>Secretly filmed SPLC meeting
>"Why the rise in 'Hate' groups?"
>"It's the rise in the demographic dispossession of white people in America"
>"You can't stop it"
>"It's been planned for a while"
>Secretly filmed SPLC meeting
>"Why the rise in 'Hate' groups?"
>"It's the rise in the demographic dispossession of white people in America"
>"You can't stop it"
>"It's been planned for a while"
Other urls found in this thread:
>SPLC transferring millions to offshore tax havens: Report
>Civil rights group criticized for fat bank account, offshore dealings
>The SPLC holds $328 million in net assets and raised more than $50 million in contributions in 2015 despite spending just $61,000 on legal services.
>“It’s a totally fake organization,” said Fox News host Tucker Carlson in a Thursday night segment on the report.
Kill all traitors.
Gas the kikes, race war now!
You know the ultimate fate of all traitors, don't you?!!!
Jews are truly a plague
Why is this being slid?
Nupol is shit up with crap and this dies down?
Ìf you let this die nupol, you seriously need to KYS
where is the video then?
Who cares?
I actually enjoy them importing thousands of different shitskins to hunt and cook.
My favorite niggers to kill are the ones fresh off the boat, with barely any English ;) Seriously it's really fucking easy.
If you're worried about white whores, get jacked enough to where theyll let you rape them. Turns out they get really wet when you can strangle a nigger, and beat the rest of his niggers to death with a bat.
Thanks m8. Keep it bumped if possible.
Click "view".
>the absolute state of Sup Forums
Somebody ask jorden peterson to comment on this.
He'll probably start crying when he sees it.
Also, does somebody have a link to the actual video that i can download?
SO if you needed more evidence that it is time to kill the kikes,
here you go.
Right click and save.
this subject is too hard can you please post a youtube video where one of our favourite e celebs breaks it down for us
thanks user
Their assets should be frozen and I imagine human traffic laws could be used to imprison these communists. Are they not human trafficking?
I saw this yesterday, anyways
This not only will go under the radar of nu pol, but the whole populace, I think she's right.
You can't stop it.
We need our fellow /pedes/ to get based laura southern talking about it; along with mike cernovich and based stefan molyneux
>Sitting there giggling, when he could have executed a dozen of (((theirs))) in minutes, sending a powerful message. When will Whites understand, that terror is a legit political strategy.
> By 2040, 2050 for sure...
We better have death squads.
Wake the fuck up white people.
link to all videos here
>short version here -
>download of short version here -
>long version here -
>download of long version here -
Seriously, this could redpill so fucking many people, it needs to get momentum.
> Share and spread on Twitter, Facebook, in comment sections, on Reddit, etc...
> Like and upvote that shit so people see it
> We need an organised campaign
I think we've reached Peak Nigger. Let's get this genocide on the road.
I'm sorry, but how are you getting genocide out of this?
How would such a genocide be feasible? What is the constituency that the genocide would benefit?
Important info here.
The same needs to happen with the ADL.
They actually have more control over social media, and are clearly pushing for censorship.
>I'm sorry, but how are you getting genocide out of this?
Demographic displacement is recognized as genocide by the UN.
>How would such a genocide be feasible?
Lower White birthrates and import millions of high-birthrate shitskins.
>What is the constituency that the genocide would benefit?
Jews. White Genocide would remove a major threat to their control of the West AND they could easily control the new mulatto underclass.
>went from 87 percent white to 56 percent in forty years
I don't know, you tell me.
>replacing an the entire white race with droves of third world shit skin immigrants isn't genocide
i mean really? they import tons of cheap labor, make the white working men pay for their entire families housing, food, clothing, transportation, schooling while they just sit on their asses for a few years until they are gifted some shit job because of affirmative action.
simultaneously drain the funds of white people while blocking them out of jobs and college admittance and gifting a comfy life to millions of shit skins who will never question a fucking thing you do because as soon as they enter the country they are told to thank the democrats for the great life they've been giving
and you ask how the fuck this isn't a genocide? how multiple decades of this over and over again won't cause the white race to be outbreeded from over exertion from working to support millions of shit skin families with tax money?
feel free to think just one more layer deep for once user you short sighted fuck
@FrameGames and Matt Semite are honorary aryans
Reminder that the only chance we have to stop this process is to completely destroy the media machine and make diversity unprofitable;
>1. Stop watching TV
>2. Stop buying newspapers
>3. Install a good ad-blocker (e.g. uBlock Origin) and a good ad-free browser (e.g. Brave)
>4. Redpill as many people as humanely possible as to what's happening
Then they take any money they do make in our country and send it home, thus ensuring a never ending supply of third world peasants while they rely on our social system to support them here.
b-but the individual!
see have it all right there
someone post the damn video.
