Let's settle this once and for all.
Does Sup Forums support Trump?
Let's settle this once and for all.
Does Sup Forums support Trump?
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(((Drumpf))) is the anti-christ
I support the Non-Zionist Kike puppet Trump
If only because he's shown us so much of the "behind the scenes" bullshit the ((deep state)) will pull to get their way.
Sup Forums is one person. Yes i do. Problem?
I think the more important question should be
Does Trump support Sup Forums?
asking the real questions
I just received one the biggest raise in my wages ever and the tax cuts haven't even kicked in yet.
I say we crown the motherfucker king already.
The FBI, DOJ, the whole deep state got THIS corrupt after 2 Obama terms.
And so far it seems like there's still a remote chance of the swamp being drained. I said remote! But it's possible.
Now imagine if Hillary had been elected. Everything would be absolutely fucking fucked mate, big time. There would be absolutely no going back.
2 terms of Hillary would have permanently crippled the USA. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, everything would have become solely an arm of the Democrats and used to secure more and more power til we were a one party system.
Trump might be the best thing that ever happened to the USA because he alone was capable of defeating Hillary, and he alone is capable of withstanding the endless, endless, endless, onslaught of mainstream media bullshit directed at his presidency.
Only he can do this. And if you don't like him, then to hell with you.
Only for the accelerationism.
Even my non white apprentices seem to like him and he woke a lot of people up to the JQ by accident so I think he's pretty fucking cool.
If trump doesn't support Sup Forums, it's only because of how much more redpilled he is than we are.
Trump is redpilled as fuck.
he would do smart bad mouthing us
A good 80% of America just wants Trump GONE.
Sup Forums supports low crime rates, fair elections, less government corruption, a strong America
Sup Forums will support anyone who will give us these things
Democrats will NOT give us these things
Most Republics wont give us these things either.
Trump was an experiment and is an experiment that has so far gone far better than any Democrat or Republican president in the last 30 years.
Its complicated
Campaign Trump was Natsoc, but now he's kind of Jewy, but still better than Hillary or Romney
>Does Sup Forums support Trump?
Sup Forums isn't one person you goddamn moron
yes, pol supports Putin's agenda to weaken America by weakening its institutions and fomenting division and misinformation
Putin approves of pol 100%
Do your two dads love each other? Faggot.
Couldn't give a fuck about your politics and puppets. The elites are enemies of humanity and will always be. There will be no peace in this world as long as they rule. I wish European people and Smericans would wake up and realise that they have always been used as the army of Satan to destroy humanity. Now they will make you all wage civil war inside your own countries. The elites will win and "white" people are literally incapable of coming out of the mind control psyops. I am not giving a shit about politics anymore. Why don't the elites just come out and declare themselves gods already? No one would resist anyway, because they would be too busy fighting one another for the right to lick the elite's ball sack. Fuck this board and the pro-division shills as well. It's all so tiresome.
> he has not read the memo yet and i do mean (you) not putin
I support snuffing out all the corruption in DC. There's a reason why most of the richest counties in the us are right around that cess pool.
My dad works for the Sup Forums company and he said that Adolph Drumpfler is an idiot crybaby. It was 2017 ffs, it was time for a woman president to break that glass ceiling but too many rural plebeians voted for a cheeto nazi so now I have to endure the horrors of lower taxes and less involvement in foreign nations bullshit and less third world colored persons fulfilling their biological imperative to spread litter and crime everywhere. And now trans people have to be afraid of masturbating in public restrooms, like wtf? And more blacks have jobs now? Wow. Making putting black America back to work? Umm sorry sweetie but that sounds an awful lot like slavery. I mean I hate America now, we had a chance to be just like Sweden and we threw it all away just because some racist while republican made some speeches in simple terms that simple people were attracted too and let Putin basically control our govt.
Look at that meme boy taking a pic from behind. Do you think he is well aware of what's in front?
lol think of the gallons of sperm he spewed of that shot when he got home
imagine his shock when he found said picture of the front online.
God, I can't remember the last time I saw a woman with a nice flat stomach and nice tits like that in real life.
I fucking hate living in Michigan sometimes.
>Let's settle this once and for all.
>Does Sup Forums support Trump?
Were you here on election night?
This is a Trump board you fucking newfaggot.
>in all fields
I feel like there should be white christian blonde milkmaids growing on trees out there
Everyone is fat. Last time I went to a strip club, every girl was "Thick."
At my gym, the joke is that I'm the only Michigander trying to gain weight.
this is a nehlen board
Sup Forums is not 1 person.
>At my gym, the joke is that I'm the only Michigander trying to gain weight.
my sides.
good on you tho healthy burger best burger
He is so fucking lame.
based and underrated
No, there's a vocal minority of redditors that continue to push this.
