So...who is the bad guy here?
The gobs, but GS doesn't see himself as a "good guy", he is just a exterminator.
You posted him. He is the evil anti-rape villain. Women come flocking to the gobs for green cock but he kills the gobs to ensure no women gets their dick.
If you're a human it's the gobs and if you're a gob it's the evil boogey man
Goblins you dummy.
He is only "evil" to the gobs, if you think he is evil the you are a gob.
Can't wait for Human-Slayer to show up.
Goblin hero and he was killed in the last volume.
All Goblin Slayer does is slay goblins. He's not torturing them unnecessarily.
Since he has less fun, he'a clearly the good guy.
Goblin Slayer is a goblin himself.
Guild Girl is the Demon Lord.
I'm serious.
The ones who oppose rape are evil.
>is a competent adventurer
>spends all his days killing lvl 1 goblins
He showed up, killed two scrubs and then got shit on by the other silver ranked
So,,,when we will have again a full female party playing Darkest Dungeon? I miss early chapters.
Putting any power levels aside, gobs do real damage but strong adventurers ignore them. The guild just tosses newbies to the gobs until the quest is cleared.
One Goblin means nothing, bunch of goblins are utter nightmare brought by Hades himself.
In fact, most experienced adventurers know it, they just DOESN'T WANT to admit it.
People who genuinely think goblins as weak creature are newbies or strong and stupid adventurers.
See what happened to Sword Maiden, she's a bonafide grade SSS adventurer yet she scared shitless of goblins, she admit she prefer face a fucking demon lord than to face goblins.
Light and Dark, baby.
Let's be real. That's just because more goblins means more rolls. Sure a lot of those rolls might be shit, but if you're sitting through 60 enemy rolls you're going to pine for the day where you might have to deal with a single over powered enemy that only gets 1 to 4 rolls.
The ones with "meat shields".
Who is more operator, GS or Skarsnik? Who would win? My money on the latter.
they're not level 1, they just tend to only rape and kill poor people and they can't pay for anyone but noobs who then either die or decide it isn't worth the money to keep hunting the things.
why are westerns so pathetic
>x thing rapes/kills members of your group
>but he a gud boi he dindu nuffin
>surelly if only we let them murder us all they would integrate
lel how haram
good shoah you dogs
Skarsnik easily.
>bunch of goblins are utter nightmare brought by Hades himself.
just use a mage, maybe 2/3 if they are level one- Flaming Hands=GG
fireball=goblins bring you to court for war crimes
in addition, any half decent AC would make you immortal vs shitty lvl1 mobs
Nowhere in the manga has anyone ever thought about integrating goblins anywhere in society. At best they thought of sparing their children.
>everytime, in this kind of threads, there is a witch hunt against the goblins
it's time to stop this shit, goblins are NOT the reason of every problem you have, sure we raped and pillaged some village, but cmon niggers, you better focus on something else
>grobi scum
>being allowed to live
Use a mage? Even experienced mage at most can only use magic 2-3 times a day. Not to mention magic in GS universe isn't a AoE magic. Sorry m8, your solution never going to work.
>experienced mage
>at most can only use magic 2-3 times a day
Nigga, do you even WIZARD?
>he can only shitpost 2-3 times a day
>In fact, most experienced adventurers know it, they just DOESN'T WANT to admit it.
This is both was surprised and angered me in the light novel. When GS shows up asking for help to fight a goblin Lord the book makes a point of stating that most of the adventurers were scared of goblins and remember the horrors of their first quests. Which is fine goblins are utter nightmares if you go into a cave and don't know what's about to happen.
But since all these adventurers know how dangerous they are why the hell don't they tell the new people? It's utterly bizarre how everyone can know that goblins are actually a hard thing to deal with but nobody in the world takes that to heart.
GS should write a book on goblin genocide for dummies, really.
The human ofc
You will all die and we will retake the ancestral lands
I so want to see how Goblin Slayer fare in Goblins.
Don't we all?
Reminder that GS would look like a typical LN MC if he didn't always wear his helmet
Goblin Slayer is just a racist edgelord.
Instead of fighting actual strong monsters he just picks on poor weak goblins. He bullies the weak but cowers against the strong.
