Why do you hate us

Explain why you have a hatred towards us

Other urls found in this thread:


because I work in road construction

Because the logical conclusion of your ideology is a joke.

Because you have love only for money

Some of them are boots. Some of them worship boots. Some of them can't see boots.

Pick 1.

>not wanting to reap those sweet sweet private road contracts
It's like you hate money or something.

>How to type words without saying anything

Ancaps are cuckolds

Because your perfect society would lead to feudalism and endorses all types of degeneracy.

because of your acceptance of and association to mainstream politics

because you're whiny cunts who say things like why do you hate us. your ideology is a joke and not practical at all

>And then God said, "Come not into my kingdom! For your ideology was not practical at all!"

Let me guess, if I just did everything you wanted things would be way better than freedom, right?

>Some of them can't see boots.



Ancap is great, because when your neighbor's sex slaves escapes and is bleeding on your lawn, you can just hit her with the flame thrower without getting government involved. Taxes are too violent for me.

Because ancaps are just as inhumane and cruel as communists.

because 100% ancap is stupid
80% is just right

Are you retarded?

Because your ideology will only every work in debate because it has no chance of being applied in the real world. It's strictly an academic argument with no way to be implemented.

I see your point, but could you acknowledge that collectivist cruelty is FAR worse than individualistic?

For fucks sake, some ideologies, literally, put the state over the individual. Are you kidding me?

>nice strawman

what freedom you idiot? you think if we lived in an ancap society you'd have freedom? you're delusional if you think that's the case.

What's with this infatuation with the individual? I'm honestly curious.

Basically their parents always told them they were special growing up and they believed them.


You're thinking of communists. AnCaps don't have a love affair with money.

Because Rothbard argued for parents to have the right to starve and/or abandon their children.
Also Walter Block's book Defending the Indefensible is basically a defense of Jewish behaviour. Also Ayn Rand was way autistic but you probably will argue that you're not objectivist but part of some other sect of libertarianism. Also the Libertarian Party banned Ron Paul from appearing at its conference. Fuck these cucks

No, I'd die from a famine or be recreationally nuked. Sorry I'm not self interested enough to give a shit.

Thr weak should fear the strong.

>AnCaps don't have a love affair with money.
AnCaps have a love affair with credit.
>Usury is SIN

I don't.
Sup Forums doesn't actually know anything about Ancap, and get their knowledge from memeballs.

desu senpai we're already living in an AnCap society. Not you and I, but the elites of the world. There are no rules for those at the top, just deterrence from other elites.

Used to watch a bunch of those faggots on YouTube. Can say they are delusional and out of touch with reality. They even believe humans will just behave ethically without any incentive to do so.

Because you're fucking stupid.
Capitalism is all about shutting the fuck up and being a good goy, anarchy is the exact opposite of that ideology.

Loaning money to people and expecting some interest isn't the same usury you're thinking of. You're thinking of what (((Central Banks))) do. Which is create money out of thin air and issue it as debt to others.

There is a reason that if I am to issue a loan to you, I earn interest. Otherwise why the fuck would I ever take the risk of loaning to you? Couple that with the opportunity cost and there would never be an incentive to do so, beyond the "goodness" of my heart, which is a communist tier argument.

>desu senpai we're already living in an AnCap society. Not you and I, but the elites of the world. There are no rules for those at the top, just deterrence from other elites.
Feudalism in other words. AnCap in theory is actors basing their actions on praxeology. AnCap in reality is cyberpunk dystopia where MegaCorps squash dissent and the populace is enslaved through contractual means

>Which is create money out of thin air and issue it as debt to others.
The vast majority of money is created by private banks, bud.

Too many niggers and pakis for it work

>contractual slavery
Hahahaha, nigga...how'd you get contractually enslaved, nigga?!?!?! Hahahahaha, nigga! Just turn off the computer, nigga! Hahahhaha!!!

>Too many niggers and pakis for it work
Implying Somalia and Waziristan aren't quintessentially AnCap

need a friend?

>AnCap in reality is cyberpunk dystopia
False, that would be more akin to corporatism. I don't think AnCap can actually be achieved until we become a space fairing society and people have the ability to fuck off from each other.

>The vast majority of money is created by private banks, bud.
Define "money". Banks cannot create Bitcoin and they cannot create gold. All they can do is fool idiots into thinking their shittoken fiat is "real money".

>American education
Didn't you have any Latin education, fucking pleb?
>In ancient times, one of the most direct ways to become a Roman or Greek citizen was by means of a self-sale contract. The laws surrounding Roman and Greek manumission made it quite possible for such erstwhile slaves to then become citizens or near-citizens themselves.[4]

You are great conceptually, ideologically, and in practice under certain circumstances but are a joke strategically compared to other political systems.

You can only exist for shorts periods of time after an authoritarian from a competitive ideology voluntarily gives up the state.

