Chuck G has been conducting a seperate investigation and will release his findings next week according to Fox.
What could it be about??
Sara Carter also claims Nunes Memo was "phase 1" and is only "10% of what is to come".....
Chuck G has been conducting a seperate investigation and will release his findings next week according to Fox.
What could it be about??
Sara Carter also claims Nunes Memo was "phase 1" and is only "10% of what is to come".....
Other urls found in this thread:
The mainstream media has a downplays developments that run counter to their narrative no matter how significant. It's going to take A LOT to overcome that, but I think theres A LOT there.
they're so cancerous
Theres a ton of predictive programming on Sup Forums about (((false flags))) and somalis. Alex Jones and Laura Loomer were talking about somalis too. I'd wager a jew false flag blamed on islam is planned.
Yea, but Breitbart showed how to beat that and it appears to be what the Republicans are doing.
Issue a damning piece of evidence, with an understanding of what the media will do to downplay it. Once they play their obvious hand, issue another damning piece of evidence. And so on.
Nunes issued his first memo, and Grassley will follow. Nunes will then issue another, Goodlatte may issue one too. And then the OIG report will come out.
By the summer, this whole thing will be a joke that no ordinary American even cares about. Trump will be free to do whatever he wants.
I was still wondering were trump ties into literally any of this unless they are still prying the russia angle lol.
Too obvious. That's misdirection especially if Jones is yammering about it. Just like Paddock was out of the blue thats how the next one will drop.
have a bump
Muslim resentment is pretty low, they need to get more support against muslims so Israel can bomb more Palestinians.
superbowl security got replaced with deepstate faggots connected to the FL nightclub shooting
Mossad did pulse nightclub
Someone posted this the other day.
You're gonna see some serious shit when we hit 88%
Checked back
This also follows their habit of lifting FFs directly from Tom Clancy novels.
I don't even think they would false flag on super bowl Sunday. So much money involved by so many parties
They're willing to try ANYTHING at this point. They just tried to kill 200 republicans.
He's here, thread is blessed, second Memo will pile on the pressure.
Can i get a quick rundown. Who is this Grassley guy.
Why can't I bring back the old captcha in settings? It just isn't there.
Agreed. Kikes keep calling for civil war and armed rebels storming streets on normie news outlets.
It got shut down
If Hillary & Obama don't end up in jail or flee the country than all of this is fucked. Elections are useless and Trump will officially be a failure for allowing a corrupt and broken system to carry on.
I'm affraid it's shit we already know.
I want McCabe text messages. I want info about Weiners laptop. I want info on Debbie Schultz and Imran IT family.
This year is gonna be fucking great
Everyone be sure to record the game, without the intent of selling or distributing, in case something does go down and we need unfiltered footage.
Remember, this first memo is said to represent about 10% of the total amount of revelations planned for release, the next memo will be another 10%.
We could have 6m 7 even 8 more memo type events coming, each with ever more disturbing claims, backed by evidence.
The left can't keep countering with the shit they are throwing now, the worse the accusations become the angrier the American people become, even the MSM will have to drop the bullshit narrative and get on board.
Trump knows what he's doing, it's all part of the plan.
>Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham sent letters this week to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, strategist Joel Benenson, and former DNC chairwomen Donna Brazile and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
>The letter seeks communications involving Fusion GPS and its founders, Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch and Tom Catan as well as several government officials — FBI agent Peter Strzok, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI general counsel James Baker, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and former CIA Director John Brennan.Jason Felch and Neil King have worked for Fusion GPS, it has been previously reported. But the letter reveals the names of several other Fusion GPS employees and contractors — David Michaels, Taylor Sears, Patrick Corcoran, Laura Sego, Jay Bagwell and Erica Castro.
>The senators also want any communications involving Bruce and Nellie Ohr . . . Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer.
Anyone who stays this memo is a dud or a nothing burger is either a shill or an idiot.
I'm telling you, this thread is blessed, check the digits, from the OP onwards kek is speaking
Buckle up.
We just getting started.
Nice digits
Check em
Grassley requested DOJ file criminal charges against Steele for lying to the FBI.
Because Steele told Congress that he had shopped dossier to media.
FISA warrant supposedly has statement from the FBI saying no media had access to the dossier.
By saying Steele lied, Grassley forces the FBI to either admit they lied or they investigate Steele for perjury.
Wagons are circled.
It's always the Jews user.
No Trump, pls, no more winning. I'm so full, so tired...
What happens if extremists shoot kneeling football players?
I can't Wait for the FISA Memo to come out holy shit the Clintions and the barracks would go to prison!!! for a very long time!!!!
Pedo shit will drop this year. Check 'em.
Nice post, thanks
Checked for ONE HELL OF A YEAR
Q is not a larp. Repeat. Q is NOT a larp.
Check the digits in this thread, then go back to the other thread and let them know where kek is.
we're gonna' need a bigger gas chamber
Doesn't really surprise me. I got the feeling one thing will lead to the other. To my dismay it turns out true.
May the force be with us all.
Magic, friend. Hold on to your butt, because this ride is just getting started
there are no coincidences, the magic is real and we are shaping the world by our very thoughts.
That's a good way to do it. Get them to mire themselves in lies, and then drop something that will expose those lies, get people questioning why the media was in such denial.
This is key, Trump is basically goading them at this point, they are basically reflex reacting to everything, and when the full truth is exposed the corrupt press will be finished.
It also means getting everything out there before the media does.
Trump is tweeting about the FISA memo now
Comey on suicide watch
When all the memo's are released, people will understand that the upper levels of the DOJ and FBI were never on Trump's side.
Something that you all should do is look into who Adam Schiff is connected to, you will understand why he's so scared lately.
[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
The Chad Imperium is a server for political discussion, (((everyone))) welcome
Who, faggot?
This is also the way to completely destroy what little credibility and influence the media has left.
WSJ said that...?
Wew, lads
Do you have copies of the photos showing correct the record email offers to forum mods, ~25k?
Been looking for a while.
Saw it in one of those threads once.
Slow dripping it could be a way to get them to have to keep correcting themselves while trump doesn’t, thus destroying their credibility
No shit, I'd watch them suicide.
drip drip
Bump because Kek wills it
This thread keeps getting digits
i'll tell you what if I was working for DOJ or FBI, I would be fucking pissed my bosses smeared my reputation like this. I would expect the dominos to start falling pretty quick starting monday morning.
Comey will hang
Kek is without a doubt IN THIS THREAD