If these series are to eventually get anime adaptations, let us hope they air in the same season.
No femgobs in GS though.
There's zero reason to keep goblins around.
It would be amazing if that happens
>Am i kawaii uguuu girl with green skin is a goblin for some reason
>Ever getting a anime
Hope not
agreed. this is what keeps the manga from being good honestly. with how widespread the threat of gobbos are, it's mindnumbingly retarded that only 1 person is sensible enough to deal with it, or rather how only GS seems to even have common sense in armory and tactic.
Priestess is winning and other two girls accepted it.
Goblin Slayer is actually really similar to most fantasy LNs
>Everyone is retarded expect the MC
>Only MCs superior technique and skill can defeat the enemies flawlessly
>MC is incredibly autistic over his mission
>has bitches crawling all over his dick
>Will never touch any of them
>Other people at the guild are incredibly jealous of MC
The big difference is the helmet and GS not being awkward beta whenever a girl is nearby
>cute monster girls
>fantasy setting
>technically Isekai
>dark undertones
>potential yuribait
>RPG based humor
an anime adaption would certainly fall within a lot of the common trends from the past few years.
That might be part of what they're going for maybe? Goblin Slayer is basically treated like that crazy homeless guy living under the overpass who has some legit points about societies problems if anyone is willing to listen.
Most of the anons like that the reason why GS ignores the girls is because he is literally insane, not because he is a dense fuck.
>it's mindnumbingly retarded that only 1 person is sensible enough to deal with it
Kind of, but not necessarily. A few things people seem to miss:
1. The manga makes it clear that goblins are a minor problem compared to bigger, stronger demons, so you could assume that they theoretically would do even more damange if they weren't prioritized, so people tend to specialize in defeating that instead.
2. They are apparently frontier heroes, in a frontier town defending frontier settlers, villagers and farmers. So it's probably a sparsely populated area, and not very well defended and that's exactly why they have to rely on mercen- I mean adventurers to police it.
3. Heroes also take care of things we haven't seen but heard of, such as bandits. You can think that bandits could very well be as dangerous as goblins, raping and pillaging towns just as badly if they attract higher level heroes to them.
The main reason we see goblins as this major problem that's worse than everything else is because the manga did a bad job at showing how much more destructive every other major enemy group is.
i think the guy that rapes women and murders innocents MIGHT be the bad guy here
What if goblins evolve to integrate into society, say become handsome and contribute to society by being productive, and court women into willingly marrying and procreating with them? Would GS still try to slaughter them?
Yes. But I like to think that even GS would spare Goblin King Bowie.
He is insane so yes.
no no, you misunderstand me. It's not that I disagree about goblin powerlevel, my point is on how widespread that problem is. if goblins represent the entry level threat, then GS' knowledge should be some textbook material. no association wastes lives regardless of how replaceable they are to a problem so easily remedied. when GS talks about using the scroll for example, other characters in his party who are not entry level adventurers react as if they've received an epiphany, as if this is the only time the item was used in that way.
I like the character, I enjoy the seires, but the world is not very solid. that's it.
What you say is true but I think the scroll is a bad example. It's being explained that such items are fucking rare and expensive, and those characteristics tend to make people not bother experimenting with them and rather just use tried and true methods that hold great power.
You mean the warp scroll? Using the scroll that way for goblins is the equivalent of bringing a portable daisy cutter to take out some possums
To be honest, female adventurers should be banned.
Women belong in the kitchen not in fucking caves or abandoned ruins filled with goblins.
The women in this feudal society have way too much freedom in deciding what job occupation they want.
I dont disagree that it's overkill, it's just unacceptable that others dont know it can be employed in a multitude of ways. if you wont empathize with me here, there are other examples. it's the same with other tactics we are so far exposed to, like smoking the cave.
Only if we get to the latest volume with Noble girl
Well, one of the fun points of GS is that it makes fun of stereotypes in other fantasy series like how absurd the equipment they use is or how overconfident low level adventurers are when facing monsters instead of doing research.
However, it does these things in a very clumsy way, making the uniqueness of GS's level of preparedness seem obtuse if you consider how vulnerable adventurers are in the series.
