So did they smash in the barn when they first got to the new world?
So did they smash in the barn when they first got to the new world?
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No. He doesnt find her sexually appealing.
Yes. They are too embarrassed to talk about it
>Kazuma: I tried so hard to see you as the main heroine and even smelled your hair while you were sleeping but I just couldn't find you appealing
He's probably a closeted gay. I would have fucked her several times each day in a variety of exotic positions.
he has no problem with the other girls it's just her
Ah, to be a Virgin!
If you ever lived with a girl before, you would know you stop wanting to bang her the more you get to know her.
Would you fuck a retarded girl?
Just a quick bate
>asking questions you already know the answer to
Shut the fuck up, Aqua.
No, he jerks off.
>You can see perfectly in the dark?
>And you said you heard me rustling in the stables.
>Yes, I turned away from you to try to sleep.
>*flat face*
>Arigatou, Aqua-sama.
What kinda boys would Wiz be into?
People here would fuck a little girl, a boy dressed as a girl, an old man in little girl body's, for fuck sake even a fucking furry
Why not a 11/10 blue haired goddess with low intelligence?
He fapped thinking she didn't know
Why is he fapping when he could eat her pussy out?
Do you cum from your mouth?
Why'd he fap when he had real pussy right next to him?
He had a problem with megumeme when she was too young for him, magically she grow half milimeter and now is in his bang zone.
Lalatina is currently in his Aqua zone because she is aswell too weird and stupid for him.
>everyone praises "Kazuman" for not being a limp-dicked pussy protagonist like every other isekai self-insert, even looks like a Diet Rance
>drowning in hot pussy 24/7, caretaker of 3 easy babes, and still a virgin 12 LN volumes later and doesn't commit to any relationships
Even if he's better than most betafags, it's still disappointing.
the quote came from an OVA where he watched Darkness exercise throughout the episode
Kazutrash can say whatever he wants. We all know what endgame is going to be. He just needs to stop trying to deny it.
Stop ruining my imouto stories reeeeeee
I want to cum inside Aqua's pussy.
I know who is posting.
Aqua is too dumb for him.
She's your typical murderhobo cleric in terms of mental capacity. Just have to bitchslap her into reality from time to time and she's fine. She's not THAT retarded.
No, they played Street Fighter Alpha.
Yeah, surely the author has nothing to do with it. And that childhood friend really fucked him over.
No, he got K1'd
The harem would resolve itself too quickly if he had overt sexual feelings towards Aqua
That's why the LN sucks after volume 4
Smart enough to scam others (using tactics from another world) but not smart enough to see the consequences.
>She's not THAT retarded.
she paid millions for a chicken egg thinking it was a dragon
after the chicken hatched, she still thought it was a dragon
Why is she crying?
That's like your typical woman, m8. At least she's not so retarded she can't recognise danger (like Lalatin) and is not a child mintally (like megumine). I'd even go out of my way and claim that she isn't really INT-type of stupid but more of WIS-type of stupid. But then again, Lalatina sometimes is even more retarded than her. And I've seen smart people doing dumber shit from time to time, because of their lack of social skills or something else.
I prefer this way desu.
are you saying you are so good that your eyes dont water when you deepthroat your boyfriend's cock?
you sound almost as dumb as aqua
can aqua turn the semen in water?
The peak of the LN is volume 5 and 6. Volume 2, 3 and 4 are mediocre. I don't know what you're smoking.
And the vast majority do which is why Konosuba sells well. Generic posters like that guy are just the minority.
No, Konosuba sells well because it had a successful anime adaptation which got people into the light novel.
>Kazuma in his way to become a generic MC
>The peak of the LN
The fucking state of your shit taste.
To be fair, you'd have to be really desperate to stick your dick into Aqua, nothing good would come out of it. Darkness is just crazy, don't wanna stick it in there either. Megumin is the most acceptable, but borderline pedobait.
He should really get together with Megumin soonish though. It's getting a bit ridiculous.
Define "generic".
So exactly what I said. He's like that in the LN.
