Looks like a new dress. I wonder if she'll actually be in the novel or just appear in the end like Crab did in the last novel despite being on the cover.
Will be animated in 7 years sick
Are they running out of names for titles now?
As to the new look she must be taking tips from that Touhou in Hopeless Masquerade or something
So, when is it coming out? When will we get the summary?
wait new girl
They used to be actual puns, now they just slap any word onto 物語.
Probably sooner. Off Season is already in production according to some Aniplex producer. I'd say 2019 for off season to fully be adapted. Monster season is just starting so who knows when that will air.
>the pun machine ran out of puns
Pregnant Crab
Big Cat
What else?
>Pregnant Crab
But that's dangerous, the offspring would be a self-hating half-vampire manlet like Sodo
Nisio is a hack so it would be like Araragi. Almost human.
That cover looks fucking amazing. Well, with my imagination filling in some details.
More generic bakeshit, great.
Nadekomonogatari featured Nadeko from beginning to end so there's that.
I wonder if it may be about Shinobu facing her past again this time. In a fight with Seishirou Araragi tried to earn Shinobu's love and prove himself worthy, as it's obvious from his talk with Hitagi before. This time it may be Shinobu trying to prove herself worthy of Araragi by battling Deathtopia or something. Would be kind of interesting, hope her past will also be brought up, I want to understand what exactly's happening in that little blond head.
We've got a pretty good idea of what happening in Shinobu's head though. There's a too much evidence for it to be a big mystery any more.
lame cover. this is still the best vofan cover
When will this hack stop ruining this shit even more?
>I don't actually keep up with the series, but I'm gonna spout broad, generic complaints that don't actually criticise anything about the series anyway
Who are you quoting?
>more shitnobu
ugh no
why would you even respond to those posts, you know how this'll go surely
>'It's chic to go saving a girl who has nothing to do with you every once in a while." Female students from Naoetsu High School have gone missing one after the other. When the mummified bodies of the girls are discovered, there's a very distinctive marking left on the napes of their necks...? Koyomi Araragi, now a first year university student, goes on the move to track down the culprit! The curtain opens on Monogatari Series Monster Season!
Is this the summary for the novel? Pretty much confirms that Bat won't be the focus.
Okay, I really hope Fatsio didn't fuck it up. It seems that vampires don't have to eat bodies after biting them.
The mysterious vampire is obviously Deathtopia, so I'm sure Shinobu will still be in the spotlight.
It's confirmed that Deathtopia has arrived and judging by her monologue in Acerola Bon Appetite, she's after Shinobu
>now a first year university student
This takes place before Musubimonogatari then? What?
Wait a fucking second, don't vampires have to eat the bodies completely or else they turn into ghouls in gatari-verse? Is Nisio a hack? Of course he is.
Apparently. I'm not sure what the fuck was the point of the time skip if he's just going to backtrack to university years, but whatever, Nisio.
Depends on how/why those chicks are mummified. Though yeah, he is a hack.
The series has never been told in chronological order. Hanamonogatari takes place ahead of the next 9 books that come after it, Koimonogatari takes place ahead of Owari 1 and 2, Koyomimonogatari takes place all over the timeline, etc.
The weird thing is that he's in a oddity crime-solving scenario here
but Nisio's not making use of the literal oddity crime-solving setup he put in place with the timeskip for some reason
It'll flesh out the story more, expalining more of how he got into the position where he chases oddities as part of the police, and why he's got such a good realtionship with Shinobu in Musubi (becuase they face Deathtopia here now). It'll also give us more college-age Sodachi, and that's all that really matters.
>now a first year university student,
Excellent, I now really hope Sodachi is living with him.
Do you even read the novels? No, you don't. Popular opinion: Nisio's writing becomes shit-tier after the Ougi dark.
>Not even going to spoonfeed you.
Yes, I do read the novels. No, there is no "popular opinion" on them, you're bullshitting. And even if that were the popular opinion, I highly disagree, given that Sodachi Fiasco and Musubi are the only other pieces of writing on par with early Zaregoto Nisio has ever produced.
thoughts on this hiney?
Zaregoto is highly overrated.
I want to save her.
Ii-chan is the most well written character Nisio has ever written, presented in the most creative, subversive way. The only Monogatari character that comes close to him is Sodachi, the major reason why the arc from her perspective is the best part of Monogatari.
NisiO Isin running out of puns is a sign of the end times.
Eh, that's a matter of opinion. I've only read the first 3 novels so far, but Kubishime Romanticist is the only one where I found Ii-chan to be particularly good or consistent as a character thus far.
Deserved it, desu. Would've talekd shit to her face/10
He's not meant to be consistent. He's always lying to the reader. The true genius of the way he's written is that the reader eventually gets to the point where they fully understand him and can tell when he's lying and when he's not even when the story doesn't actually specify. For now, the segments with Aikawa calling out his bullshit are your guide to what he's really thinking, but she doesn't even fully understand him yet, as proven by her getting a few things about him wrong.
That's not really what I meant by consistent.
A huge part of Ii-chan's character, from how it's presented both by him and the people around him, is that he's supposed to be empty and broken, a distant observer who is too detached to feel anything over strangers. This falls on its face, though, because in 2/3 of the novels so far he gets attached to random girls at the drop of the hat. Ichihime I can forgive because of the parallels to Tomo, but him caring so much about, say, Hikari and Akari, who even I as the reader could barely give a shit about it, really threw me off at the start. It's not a good way to establish his character.
