I finally decided to accept the fact that I'm a filthy hopeless weeb. And now that I've accepted it I feel amazing! It's like a whole new world has opened in front of my eyes: a world of dreams and perfection. No more need to sweat over real life because I have my fantasies to escape to. Whether it's the fateful encounter with a super kawaii senpai or eating lunch on the school roof with my childhood friend, everything is amazing. Life is wonderful!!!!!
I am a WEEB
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Have you picked a waifu yet?
Will you actually go to Japan ever?
If not why not?
You might be able to get a job there.
Oh I had a waifu long before accepting the fact that I'm a weeb.
Nakamura Yuri from Angel Beats
Pretty good taste OP but who is the girl on the right?
It might be a little hard to believe, but I actually have been there 4 times already. Mostly Akihabara and Tokyo, but I've been to Hiroshima, Osaka and Kyoto too.
I won't lie my main reason has been Akihabara. Oh and last summer Comiket 90. And I have some legit japanese friends who have a doujin circle. I also draw myself: pixiv.net
This is not your fucking personal blog. Nobody cares what you do with your life, now GTFO and go back to tumblr or whatever other shithole you came from.
Sup Forums is an anime website.
>Pretty good taste OP but who is the girl on the right?
no idea I ripped that image off google. I have Kirisaki Chitoge pillow though
Good taste.
nice blog dude. enjoy your ban btw
thx I will
Your life isn't an anime. Get fucked.
Sup Forums has gone to shit fuck I hate this board now
what are you doing in Sup Forums then?
fuck off
>his life isn't an anime
CONGRATS!!! Hope you enjoy this new life of yours anons. Savour every moment
You don't get to question Satan. Die in a fire.
This new "subculture" makes me so angry
That's what I said, his life is not an anime, he's just a fucking idiot who calls himself weeb.
Why are you anons humoring him instead of telling OP to fuck off?
Are you being ironic? but you are not even using sage
This board sure has changed for the worse
it's always been in the worse, this is Sup Forums's Sup Forums
ironic weebs have been around for years.
But now they are the majority anywhere outside Sup Forums
That's not how it works you whore.
Kill yourself retard.
you're trying too hard to be an otaku. Only a japanese person can be an otaku. Follow the path that I chose and embrace your weebdom... It's sweet dude
Give it time and it'll pass just like every internet trend.
Stop going outside of Sup Forums then.
Who /digibro army/ here?
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is that such a bad thing? anime being normalised can only mean better anime quality
Where's the waifu roulette?
Do you speak japanese? I wish I do because then I could watch all animes ever made.
This is not proper weeb.
I don't know, I'm here for my dubs
low quality waifu
I'd take the lolz sO RanDumzXD!! shit of the mid 00's over the ironic weaboos any day.
yeah it does, wtf??? do you expect some 2d paper shit to start loving you
>yeah it does, wtf??? do you expect some 2d paper shit to start loving you
this made my day. Thank you
>Nobody cares about my manga threads
>This shit gets fuckton of replies in an instant
I hope all you get cancer.
stay mad my man
You can leave with him
wtf i love mangas where are your threads
Maybe you just need to post about better manga.
this desu this!
>this desu this!
and you guys say I'm a weeaboo? Whata fuck is wrong with being a weeb when all of Sup Forums uses weeaboo language