I mean, there's plenty of retarded shit to complain about if you're picky. Like, if rape is so fucking common you'd think that young women would be extremely discouraged from being beginner adventurers, but apparently in GS world they are more common than males.
Thats because scrolls are really rare items and normally you wouldn't "waste" something as rare and valuable as a restriction free long range portal on turning it into a single use water jet cutter. You would use it to transport yourself somewhere. GS is just so obsessively focused on killing goblins that his only thought on finding out it was a portal scroll was "How can this be used to kill goblins".
If Adventurers and heartless killers like the Goblin Slayer hadn't been killing and fucking with Goblins and invading their lands for ages, Goblins wouldn't radicalize in the large numbers they are.
Why do people excuse the Goblin Slayer's obvious instigation for profit?
It doesn't fucking matter. Goblin Slayer is Human, the Goblin isn't.
I am human, therefore I root for humans. All of the Goblins' problems in the world could have been caused by human meddling and I would still want to kill them all.
Species wars are wars of survival, morality isn't involved when you have a clear enemy to kill.
Because goblins were literally created to be a blight on humanoid races. To let them live is to turn a blind eye to evil and akin to heresy.
Goblin Marx, please go. You socio-economic adventurer theories are too far ahead of our time.
I bet you're the kind of fag who wouldn't marry a robotic waifu.
Goblins, duh.
If we would only show more acceptance and openess towards Musli- I mean goblins then they would stop raping and killing and running our citizens over with trucks.
After all Not All Goblins are bad. Some are peaceful. We can't judge all goblin by the actions of a minority.
We need to just lift all travel restrictions for goblins and let millions of them move into our cities. After all we have not been having children, goblins will have many, many children and those young goblins will help "take care" of us when we are old.
Goblins kill indiscriminately. Goblin Slayer indiscriminately kills goblins.
One is evil and the other is not a hero.
The moment they forget OVERCONFIDENCE
But user, we all know that every government in the world is secretly run by goblins, that every Ogre or Demon Lord is a handful of goblins in a rubber suit.
>I think the scroll is a bad example.
A better example is how no person ever thought to use the Priest's "Barrier" spell in an offensive or utilitarian way. They have what is essentially a very sturdy wall that can be conjured out of thin air within a fixed radius around the caster, and nobody thought to use it as a way to block off a passageway, or to steal an example from Drifters, use it as a footstool to get above enemy fortifications.
Another is why nobody had thought to use "Holy Light" as a makeshift flashbang.
And another thing, this bothered me in Grimgar as well. Why the fuck does nobody at the Mage academies tell their students to wear fucking armor? There is no class specific gear in this setting, Mages can wear chainmail. But why did the valedictorian in a mage school that pumps out adventurers not know that cloth is shit protection? What are they teaching in those schools?
The most common assumption is that magic requires very percise body movements and armor would make them harder to execute in a combat situation, but it is a little weird when the witch in the last chapter has more cloth in her big ass hat than on her body. A simple chest plate or some bracers would do those images wonders.
Of course for the priestess, it could be assumed that the holy garb is a big part of casting divine magic, which I think is excusable.
>and nobody thought to use it as a way to block off a passageway, or to steal an example from Drifters, use it as a footstool to get above enemy fortifications.
Are you sure about that? Unless it was stated in the manga and I forgot about it, nothing says that the pros haven't done this kind of stuff while dungeon crawling. Priestess is a complete noob so she has no way to know.
The armor thing though is totally true, wear some fucking armor you useless casters.
>What are they teaching in those schools?
Magic, not how to be an adventurer or proper care for armor. Its magic school.
>Unless it was stated in the manga and I forgot about it
Take what Priestess says with a grain of salt because of her inexperience but she's equally confused by this particular application in the manga and LN. There isn't any other mention of people using support spells this way outside of the context that Goblin Slayer taught it to them
Priestess will again use this to sandwich the Goblin Lord between two and protection walls while Goblin Slayer gets up and stabs him in the throat
>The most common assumption is that magic requires very percise body movements and armor would make them harder to execute in a combat situation,
Doesn't exist in this setting. Priestess gets chainmail the second chapter because she's told too. Can mages wear platemail? Not sure, but they can at least wear cold iron.
