Birds, Bitch

29 hours from the biggest upset in Super Bowl history. How will the left ever recover when the most explicitly Christian team in the league wins this game with a backup quarterback?

Lol I hope they win and yet have 0 faith ... If they kneel I'm gonna have a lot of people and alot of food at my house for nothing because I will absolutely shut it down.

fuck off boomer fag football is over

>boomer fag
Why the homophobia?

Oy vey I can't watch to watch the Hand Egg Championship on the Electric Jew, looking forward to all the great commercials interspersed between footage of 30 black men running up and down a field for 3 hours. Maybe they'll do a black lives matter performance for half time!

Stop baiting leaf you're already a huge faggot you don't have to act like one too

I don't know... it's the Brady/Belichick era Patriots in a Super Bowl and they're not playing the Giants... Odds are Pats will win, but it should be a close one.

And keep in mind, if the Pats win, the left will lose their mind because Brady and Belichick are friends with Trump; they had a meltdown last year after the Pats came back to beat the Falcons, Shaun King even compared it to 'reliving election night'. It was hilarious!

isnt eggball played around turkeyfest?

Eagles fans are the reason I'm rooting for New England

>Watching Eagles v Giants earlier in the season
>At least a third of the Giants kneel for the anthem
>All of the based Eagles standing in respect
The NFL as a whole is a joke but go Birds

No one wins in Niggerkneel.


Seems like you need Eli Manning magic to beat Brady in SB.

That said, I think the Eagles will be fired up beyond ordinary given that ref-decided loss vs. Patriots in regular season.

There will be a terrorists attack bigger then 9/11 kek wills it.

This. I'm from philly and fuck football and the retarded mouth-breathers who dedicate their time to worshiping negro felons running around with a ball.

>Caring about niggerball
Get out, boomer scum

I like the Patriots but Nick Foles is such a humble servant of the Lord that I don't really care who wins.

>white qb vs white qb

Can't hate on that. But Brady is going to win and then retire, likely taking a cabinet position in Trump's administration

>implying the Patriots don't represent white supremacy

>usually dgaf about nigger ball
>be at store today
>over hear 3 spic bitches talking
>fuck Brady n fuck patriots!!1!
>teehee lol omg

I really hope the Great White Brady pulls another super bowl ring. Fuck liberals. Fuck shitskins and fuck women

That grateful relives election night everyday

>biggest upset in Super Bowl history.

It would be a huge upset for sure, but nowhere near as big as XLII


Pats=Whites team in league
Hmm . Successful why ?
Owner = white
Coaches = white
80%offense =white
Black offensive player = last name is White
Trumps friends = The winner

Take this thread to /TOTALFAGGOTCENTRAL/ also sage.