synagogue of Satan is very clever - and very well funded.

youre going in the furnace satan

Day of the orchard when?

faggot flag. israel creator
vagina cult. cgi. led by a fake kike. mazel tov

Well let me think hmm, I believe that you should mind your own business try to gas me and you'll get shot.