Why can't western countries normalize medical mask...

why can't western countries normalize medical mask? why the fuck do I have to get the flu just because I'll look like a weirdo for wearing a mask in public? Sup Forums, can we fucking normalize this?

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because our air is actually clean

I've seen people wearing these on buses/trains and in walmarts

It’s concerns diseases, not pollution.

It's not for air quality, it's to prevent spreading disease when you're sick with a communicable illness.

dumb retard poster

>why the fuck do I have to get the flu just because I'll look like a weirdo for wearing a mask in public?
so wear one yourself and you won't, you're welcome

Stay home when you're sick fucking pigs.

>tfw no medmask thicc Asian gf

It's not about air pollution as many said before me but still, our air isn't clean unless you live in the countryside.

You need those diseases to build up your immune system, why do you think americans are so strong? Medical masks are unamerican.

So that people have to get (((vaccines)))

White people are genetically diverse enough that the flu dosn't spread at a retarded rate.

Come on now, you're just setting up the le 56% jokes at this point.

>getting sick

>why the fuck do I have to get the flu just because I'll look like a weirdo
Fucking pussy scared of getting sick or how other look at you.

covering up your face is tabboo in western society, im not really sure why or where it came from, but theres definitely something psychological we have about it.

In China it IS about air pollution. You can taste the chemicals in the air somedays and most masks worn there have actual filters in them.

Did crossdressers pave the way for nothing? Wear whatever you want.

>why do you think americans are so strong
this is Sup Forums, not the philippines. We know you're fat, short, and mongrelized.

more please

Because we are founded upon the individual and the individual's identity.
If you hide or make that unknown you're breaking the foundations of our society. We abhor anonymous or cult like actions in public.
Hell go one step further.
Ever look at the faces of the regulars and normies as a chanting crowd of sports fans all go back screaming some shit wearing the same jerseys? They fucking hate them too.

Or wearing a mask could mean two other things, you're sick as a dog trying not to get others sick, in which case they still don't want to be around you. Or you don't trust them at a cellular level to not get you sick, so that very act of distrust makes them not trust or like you either.

It's a japanese thing, not a chinese thing, you stupid nigger!

Not every Asian country is China, desu.

because apparently the kind of person t his afraid of germs is also the kind of person who's too much of a faggot little bitch to do something like wear a face mask because he's afraid of being singled out as "weird" or something

lol seriously?

kys and delete your god damn thread retard

Because Westerners abhor communal good at the expense of individual liberties at all costs. It's why we let in shitskins to our countries, because once you seem as people you allow them the right of self-determination, even at your own expense.

It actually doesnt work. Japanese people get the flu too. It's useless.

relax retard
it's not normal to wear masks in public, how is that so hard to understand?

>faggot little bitch
Why the homophobia?

>having all that moisture trapped around your mouth and nose

because having the flu wont make you feel shitty enough. id rather carry a handkerchief if i cared about other people's health that much

how is it hard to understand that the reason its not normal is because the kinds of cucks who would do this are also apparently afraid to do this and instead whine on Sup Forums like its everyone elses fault jesus christ lmao PUT THE FUCKING MASK ON AND SHUT THE FUCK UP WHY DO YOU CARE

We're not packed in like sardines like gooks and their ridiculously over populated shitholes

i have been thinking this for a long time and bought loads of those masks when in japan and would love to wear them here but people will not have it

No. Weak genes must croak.

As if anybody is afraid of fags

because just one person doing it is not effective, if the whole sick populous did it, there would be a lot more people not getting sick

It's illegal over here because fuck muslims

I thought it was because the craftiest niggers learned to cover their faces before a crime. Nips all look the same so it doesn’t matter if they cover their face or not.

>Just fingered my gf like an our ago.
>Can't help but thinking that her pussy was wet and slimy, 3D pig disgusting.
>Wanted to just fap to clean immaculate 2D lolis instead.

Anime was a mistake.

I go to school in Richmond, and whenever I get out, I taste the pollution and cancer in the air. When people say that American air is clean, they are basically making mutt memes.

I don't even wear sunglasses because I want people to know when I'm looking at them

Thats because you live in Richmond. If you think Richmond is a good example of the average air quality for America, you haven’t traveled the US enough.

Most Americans live in cities like or bigger (more like nigger) than Richmond. It is a pretty good gauge for the average air quality an Amerimutt lives in.

