Meet the new Oarai Student Council.
Girls und Panzer
First for Yukari is so ugly.
When will these daily generals without new content till March take a break? For real, geeze.
Well, you are not obligated to reply if you don't want to and also let the thread die if you're truly concerned.
I'm both happy and a little disappointed to see Saori get the the Secretary role, I was kind of hoping she'd take over Momo's spot with a firm but fair parental kind of role, especially seeing as she's Hana's best friend. But then again I guess Yuzu definitely exudes more motherly traits and is a better fit to Saori personality wise deep down with how kind and caring they are. I'm sure Yukari will make for a really fun Vice Prez though.
Either way, this is the trio we all expected and wanted so my hype and hope grows even stronger for Final. Hopefully Saori gets some good screentime even as secretary, if they're even going to kick Final off at this point in time, the more she's animated the happier a man I'll be.
I wonder when we'll get some more images in relation to Final soon, this is a great one to start us off. I'm just hoping we still get to see plenty of the old student council.
I'm pretty sure I missed something somewhere.
Someone can give me a tl;dr without spoilers?
But where are our Turtles now?
>Yukari as PR
This could be very good or a nightmare.
Which of them has to act as a ladder for Hana?
She'd probably enjoy it the freak
Nevermind, Yuzu was the VP, she really got the short end of the stick doing both secretary and VP work while Anzu did nothing and Momo spent time trying to do the moral commitee's work. I have much more respect for poor Yuzu now, especially as she probably does the larger load of the work in her household too with all those younger siblings.
Yuzu's hard working spirit combined with how laid back she is is why she will consistently be my favourite turtle
Cat from the Monogatari movies is way more intellectually superior in terms of being a great student council president. Monogatari is truly a great series that people can talk about without feeling ashamed that their watching some asian cartoons.
Oh, (you)'re still here?
I want to kiss Momo.
I want to kill Yukari
You don't want to kill Yukari.
You want to do something against your bad taste.
I spent so much time reading stuff from other schools that Ooarai is probably the one I read about the least.
I hope all the spinoff school have cameos on The Finale specially Eclair and Shizuka
honestly the thought of not seeing the OVA's is the only reason i haven't killed myself yet.
This is new content.
I think Miho instead Yukari would be in it, as president.
The real question is, can Hana give as good thighjobs and fellatio to MEXT guy as Anzu? They have no chance otherwise.
>MEXT guy getting thighjobs and BJ's
Tfw your waifu is president of student council.
Tfw she gets more than two scoops of ice cream.
In reference to the OP, I mean
Rosehip is the most intelligent girl in GuP
The real question is, will the new student council allow for a volleyball club to be formed?
I wonder if the crews make fun of some vice commanders fixations on their captains? (mainly Erika and Nonna, Fondue may also qualify.
The new transfer student is kinda cute!
She seems kind of old, are you sure she is a student?
I want to pump and dump Ami in false hope of starting a family with her!
Absolutely. Look how young and fresh she is.
Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!
Everyone has such pretty eyes in this show.
>Darjeeling and Mika with a heart
What do they mean by this?
I've been out of the loop. where did this meme start?
no idea, my guess is Sup Forums's libertarian right generals. she fits the pinochet vibe though
I think they all did their fair share of hard work. Turtle team is amazing.
Wow, she looks beautiful, I'm going to ask her if she wants some lunch.