Sure, in 2016 Sup Forums did support trump because it was funny and he was everything the left hated, but now its just sad
>make a poll on pol
>its brigaded by /r/the_donald
like clockwork
Yeah, i think hes funny as hell
I really would like to get up to 82-83 kilos. My accursed Saami genetics prevent this.
He's good for exposing the madness of the libs but he is still selling us to the jews. If it can be like the old school where we are owned by. The jews but can still beat up fags and niggers its an improvement.
>be a swede on Sup Forums
>nobody values anything you say
Sorry bro
but then why did you give me a (you)?
Just came to grab the op pic. You are a fag for posting this thread, hope the (You)s are worth it.
He's not doing shit about illegal immigrants, so fuck no I don't "support" him.
America and Europe are being overrun and destroyed by both legal and illegal immigrants and no one is doing anything to stop it.
There are literally no white countries left in the world. The white race will be totally annihilated in a few hundred years because of shit politicians like Trump who did nothing to stop it.
i know that feel. 75kg master race here only way i can gain is eating powder shakes and fuck that.
or fatty food but fuck that too
For all the problems I have with him he's the best America's got.
I think i am writing on behalf of most nonBurger poltards;
Nah, more like;
I was eating over 4,000 calories a day at one point, shitting 3 times a day and I only gained a pound.
Feels Bad Man.
I'm not.
I'm open to being impressed by him at some point. Likely won't happen until some miracle occurs and something purges him of all his insecurity and need for validation.
You guys can keep buying the bullshit from this huge parody skit but whatever.
Agree mostly.
But for the first 50 years the FBI was run by a cross dressing faggot who would meet with each incoming president with a dossier of every sh*tty thing the new president had ever done. The FBI has always had a certain level of corruption.
>He's not doing shit about illegal immigrants, so fuck no I don't "support" him.
Spoiler alert.
He's just going to talk about it for a few years.
I support trump when our interest align, I don't when they are contrary.
physical labor?
4K cal. is a lot dude. and not very healthy if you are not burning that on the same day
>The FBI, DOJ, the whole deep state got THIS corrupt after 2 Obama terms.
Sure that was the sudden turning point.
Are you a man sized hummingbird?
I was doing 2 hours at the gym in those days. I got sick of shitting all the time and cut back. I'm about 2,800 a day now.
Pretty much. Horribly high metabolism.
Let's hope you can substitute reality with your sad fantasy better than this while you're strangling to death at the end of a rope in a few years.
i want to impregnate that gurl with my mediterranean seed
No this is Hilldawg country.
one (you) = one vote for Hilldawg
2.8k is good. enough to burn and enough to...oh and then you said "Horribly high metabolism"
ouch that sucks by my knowledge there is not much that you can do about that. ask a doctor tho cuz what does user-me know.
bosnian serb? or bosniak?
I voted for Trump to get a tax break.
>Does Sup Forums support Trump?
Fuck no. And in fact, I left the Republican party because of Trump. I'm officially independent now.
Trump supports Israel ergo I don't support Trump.
I support freeing them breasts.
>Everyone is fat. Last time I went to a strip club, every girl was "Thick."
That sounds awesome. Were they THICC in their boobs, butts, thighs, and hips with a relatively smaller waist? If so that's not fat. That's what a woman should look like. Not like a twig with big tits.
Big guts, no tits unless synthetic, cottage cheese asses. I did not want to take a single one of them to the Champagne Room for a $100 blow job.
BT's in Dearborn, MI.
I like him more than any of the other sacks of shit in america.
But to be honest I don't care that much I care more about Scandinavia and the Nordic lands.
that vid almost makes me want to go vegetarian. Almost
trump is a jewish shill fighting for jewish (ashkenazi) interests, or alteast one of their factions. Some of those interests align with interest of nationalistic, right leaning white people.
We must not forget this. Trump is using as and we should use him, and discard him when he is of no use anymore
in politics there is no /ourguy/ because every politician in history (with one or two exceptions) was a parasite who would use whatever ideology they could for their own gains
>Now imagine if Hillary had been elected
First of all you wouldn't even get to know about that memo thing. They were sure she will win and that she will sweep it under rug
I like Trump because he's destroying those who are destroying the country.
>Big guts
Some guys would call something slightly bigger than her gut "fat": >cottage cheese asses
Were they phat?
me too. he is all about chaos and construction via negativa. he chips away at the cancer.
who dat?
trump is a racist, misogynist transphobic orange hitler and is #notmypresident
No Trump
No Fascist USA
90% of America thinks this user is a faggot.
Let's put it this way; I have never gone back to a strip joint since.
Well obviously. The man reduced TAXES on the US economy by almost 30% and lo and behold, ECONOMIC BOOM.
People in other nations will start asking "Why not us" and demand lower taxation soon. The effect of this cannot be understated. Yes, Trump is ultimately a statist but a small government statist is still infinitely better than a large government one.