What happened to madokami, is it dead?
What happened to madokami, is it dead?
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works fine for me
go ask on irc and post results
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You may also tell Yen Press that various sites archive threads on Sup Forums. Those threads can then be accessed for copyright reference. This thread ID is 159102229 as in boards.Sup Forums.org/a/thread/159102229
Contact Yen Press at: yenpress {{AT}} hbgusa.com
If you are a news media journalist or blogger that wishes to write about the problems of piracy impeding translated japanese media from entering markets outside of japan, contact: publicity.yenpress {{AT}} hbgusa.com
Fuck off.
10/10 I'm fuming right now.
Hiiro has officially stated he supports the law.
So he officially doesn't support illegal activity.
Fuck off $14 for a light novel yen press
blame the people for posting pirate site info
justify thievery
people have the right to eat
so that justifies shoplifting a loaf of bread from the wealthy supermarket
Why don't they just make a torrent out of it?
>go ask on irc and post results
where is that?
The existence of Madokami and replacements should be reported to all of the proper authorities and publishers. Send an email about the existence of Madokami and its replacement.
Why reporting infringement is a good deed:
Report piracy and copyright infringement:
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Please also tell Yen Press about the existence of mass download sources of their products.
Like hell that's the issue Yen press has a well deserved reputation for being shitty
One does not infer the other.
> thievery
That's exactly what Yen Press is doing, except they have the law on their side.
That site archives scans of Yen Press publications.
It also has stuff from other copyrighted publishers.
Please also tell Yen Press about the existence of mass download sources of their products.
>What happened to madokami, is it dead?
Did anyone notice the visual pun that OP made?
>Jew press shill
Go end your miserable life.
How many copypasta is there of this?
>Go end your miserable life.
Sperg more
Get out of Sup Forums for shilling for some jew company that throws fans who translate shit under a bus.
As many as needed?
It's still the best and official translation.
>It's the best if I pay money for it and it's official
Go back to sucking their jew cock.
>deleted post
>fuck paying for a light novel
Then you should tell Yen Press you want them to lower their prices to compete with the pirates. Instead of fighting criminals, one should embrace them?
Contact Yen Press at: yenpress {{AT}} hbgusa.com