Maybe for half of Americans if we are just going to assume every city is automatically as fucked up pollution wise as Richmon. Glad I don’t, nor will I ever, live in a city if the air automatically is filled with AIDs. Sorry you have to live that way.



I’m planning on, after college, moving out west, away from the nogs and the smogs.

just fucking wear it, why you care what others think?

>why the fuck do I have to get the flu just because I'll look like a weirdo for wearing a mask in public?

The self-conscious virgin vs. the gas mask Chad.

Be the change you want to see. Wear medical masks and dgaf, you homo. Stop caring what retards think. If it bothers you so much spread it in blog posts and start up your own lobbying group to push it on to healthcare.

Weeaboo faggot confirmed. Go suck Japan's dick some more fuckin nerd.

Depending on the state it could be illegal, especially in places that had a lot of KKK activity in the past where anti-mask laws were put into action to inhibit Klan activity/violence.

No, it's really not. It's actually nearly impossible to walk in some Chinese cities without a proper mask on some days.
But you keep watching your animus and fapping to Japanese models, because surely that will end well.

is used a lot in Milan

Nobody had surgical masks on in that movie. It is spelled Mulan, btw.


Do you know how small viruses are? Those masks can't do shit to keep out viruses.

Asians wear that mask when they get sick.

When Whites get sick, we stay home.

Asian girls in these masks are cute.




So if we imported more streetshitters theoretically we could become invincible right

a face mask wont block off air pollution. Only a gas mask would.

lol just get vaccinated

A flu every now and then is good for you, weakling.

People don't wear flu masks in most of the United States because there isn't the same level of Population Density. If you are in a place with a comparable level of Population Density to an Asian country, wear one anyway. You don't have to wait until it's normalized if you're never going to run into the same people enough for social stigma to matter just because of the sheer number, and that's assuming people would care, which they don't.

lets meme that racism is contagious through the air, and you will see everyone wearing those in a couple days

>why can't western countries normalize medical mask?
We're so dumb we might assume the person is a doctor or something and ask him for ass-is-tance.

because you're not a chink

you do realize that they wear the masks because THEY are sick. because it is incredibly rude to cough and breath out a massive amount of germs on everyone else.
its better to stay home when sick but in a country were Karōshi is an actual thing it does not surprise me.


>le 48%
The medical masks have nothing to do with pollution (outside of China). It has to do with spreading germs when you're sick.

both actually

Nice flag.
You look like an angry Finland.

If you don't subject yourself to and overcome the diseases, you'll weaken your genes, that is why face masks are only for those not meant to reproduce and society inherently knows this.

That is why you will always be considered an inferior manlet when you're wearing those things.


I thought it was just to hide the yellow, crooked teeth and awful chink breath.

why do asians burp without covering their mouths or turning away and put their bare feet up on the table in my college? they'll do this shit right next to you.

Why do you need it to be normalized? Be a trendsetter you coward. Why do you care what other think?

OR we could not bring in the 60 iq subhuman trash that carry these diseases? Just a thought.


Most western nations are heavily inoculated and don't need to wear masks to protect themselves from airborne viruses and disease. With that said, it should be a common courtesy to wear a mask when you yourself are sick.


If people started wearing them regularily then armed robbers would start wearing them without looking suspicious covering their faces in public

But a burka is the work of the devil, amirite?

Absolutely most American post on this board

Shut up, you stupid portunigger.

Great leaf debate skills of our time kek

First post best post

You're comparing a burka, which is worn by ugly m*slims to hide their orc faces,to a medical mask that is used in courtesy to prevent contagious sicknesses.
Dirty Dago

>having such a weak immune system that you need to walk around with a mask
I understand if Nipps with their frail and small body need to walk around with a mask but we Germanic people don't need it.

Because they're not actually that effective at stopping the spread of disease, they're just a show of courtesy.

Why does she wear the mask?

I want to have my central nervous system removed.

Read the thread. It's been explained at least 10 times.
I'm pretty sure you're the Swiss nigger that bitched about being a 5'8 manlet and asking how to get a gajiin hunter as a wife in the other thread.
Go back to your mountain hideaway, Hans.

>t. somebody on an anonymous image board with a meme flag

If I took that off would she die?

It would be incredibly painful.

lived in south korea for 5 years, its all about air pollution. if you think its for disease only you are very retarded and should research before you post.

Everyone in here is retarded. It's worn for fashion...that's it.