Money: fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2
Banks can create their own crypto
Gold mines produce gold all the time
THere is nothing special about BTC, it is a very inefficient piece of shit that needs lightning network to function. RaiBlocks is the superior currency

See that word before slave?

That means I don't give a fuck. Can you prove that first word is a lie? I still probably won't give a fuck, but I'll acknowledge the slavery.

Because you have a yellow and black diagonal stripe. That's it. Sorry.

and you look like a frog.

Yeah it works great for them


you could be more than THAT.

what? you crazy but likeable, the only kind of anarchists I can stomach

you're ok lad

>at least I have my constitution

Radical libertarianism is just as retarded as communism.

You have the intellect of a negro

What? Are you equating gold with Bitcoin?? LMAO, lay off the anime kid

>at least I have my constitution
You mean
>at least I still have my property rights

If I can't put everything on the line, why can I put anything there?

It doesn't make any fucking sense. Were you born just to do everything you were allowed to do, then die? How fucking sad.

so much edge
the elites have always lived above the law, it's been that way since time immemorial. i wouldn't say it's ancap at least by their definition of it

LN is actually a joke. BCH is the true bitcoin. At any rate, a centrally controlled "crypto" is not a crypto. Gold mines, like crypto miners work to create the commodity and its distribution and supply are not one sided as new entrants can come in.

Not an argument.

>BCH is the true bitcoin.
>Muh decentralized cryptocurrency muh independence from private banks and central banks
>Shills for BCH with its huge blocks that prevent individuals from mining

>Gold mines, like crypto miners work to create the commodity and its distribution and supply are not one sided as new entrants can come in.
Big blocks like that of BCH will prevent new entrants from coming into the BCH mining business.

Just. Let. Go.

t. confirmed to have no idea how mining works

Although this was already apparent as you shilled a DAG.

Why? I tried have reasonable, polite exchanges in AnCap threads and all that was returned was low quality memes and accusations / insults.

Go suck Roger Ver's dick

Because most of nu/pol/ is full of collectivist scum.

Gee never seen this one before. I guess crypto btfo then.

>I guess crypto btfo then.
No, just BCH


>tfw no crazy ancap gf raping your asshole with a cactus because you violated the bathroom NAP protocol by throwing your stinky filthy week-old worn socks on her freshly laundered clothes

>t. confirmed to have no idea how mining works
>Ad hominem: Attacks the characteristics or authority of the writer without addressing the substance of the argument

youtube.com/watch?v=CMOp_twZRNU good discussion about libertarianism

You're literally just the flipside of ancoms.

>Go suck Roger Ver's dick
Literally your only argument against BCH. It doesn't centralize mining anymore than it already is.

If we scaled to Visa level transactions TODAY it would cost $2000-5000 for miners to facilitate the HDD space. You know nothing of mining because you think mining operations small scale niggers in Africa running miners off raspberry pis.

Nevermind we are nowhere near that level of adoption, so by the time we were the costs will have dropped and AGAIN even if we were there TODAY it would be a drop in the bucket for mining ops today.


We don't. It's just that an-cap however nice it may sound is incompatible with humanity since we are natural collectivists. I actually like Ancaps and think they are bro-tier.


Calm down Groucho Marx

Its a meme. You must be new here. Can't refute the argument though, can ya?

Pic related is (You).


>I actually like Ancaps and think they are bro-tier.

that's true, they are insane but very likeable


I don't hate you ancapanon, I just think you need to see the light yet. But you are on the right track, you are longing for a society were you can build on trust, which is good, and you understand that it isn't possible right now. You will find out what needs to be changed. And then, just then, you will find the path you need to walk first.

because most of you retards unironically think that your system is achievable without genociding every shitskin
you should become natsoc to establish a global white supremacy and try to make ancap work afterwords

because your not finished yet.
here is a preview:
>you realize (((they))) will never leave you alone
>you realize everyone is tribalized but europeans
>you realize once were a minority (((they))) will vote to enslave us
>you realize the only way to win is for us to collectiveize
>you realize Hitler was right

In a completely rational world, the state fails. Unfortunately, we don't live in a rational world, so as appealing as right-wing anarchism is, it is a pipe dream at best.

So, I have no fundamental quarrel with the NAP, and I really do prize freedom, but I think minarchism is a more feasible solution than anarchism is.

Because you steal my surplus


Because you follow a jewish ideology

Your ideology would lead to collective cruelty, the collective cruelty of a small elite over the mass of people.

in our hearts we are all ancap

it is just that the world as it is today wont let us have nice things. and to purge the bad in the world we need government back up...we just don't tell them that we are actually just using them

because anarchism of any kind results in a power vacuum which leads to tyranny.

because OP should read more Hoppe.
Hoppean AnCap is the ultimate redpill