143 is out!
Boku no Hero Academia
>introduce character who can't absorb hits cause he's fat.
>lol he can turn absorption into energy and also burn his fat.
Slim Gum looks cool
can absorb*
I was wondering why this lacked any sort of discussion for a pretty good chapter.
Fatgum has unironically become an even better character by losing weight
What do you mean? We just have a nice thread about the chapter
fat guy instantly burning all his fat with a technique is an anime cliche at this point
but Fatgum Slim converts all the energy into wan pan I believe which is a decent twist
Neither of these Yakuza seem to be "trash" with nothing else to live for like the others. One of them just likes fighting and the other seems to be a buddhist.
I always find fat characters with fat based abilities in Manga to be boring as fuck, having a way to slim down and convert the fat into power is pretty neat but in my head I'm like "Yeah but then he'll just be fat again in a few chapters"
The slim version looks cool as fuck.
What's Rappa's power anyway? "Punch like you're straight outta HnK?
not that I'm complaining but why are they giving red riot so much screen time?
>post yfw Fatgum Slim
my boy!
I prefer this one
this translation lol.
I'm so curious to know what happened in his past that made him feel so scared that he would not save someone again. This face screams agony
these ones are most likely mercenaries seeing as Nighteye and the cops had no information on them
Can we all agree kendou is the strongest first year UA girl
So are there any remotely good translations out yet?
Do we know his family situation?
>yfw he had a little sister who died in front of him. (like, shot or a car accident)
>And he either couldn't save her in time with his quirk or his quirk only activated AFTER said family died
>whatever happened was bad enough to make him label himself as a "useless bastard"
I just want him to be happy, anons.
Shield Guy seems too loyal to be a mercenary.
The only one to catch a real villain and she's top of her classes
Why has Kirishima gotten 2 on-screen fights this arc yet we still haven't seen Ochako and Tsuyu have a real fight?
Not concrete evidence, no. I mean, I assume his parents are ok since Aizawa and All Might had to have gone to ask them permission to let Kiri live in the UA dorms. There is one situation in the LN, when he and Bakugou were in their study "date", where Kiri said that they couldn't study in his home, but he didn't gave a reason why
Nope, Ibara is stronger.
fallen angel is best
She's the strongest in class b and class b is superior to class a
sales = power
Kirishima has a huge fujo base
Since when'd you guys get so cancerous holy shit. This is what happens when people dont tell idiots to fuck off with their retarded opinions.
Transfer Kendou to Class A and get rid of the rest. It's the only way.
Kendou got raped by lightning in the cavalry battle.
hey pal can you fuck off.
come on man.
Kendou allowed ibara ot take her place in the tournament , if hori didn't do this kendou would have won the whole thing
The Bane fight has probably been off-screened unless they do a "5 minutes ago" thing.
redboy is best boy
she would have done so well against Kaminari
Kendou allowed Ibara because Ibara's team clearly did better than hers. The only reason they lost is because Shinsou used his hax at literally the last second.
Don't forget that Ibara did very well in the entrance exam and the race of the Sports festival, better than Kendou each time.
Kendou would have beaten Lida
Well as good as it was, there isnt exactly much to discuss
Fatboy slim is the only real revelation
You first.
Why were Chinese Lizard and Hank McCoy a two-man team? Could they really not find anyone else?
>faggots trying sexualize minors
I knew fags were sick in the head
Toga is gonna appear in the second cour, right? I've lost track in how far the adaptation will go in s2.
Is the arc over? No. Tsuyu and Ochako fought two giants in team.
Class B had two teams with just 2 people. Chink and Beast, and Pony and that lizard guy.
Don't ask. They're retarded
come now implying there aren't plenty of underage nerds here
can you see now that telling someone to fuck off does jack shit?
I want to with Mirio, double penetrate Amajiki!!
Denki would have turn into retard mode , and she would still be standing ready to fight
They are the new togafags(but worse), it's just a big cycle at this point
>tfw your husbando is free of fujo taint
Fatgum became one of my favorites very quickly
>Togafags, Momofags, Kendofags, Frogfags, Invisifags, Earphonefags don't exist
Have a (You)
Jesus Christ tolerating kids and mentally ill fags has brought this board down
I'm liking Rappa much more than the other three that Suneater fought
The mall , and yes she'll appear
>implying that it isn't a European problem
Lucky. Who?
>Getting BTFO by Deku
Has any villain ever been more useless?
How can you guys think big hands girl is anything but fodder? She'd lose to the majority of class a.
It's been hinted more that kendou's the top girl of class b
Post pure boy
don't let him die
That's the joke it's a meme to like the nobody character and pretend she s anything but a background character
All thats been hinted was that she's the big sis of the class.
Ibara squashed someone most first years would have trouble with.
we see a lot of him in the last thread, now let's focus in something else
>Basically Bob from Tekken
Does Hori likes Tekken by any chance?
Any chance of a luchador hero?
>chapter is just Kirishima angst
Wow I waited 7 days for this
I never said I liked them, just that they're here.
Remember Kids,
Fujos are girls who ship yaoi couples
Fudanshi are boys who ship yaoi couples
don't mix it up
>well choji it looks like were gonna have to use, that
Aww, c'mon
She's never lost unlike most class a girls, she caught a villain proving herself more useful than most of the class a girls and she has an op quirk
>not Lucha villain
Kiri angst is the best kind of angst
Rappa is stronger than Muscular.
whenever I see the name "rappa" I immediately think of parappa the rapper which makes him about ten times less threatening, not that he was threatening to begin with
People thought kirishima was gonna be a background character now look at him , kendou gonna be relavent real soon
I'd hardly call that a real fight. It was over in 2 pages.
Doesn't mean shit , ibara is irrelevant
>lizard guy.
He's actually a Mantis
>he doesn't know there are a lot of endeavor bara fanart with all might
Ok, how serious are Kirishima's injuries? Because with the whole "hardening again after it is shattered" and how he looks on the last page, it doesn't look good.
Like torn, shredded and skinned. Plus he has still those empty white eyes. "Shudder"
And Fatgum is all: Hey, you did well!