That's totally wrong. You've actually fallen for his lies. He's an incredibly empathetic and caring person, to the point that he can understand a serial killer who just tried to kill him after a few conversations with them, and he's always throwing himslef in the way of harm to try and save others. But he also has the worst luck in the world, his life is consumed by death and misery, he fails at everything he tries to achieve, he utimately feels like he's a detriment to the world and anyone he comes in contact with. The result of all this is that he wants to stay as far away from others as possible, and so creates this image of himself as cold and uncaring, trying to emotionally detatch himslef from the world, even going so far as to inflict pointless acts of cruelty onto others. The series overall is about him being dragged into situations where he can't keep up this facade of apathy and slowly dragging him out of it. The first 100 pages of book 6 are great because they just show him having an ordinary daily life where he gets along with his neighbours and goes on dates with girls, which for anybody else would be average, but for him shows just how much he's changed.
My whole point is, no, he doesn't actually come off as a cold and distant person except for Kubishime Romanticist; however, every other character in the book gives lip service to this idea of "Ii-chan is broken and empty and cold" even though his actual behavior rarely indicates it at all. That was like the entire point of the bitchy esper's character, berating Ii-chan for being all those things.
>to the point that he can understand a serial killer who just tried to kill him after a few conversations with them
I'm pretty sure that making friends with a serial killer is not actually a testament to someone being a great person. This was probably one of the few times the book actually succeeded in making him feel fucked up to me.
Anyway, maybe some aspects of Ii-chan will click into place better in later novels, I don't know. But so far it feels a lot like a classic case of Nisio falling into his "tell don't show" trap in regards to character motivations.
It could be that we just have entirely different tastes and perspectives on what constitutes good writing, though, since you called out Musubi as one of his best works and I thought it was one of his worst.
More motivation to learn Japanese, fuck.
It could also be translated since mirrored translator seems did acerola bon appetit fairly fast, especially if Sodachi is also there.
Is it confirmed that the only arc is shinobu mustard though?
Bitchy esper hates him becuase she can see how empathetic and caring he is, yet still choses to try and act cold and uncaring. She feels frustrated with him, in the same way a lot of readers do.
I'm not saying that he's actaully a great person, and that he isn't fucked up. His level of empathy and ability to forgive others no matter what is fucked up in and of itself. Pretty much every Nisio character is fucked up tho, and they all have warped, non-standard senses of morality. That's one of the only consistent things throughout all of his writing.
I first started to like his character at the end of book 2, and I felt like I actually understood him by the end of book 5. It makes rereading the series better when you can guess what he's thinking even though he won't tell you it in his narration.
It's weird that you mention this being "tell don't show" writing when I think it's actually playing around with that concept. It's telling you one thing, then actually showing you another. Ii-chan's narration about his own emotions never actually matches up with his actions. That's your que to interpret his emotions given your knwoledge about what he's really like.
Fair enough. Despite my complaints, I really do want to like Zaregoto as much as other people do, so I'm hoping later revelations will change my opinion.
I had to sort of power through book 1 becuase I really wasn't seeing what everyone else saw in the series, but with the change in tone and reveals in book 2 I started to understand what people loved. I think that's the case with a lot of people. Maybe somehting similar will happen to you later on, given that books 4 and 5 greatly elaborate on Ii-chan and Tomo's relationship, making their whole thing a lot more complex, which retroactiveky makes book 1 way more interesting.
will he go to the nightclub?
Araragi is still a vampire after Owari?
Yes, he restored his link with Shinobu by the end
July 30th
I thought that Zokuowari was supposed to be the end for Koyomi?
It was, until musubi.
Vofan gets better and better. Beautiful.
Gotta set it up so you know that Araragi and Shinobu get through things alright so you focus on the emotional journey more than the action. Based Nisio thinking ten steps ahead.
you had to go full retard user
Kaiki won't waste his genes in that ugly cunt. He always finishes outside.
This, best boy deserves better
>ywn get impregnated by Kaiki-san
Literally what? Crab was on the last novel cover yet only showed up in the last few pages.
I don't know what his problem was, but Shinobu is gonna show up because confronting Deathtopia is interesting and impactful while lovey dovey time with crab isn't.
> lovey dovey time with crab isn't.
It is.
According to a tiny minority of rabid crabfags who Nisio loves to shit on.
It isn't.
Nisio and Araragi love Crab.
>Okay, I really hope Fatsio didn't fuck it up. It seems that vampires don't have to eat bodies after biting them.
There is no reason to believe they were actually killed by a vampire. Too simple a plot otherwise.
>loves crab
Oh, absolutely, judging by her character """development"""
god thing i wont be killing myself for another 7 years at least.
It's a simple mystery. However, the potential for drama is massive.
is there a version without the text on it
is that period blood? do vampires have periods?
I'm pretty sure that blood isn't hers.
Are vampires fertile? Can they make vamp babbies?
I want to marry this cute vampire,
>Are vampires fertile? Can they make vamp babbies?
It is canon that Monogatari has Dhampirs. That's what Episode is, a half-Vampire with massively accelerated growth rate that made him look older than he actually is.
However, so far there is no details on what rules Monogatari used for Dhampirs.
There are two types in fiction;
1. Vampires can just have sex with humans and have children in either gender combination. This is not common where Vampires are a threat but more common where Vampires are part of society and is just another race.
2. Vampires are infertile, but a pregnant human female who got turned into a vampire, would give birth to a Dhampir. This is the most common where Vampires are antagonists, and also explains why Dhampirs are so rare.
Alternately you can say that Vampire men can impregnate human females for Dhampirs only, but as far as I know I haven't heard any story that does this. It just is more likely to be Type 1 where everyone can impregnate anyone else.
I'll do my best.
>Nisio and Araragi love Crab.
nisio is the biggest cat fag in the world
Sure. She is happy with Araragi now. Kaka
Araragi loves everyone though
>1st year uni
Sweet, now we can get more Crab/Math bantz.