Ep 13 "A Farewell to Arms" previews soon.
Are you ready for EOTS fellow ningens?
Ep 13 "A Farewell to Arms" previews soon.
Are you ready for EOTS fellow ningens?
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Favaro's new harem.
Favaro's harem of girls not interested in him.
Favaro's old harem
And some spoilers from Satou.
I hope this bruise is from a bitchslap.
>Nina turns into a dragon through bitchslapping Cheerios.
I like it.
Next episode is confirmed to have dragon Nina wrecking a golem.
Going by the charred surroundings it's probably after the weapon has fired and blasted everything to all hell.
Endgame right here lads.
Endgame right here lads.
Sure thing user.
Just DO IT goddammit
Why doesn't she give him his hand back?
Is this the face of a mother who's about to watch her child get killed? I could have sworn there was one twitter spoiler from the studio with one of the sub screens containing terrified Jeanne holding her face and screaming but I can't find it anymore.
>inb4 they're looking at Cheerios making out with Nina.
Well given that we know that the God ship is going to get BTFO'd and El is literally at the forefront of the ship, I wouldn't be surprised if she sees it getting destroyed and jumps to the conclusion that he's dead. Whether he actually dies or not is to be seen.
It would be great if Mugaro actually died.
Rita is looking at Kaisar with such care. They are perfect for each other.
It would be great if Cheerios died and the the whole gang could go on a fun adventure instead of dealing with his shit politics and all that boring crap.
I see no care there. Unlike when he got on his knees to great Jeanne and was looking at her with his eyes literally sparkling. Face, the zombie has no chance at winning the Kaisarbowl.
post yfw angels are BTFO
You will get 12 more episodes of Cheerios and you will love them.
He sure gave a nice show, but that doesn't wash away the fact that he remained Cheerio's lap dog for years after he exiled and targeted Jeanne. Seriously what the fuck is Kaisar trying to do?
I'll love it when he dies.
>me in the middle.
That's what I'd like to know. He says he wants the three races to live in harmony, but I don't think he actually has a plan as to how to achieve that. I hope this is an upcoming plot point and he actually does something.
As for him not helping Jeanne despite promising her that he'd be there for her if she ever needed help, I assume he thought she was just peacefully living somewhere else.
That's because Kaisar treats his superiors with uttermost respect. There were no romantic feelings involved in this reunion.
Someone as useless as Jeanne is unworthy of a man like Kaisar.
Jeanne literally asked him to stay with Orlean's Knights. Kaisar also was massively conflicted about staying loyal to his personal rules and staying loyal to knighthood. Thanks to Rita he made that final choice.
>Someone as useless as Jeanne is unworthy of a man like Kaisar
I can't wait for cheerios to die
Fuck off. I can't wait for the haters to be shown Charioce's light tomorrow.
Don't expect it to happen any time soon. We still need a proper backstory on him, how he found out about this new power and what is driving him so far. I'm fairly certain he's going to die by the end though, probably sacrificing himself for Nina.
Cheerios did nothing wrong.
Even the MC from the game can agree with Cheerios in stopping humanity from getting bullied by Demons and Gods, which is 90% of the game events.
Sorry user, Satou's spoilers show that Cheerios is still alive and well, sitting on his poop throne. Mugaro on the other hand, hasn't shown up on any spoilers at all, we can assume that he's the one who is going to die next episode.
So they record the BGM after animation is done? Is this typical for anime, because I always thought they just commissioned some music, then worked the tracks into the series during storyboarding and principle animation
Cheerios was a mistake. He brings nothing into the show beside cancerous LARPers and various other whitters. You could replace him with literally an inanimate object and nothing would have changed.
>Is this typical for anime
It isn't.
This should probably be taken with a grain of salt since most of the promises and tag lines regarding the show turned out to be bullshit but it was said Nina would be the one to make some kind of final choice. I doubt she would be a passive recipient of Cheerios' sacrifice unless that line also turns out to be bull.
If this guy is the "villian" then why is he the best character?
What character? All I see is a hat stand.
I think Cheerios legitimately likes Nina, but is too emotionally retarded to sway her to his side.
Azazel did the 'jackass with a soft spot' bit much better tbqh.
Has everyone forgotten about Azazel?
In-universe yeah.
Who? Oh right, the guy who died in the dungeon crushed with the rabble?
Amira when?
After credits of last VS episode.
I'm sure she'll be in the new OP/ED for 0.5 seconds to raise hype levels.
I have a feeling Bahamut is going to somehow return. And when he returns, that means Amira returns too. I know a lot of people didn't really care for her, but I'd like to see her and Favaro reunite with Favaro keeping his promise of showing her the rest of the world.
>he thinks Azazel is being kept in the communal dungeon
He's actually safer at the moment than the main cast.
Gab, pls
Friendly reminder it will be man-made weapon fueled by forbidden magic that will strike down Gabriel's new shiny divine spaceship.
This event will mark the beginning of new era for humans, gods and demons alike.
Ah, I forgot about the picture.
Cheerios is truly Big Emprah's reincarnation
What even is Bahamut?
Norse mythology has the myth of the snake god that grew so huge it wrapped around the world and could eat its own tail. When he releases his tail Ragnarok, the end of the world will begin. A lot of world ending reptiles/dragons like Alduin from skyrim and probably bahamut too are based of him Jormungandr the world serpent. He's just suppose to usher in the end of the world but the gods always work to delay it.