Is Comey implying that there’s more?
Is Comey implying that there’s more?
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the travesty that the DNC cabal and a clique of deep-state partisans committed in an attempt to destroy the man elected President by the American people can not go unexposed, Mr Comey, you disgusting excuse for a man
yes alot more
No, he's trying to save his ass cuz he knows he dun broke the law
The absolute state of a former FBI director.
Yes. A lot more. Comey is /ourguy/
which site is that please reply would love to visit it
I’m tired of his cryptic tweets. If he’s not that badly guilty as Gowdy has suggested, he’s playing the part TERRIBLY
You are tired of his cryptic tweets but you are tripfagging and shit up the board with cryptic larps posted by fucking nobodies on Sup Forums. Fucking kys you faggot stop shitting up the board
Awww sensitive little snowflake much???
What is this wizardry? 🧐
Right, how did you get that?
are you stupid?
Says the id DUH....
Yes. He is a larper and a tripfag who posts shit like
>hi lovey :3
Yes..he is fucking stupid
I’m not a fag. I’m a female. And I’m in no way stupid.
Cool. I know you are new to this board and all but show tits you stupid cunt nobody gives a fuck
I can’t be a LARP if I never play pretend now can I???
Bitch lasagna
You are larper who shits up the board with q/meganon larp generals. You are even dumber because instead of creating the larp you fall for it like some kind of trogoldyte no brained fucking retard
AKA rogue FBI agent
So when did you finally go rogue and start shit posting to fabricate evidence.
You're tracey beanz and youre also dumb as rocks
Comey is shit talking and whistling past the graveyard.
Fucker belongs in Federal lockup and he knows it.
Fuck Q.
Fuck you. I owe you NOTHING.
I’m actually impressed... you learned a new word, troglodyte... you’ve used it the past 2 days alone at least 10 times
4 years ago I was riding my bike and I came up on a car crash and all these state troopers were around and screaming at me I couldn't ride by or get near it because I had to (it was another 40 miles if I turned around and was dehydrated as fuck and dying and I had to turn around though) and it turns out it was the previous director of the FBI that got drunk and crashed his car into a tree. Then the state troopers were all screaming at the doctors at dartmouth hospital that they can't take his blood to treat his injuries because that fuckhead was drunk and they didn't want evidence.
Fuck the FBI they are all faggots.
Nevermind i dont want to see tits anymore just get the fuck off the board or at the very least stop being a lonely fat cunt desperate for attention and drop the fucking tripcode
I am not. She is name fagging as The Beans in another thread
How are you doing this?
yes you are
go into frenzy of damage control before release then its nothing. they know there's more.
Fat? Mmmkkkk. Just for you I will. However for posterity purposes, I’m 5’11” 125 pounds
No. No I’m not
She’s here...boards.Sup
kys tracey
Tracy is in here
You can tell. We both commented.
Wow a tripfag attentionwhore would never same fag would (s)he?
Logically, you're right.
However, it's my understanding that people can LARP simply by expressing ideas that they don't actually believe.
That is, traditionally, a Larper is seen as someone who is pretending to have a specific role that they do not have, a title, or something like that.
But it can also be seen as someone who is adopting as set of positions for their own amusement or for some other purpose. Like pretending to be a Nazi. Someone could argue, if they type some Nazi thing on a message board, that they were just Larping as a Nazi. And, these days, we all know that there is so much larping, so many people expressing beliefs that they don't truly believe, that we can't know what a person truly believes by what they're typing on the internet. It could be true, but it just as easily could be a larp.
It's like when Hillary always ends up covered with the blood of recently murdered victims who pissed her off. Hillary claims that it's always just a coincidence, even if it's 1,000,000 to 1 and it happens the same way 5 times in a row, astronomical odds. With larping, larping is such a common occurrence that you wouldn't blink an eye if someone said they were larping as a neo nazi, a nazi, a white supremacist, whatever. Oh, you type kill the jews 100 times, you must be a nazi or something, but no, it was just larping, and if you're just larping, it means you're not a nazi, you were just having fun on the internet expressing larping ideas, which is such a common thing today.
Kill yourself roastie, even when you're not tripfagging your posts stick out like a sore thumb. Your lack of understanding of board culture and etiquette is disgusting. I hate seeing you shitting up threads spamming "check" like a mongaloid and injecting your boomer-tier benighted opinions. Either lurk or stop posting.
No Comey, you destroyed that trust.
How on Earth can 195k people like what that faggot weasel says? Yeah, I know its mostly bots, but its still pathetic.