and it flopped big time.
So should we just give up, be cucked or is the Memo only the beginning of the coming STORM?!
and it flopped big time.
So should we just give up, be cucked or is the Memo only the beginning of the coming STORM?!
>Concern shilling
Season well and send to hell.
Flopped? No. But thanks for trying
> our
Get lost t_d.
>look ma, I posted it again! I’m such an internet troll.
Shills really are bad at pretending.
It flopped according to who? Last I checked every single news agency is still covering it
Whoa, Rachel Maddow said it flopped so I guess that means it did.
This is the beginning of the end of the memo campaign
I think you need to kill yourself right now.
I have read your post and sadly, it appears to contain nothing substantial.
Now the shills are just sucking, sage and let it die.
The memo would have been a flop if Democrats didn't go apeshit over it claiming releasing it would threaten our national security. Now Democrats look like retards claiming it would be the end of the world and then calling it a nothingburger
It isn't even Monday, breh. Expect recusals, resignations, formal charges, orders to show cause and various other severe consequences for the Left.
>and it flopped big time
How exactly is proving that the FBI and DoJ were working on behalf of the Democrats to sabotage a Presidential campaign and then sabotage Trump's Presidency when he won a "flop?"
>Dems say releasing the memo is a threat to national security
>memo released
>Dems say its a nothingburger
>Dems simultaneously say its a threat to national security and Trump is sucking Rushin' cock
>Dems say Trump is covering up Rushin' story that has been investigated for almost a year and a half and found nothing
You can call me a moron all you want but i go with the side that doesn't freak out, change stories, and try to cover things up.
You even construct sentences like a loser.
which side is that?
It's not like it's the last memo the can be released, there's literally like 4 or 5 more, we just get pushing until it does become a big deal.
The memo has literally confirmed we are right and its only gunna get better
Knock, knock.
Who's There?
Yo memo.
Yo memo who?
YoMemo how Obama had *zero* scandals in 8 years?
It's just the tippy tippy top of the iceberg, user.
>So should we just give up
pretty much. the republic is lost.
take the black pill, get addicted to opiates, and die via OD.
tune out, drop out, check out.