Fuck twitter, save or download it and post it somewhere people can actually access.
>Links twitter for video
Wanna know, how I know you're new?
Reminder that we need rapid acceleration. Things need to change quick before it’s too late.
Wow a Jewish supremacist anti-Caucasian hate group is also an illegal money-laundering scheme which gets away with it because tear tear muh Holocaust. What a surprise.
>What is the constituency that the genocide would benefit
It is the group that show favoritism for their own people and simultaneously do not want others to show favoritism to their own people. There is only one group of people on the planet who fits that description. It is the jews. In the end It's all about favoritism among people. It's about who should be allowed to favor their own people and who shouldn't. Those who do it have an advantage in life and rise above those who refuse to form a united front. White genocide / Immigration / race mixing are concepts being pushed to make sure that no group of people can form a united front. To make sure that nobody else can do what the jews do. That way they can have an advantage that others do not. Do you know how you win at Monopoly or Risk or any board game in general? You tell everyone to not form an alliance, then you form an alliance. It's the endgame winning strategy. You do that and you automatically control the board, you obtain every resource available and enslave everybody, and the best part is that it doesn't require any outstanding talent or effort. It only requires bullshitting. It is a strategy that only requires a lack of moral or ethic, a lack of consideration for other, a penchant for being two-faced and generally being quick to lie.
luckily things are changing rappidly.
Five years ago no one would have guessed the far right would be this far along.
Hell even popular.
Gym chads and cool guys are all right wing now as youth. Soyboi is a well used insult as is cuck.
its snowballing, its only going to pick up speed.
one might even say... the fire is rising?
quite interesting. Thanks for the link
>oy vey goyim pay your taxes it's the progressive thing to do
>*sends at least $4 million in one fiscal year to Cayman Islands*
>more than 7 years worth of available assets in reserve
>"gotta get ready for the Jewenning"
>good layout
>good organization and flow
>lack of redundancy
>articulate and compelling
That was a good read. Thanks user
Can you feel the change of gear? Things are speeding up.
>economy collapses every 5 years (planned by globalists)
>massive layoffs every 5 years
>import millions of shitskins to replace those natives layed off
>impoverished natives get health issues
>get bankrupt by medical bills
>go homeless
>get on heroin
white genocide was never as easy as this
meanwhile poos are now the highest stolen income earners from the whites that perished under the globalist white genocide scheme
Is anything changing in Europe? It seems like your leaders and the most popular people running for office are either far left, or slightly left. Europeans are still cucked.
>meme flag
what the fuck
>SPLC business bullshit
How is this organization allowed to exist? It's an absolute lawyer scam, based upon those claims
You're still here aren't you? Nobody's getting replaced. SPLC saying that you have to live with the trend of increasing amount of minorities =/= genoicide.
whites have collective badluck (yiddish curse of moloch) thats all.
did jews caste the evil eye upon the white man?
Right-wing parties are on a strong rise throughout Europe.
An Italian went on a shooting spree against Nigerians. Brexit feels like more knife than backbone and sinew right now. Sweden overdue an NRM coup.
For the UK we are so divided and lacking leadership it's excruciating. Most people seem to be waiting for American politics to spill over to here. Farage a different Aaron Banks are planning to set up a new political movement/party... I just hope it is hardliners enough on the Islamification of the UK, migration and the scum bag commies that run our university system.
>shitskins swarm comfortable white cunts via yiddish open border/h1b scam
>whites expelled from jobs thru engineered (((economic collapse)))
>locusts buy up all houses, businesses, and jobs
>whites cant buy houses, businesses, or get jobs
>whites cant settle down and raise families
>white declining birthrate happens thanks to locusts hoarding all the white-created resources
>whites go homeless
>whites get a heroin gift from the locust
simple as that my mentally challenged yiddish usurper
the White Race has been graced by the evil eye of the spawn of moloch
Except in the UK m8. We even have Theresa May and the Conservatives being called a Nazi as she wears a bracelet of Trotsky's whore Frida.
That's the thing yet they have control along with ADL.
this resulted in millions of homeless/jobless whites who vanished from the labor force after several engineered economic collapses which saw more asians being trafficked and replacing the layed off whites.
go on a road trip and tour the damage of your once great nation, and see the remnant homeless survivors and the countless graves of the victims of the opioid epidemic
The east is right wing af - more right wing then you mutts and germany has the AfD with 14%.
Need more info on the "planned" economic collapse. Who specifically has made the decisions that directly and demonstrably caused the particular collapses. Better if you can show articles.
I get it. It's the j00z. But no generalizations like that. I'd like to know who specifically is doing the collapsing of the economy that precedes the influx of third worlders. So they may be observed in the future and a collapse can be predicted.