Swedish Politician Who Fought for Equality and Open Borders Is Beheaded in Congo
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Good to see there is still poetic justice in the world.
Plz be true
Who has the certification for paying the toll?
Every goddamm time
Life has been too easy for too long in Sweden
Natural selection at its finest
>Doesn't understand why they just don't understand that she's on their side more than her own people
>Dies violently; still not understanding this
Women are just grown children, and should not be in politics. Period.
Press F to pay respe-
Oh wait, no
Its true, was a while ago though in march 2017
That happened like a year ago. Why are they reporting on it now?
She died back in 2017. Why is this being reported on in 2018? Were there new developments?
Not only this but it didn't even phase leftists. They will just virtue signal even harder.
Did the wild ones put her head on a stake located on tribal boarder?
Swedish police officially released her death reason (beheading) last week.
Guess it was a too hot topic during the ISIS refugee crisis ..
oh no, that sucks
The head was never found
The average person is always behind. Ever hear a new song and then like 8 months later it's played non stop on the radio as brand new and the hottest thing going? Same principal
Wikipedia says there's a video of the execution, someone post it
>when your virtue signaling meets reality
see 159098443
lmao hahahahahaha the ultimate state of swedish women
>she probably dies still believing in equality and open borders thinking the ones doing this to her are just 1 off extremists not representative of the whole group
fucking worthless cunt
I think this is it.
that actually explains a lot about what's been going on there far too long
>Swedish woman bravely sacrifices her life to help repay white privilege
>Zaida Catalan
Pick one
Back in high school, guess this was in 07, my brother worked in the swedish Congress as some kind of assistant for a guy in the green party. I was there for a week as an intern.
This bitch was hated. And I mean hated. Green party won't miss her, I say that...
old news.
still funny though
> Wikipedia says there's a video of the execution, someone post it
I always love such delicious irony.
Hahaha oh no no no no no HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
and nothing of value lost
>Sit down here
>Start shooting
>Soft "eek" and tries to run away
>Gets shot
Press S to spit on grave
Africa and Green Party do not go well together.
and its perfect
Does anyone have all these articles? Like the
>Australian woman that set out to prove the middle East isn't violent, by backpacking through it is found beheaded
There's a ton of these "when virtue signaling goes wrong" artices now. Has anyone been saving all of them?
>Zaida Catalan was a Swedish
lol no
And nothing of value was lost.
white women then.
Isn't this SWEDEN NO! since something good happened?
based korean btw thanks for giving us samsung note series
What goes around...
OP delete thread and start over
That's fucking perfect
I thought poo in loos used Nokia and Xiaomi
You've got a point.
Is this what is considered news?
I thoughts news had to be new?
makes sense
i wonder if she was actually having second toughts about niggers after they took turns raping her and beheading her after they got bored?
this I remembered that. you remembere the article about some feminist who virtue signalled hard about open borders, refugees welcomed and was brutally raped and killed
> Catalan
Sounds like ... you know (((...)))
poetic justice
>be ooga booga from the congo
>some dumb white bitch gets her head cut off and you end up with it
>me ooga booga stick penis in head
>literally skullfucked by some nigger sitting in the jungle until your head is just that
they're all fake. that's why what's shown in the OP is some made-up source no one has ever heard of. link a real outlet, even if a biased one like NBC or CBS or Reuters or something. Otherwise it's just literal fake news or a photoshop.
not gonna lie I do own xiaomi good for shitposting device btw as a daily main driver I use note 8 .
Pls be true
Nothing makes me smile more than swedish green politicians without head :D
Liberals led like sheep to slaughter. You cant make this shit up
that sad desu should could have married to a nice white guy but chose to pay toll
> "Catalan"
What, a plain old "Goldberg" now isn't good enough for them?
kek based rare leaf who is still sane nd not brainwashed by media propaganda.
I don't understand why they'd do this. She was literally trying to HELP them and they respond by brutally beheading her?
This doesn't add up. Something else must have happened first to provoke this, surely.
>Sup Forums is now bestgore comment section tier
get the fuck out of my chan you fags.
The story is true but it's like a year old. Why is this news now?
I understand if this thread came out a year ago but now? She was killed in March 2017.
According to Wikipedia, they never found her head, and there's a video of her being murdered.
Also, her father is from Chile.
this question haunts me too in cases like this.
implying nigger care about sentiments. The only thing they care is pussy
People never remember what you said or do, but how you made them feel
Fuck no, she only thought "it's my fault and all white people's fault that they are acting this way, I deserve it" etc
arounds blacks, never relax
they learned the hard way
Hahahaha! Beautiful!
Someone needs to make a compilation pic of open border niggers getting blacked like this. Happens so often.
>i-it happened a year ago so no one cares, stop talking about it!
t. Swede who will meet the same fate in not too long
I would love to see how many there is
No they're not. The one I mentioned was from Daily Mail. Not the best, I know. But do you really think the CNN/MSNBC/any of the lib media is going to run stories that hurt their causes?
An enemy dead, thousands redpilled on the muslim invaders, this was good.
Good times make weak men.
Hard times make hard men.
Fuck, why did they kill them?
Beautiful.... i love this news. Should happen more often...
she's gurgling on her own blood at the end
Surprised the Cong BBC's didn't tear her pussy up first
says the brown monkey from the country where women can not leave their house after 6 pm without being raped