--- >>drowning in hot pussy 24/7, caretaker of 7 easy babes (add Wiz, Yunyun, Chris and Iris), and still a virgin 12 LN volumes later and doesn't commit to any relationships
> Also add "muh feelings" phase and the "I am powerful as fuck but I only show my true power level when the plot needs it"
Okay. So when exactly did he start being "generic" in volumes 5 and 6?
What stopped him from making a move on the girls in the first four volumes?
Nice and /fit/ ones.
So being generic means you're a dickless faggot.
3 and 4 are two of the least funny volumes in the entire series, though, up until you start getting to the recent releases.
>He should really get together with Megumin soonish though. It's getting a bit ridiculous.
>expecting anything to come out of LN romance
Megumin should go for Yunyun instead. Kazuma blows.
>Vanir Volume
>least funny
The fucking state of your shit taste, again.
Vanir only appears at the end of volume 3 and the beginning of 4. Did you even read them?
>Saggy Aqua
>Ever getting laid.
Yes, thanks for asking.
The ring bell thing was a good touch.
Yeah, I loved the beginning too. And the Vanir fight was fun.
But I think everything in between is pretty subpar.
The answer is in this page.
Why would you be to embarrassed to talk about it?
You just don't.
Do you hang out with your girlfriend in the bar and say, "hey remember when we had sex, that was great".
God I hate virgins.
Go back, stupid normalfag.
Far better than Cringe village or Iris, though.
Go back to where, Sup Forums, where I've been for 9 years?
I think you need to go back.
I'm a Megufag, but can agree Iris is just a straight-up terrible addition. She's not funny, she's "cute" in the most boring and generic way possible, and is a blatant Mary Sue.
>but that's the joke!
I'm aware, but jokes should be funny.
Eh, no. Megumin's family and Sylvia were actually funny, and Iris wasn't annoying yet.
Comedy gold
What does liking Megumin have to do with that? I think anyone can agree that Iris is shit.
Kazuma and Aqua's dynamic of being drinking buddies and partners in crime is refreshing to see honestly.
You do know that Megumin told Kazuma she wants to take the relationship to the next level right? Above friends, below lovers is how she described. Also outside of yunyun's body, shes really boring.
Yunyun was funny in Bakuen as a straight man. She hasn't had any time to shine in the main story, though.
And yes, I do know that, but that means nothing.
>Megumin's family and Sylvia were actually funny
The city of (you)
Iris somehow scored #3 in Japanese popularity polls. Not that Nips having shit taste is anything new, but she definitely has fans.
Kazuma has that part locked down and considering his character it adds more.
she's an overpowered loli, of course they love her
at least she's better than megumeme
She has a big butt
How they hell is that a big butt. You can't even tell where the legs end and the butt begins.
Darkness is the only one with a big butt in the party.
I loved their synergy
why no season 3
lrn2 anatomy you illiterate donkey.
Dorkness is FAT
Wasn't season 2 planned anyways regardless of sales? Just have to play the waiting game.
Weird how they don't draw ass cheeks on her. Her doujins are still hot though.
Why does an anime have to revolve around sex? Go get some real pussy.
user, I...
Season 2 could have been the highest selling anime of all time and they still wouldn't make S3 because they just wanted the anime to get more people into the source material.
...only want 14 year-old crimson demon pussy.
Post her saggy tits from that one episode where all the girls had maximum sag.
Japs selfinserts are such garbage faggots that the moment Kazuma gets pussy the ln will go down to hell on sales. Is not the author's fault, if he was free to write what he wanted I bet my money that he would make kazuma a pussylord
Why is the official art so fucking garbage tier?
Whoever drew that isn't terribly talented. The anime does have good looking moments however, so it's not a problem they can't fix.
Just let a talented key animator do the official artworks.
How do I go about getting both of the semen demons in bed with me at the same time?
you're forgetting a little girl dressed as a boy, an old woman in a little boy's body, and a little boy
Teleport back in time to the Bakuen era. Lure hungry 13 year-old Megumin with food while making sure Yunyun is around. Yunyun will follow you, and as she tries to call you a pervert and a pedophile, issue a sexual challenge to the two of them.
None of those examples have her shitty personality.