Hard to believe a magic school in a world where humanity is at war with demons would bother to teach someone offensive magic, but not how not to die like a scrub on the battlefield? Wear some fucking protection and don't stand in the rear of the formation. This shit happened in Grimgar too and it was annoying.
>This shit happened in Grimgar too and it was annoying.
I haven't read Grimgar, what happened in it exactly that was so bad?
More than confused, she seems conflicted about using a holy spell meant for protection and good used in such a brutal and cruel way.
But she's got an easy out because if the goddess disapproved of her application of holy spells then she'd lose her ability to cast.
>I haven't read Grimgar, what happened in it exactly that was so bad?
Long story short, a group of people are isekai'd to a fantasy world without their memories. Said fantasy world operates on JRPG logic and everyone must join the local guild and be assigned a character class so they can start adventuring to make ends meet.
The leader of the main group is assigned the Priest role and acts as the main force keeping the group alive during the early weeks. However he winds up dying during a failed attempt at Goblin extermination (the fucking irony) because of the following reasons.
1) He was acting as the rear guard despite the group having a knight class present
2) He gets shot with a crossbow but has no more castings of Heal because he used them on others for minor injuries
3) Because he was pulling triple duty between healing, leading, and fighting the group never learned to act on their own initiative. So they break down whenever something happened. Which lead to the hasty retreat.
After he dies the group realizes that they still need a healer and after gathering the nerves to go out adventuring again they seek one out. It's then that we find out that healers dying is a common problem for all the reasons listed. But it's baffling that there exists a school dedicated only to white mages but not a single veteran instructor says anything about saving your heals for important injuries while out on a quest, or not being out in the open when your enemies will punish you for that.
Their new healer hangs this over their heads because in the end, it was the groups willingness to rely on the healer that got him killed like that.
Skarsnik has command of a vast army due to his existence in the Warhammer universe, where everything is over-the-top compared to most other fantasy settings. Goblin Slyaer would be like a Hero-level character at best, while Skarsnik is a legendary Lord.
Also he has Gobbla so fuck everything.
>However he winds up dying during a failed attempt at Goblin extermination (the fucking irony)
How we can make Priestess more deadly?
Goblins. Always the goblins.
Teach her how to rape.
I think what throws a lot of people for a loop is that the setting doesn't bend itself over backwards to fellatiate the idea of an adventurers guild. In this setting, the guild are basically just job brokers. They don't front the money or put up most quests themselves, someone else does it. They don't train people up to do quests they should already be qualified for, they just dole out ranks and quests based on and experience. They aren't some force of good protecting the world from the forces of evil, they're just a business and act accordingly. Various schools don't train up people with the goal of sending them off to join the guild and fight monsters, some just happen to join up with the guild for profit and experience. The people who join aren't heroes, they're in it for the money and fame.
unlocking her ultimate weapon Nirvana so all her spells cost 1 MP and she can break the damage limit.
these is no good guys, just cool guys.
paladin girl seems pretty good
The other big assumption is that living, travelling, fighting, and taking care of armor is a skill that mages have neither the time nor aptitude to learn. A mail hauberk weighs between 10 and 25 pounds, plus gambeson, helmet and other stuff, and while it ends up distributed well across the torso, that can be a lot to carry and run around in day in and day out for an otherwise bookish nerdy type. Armor maintenance is its own beast in a world without galvanized wire or stainless steel, which adds another task on top of a mage's wizard bullshit they have to do at the end of an adventuring day (studying spells, drying reagents, waxing their staves or other such bullshit).
That said, there's absolutely no reason for them not to be wearing at least padded cloth or leather armor, or at the bare minimum a basic metal helmet. A stone to the head easily kills (or knocks out, thus good as kills) unprotected, and it seems reasonable that even the basest of demihumans can chuck rocks pretty hard. Not to mention shrapnel from magical explosions.
I once saw Goblin Slayer kill three Gobs with a pencil. A fucking pencil.
>my point is on how widespread that problem is
I don't think it's actually that widespread. Like someone said it's a frontier town where the gobs attack frontier villages. If you were further into human settled areas there wouldn't be many gobs and any city with decent walls is gob proof.
>While Killing Slimes for 300 Years, I Became the MAX Level Unknowingly
It's a standard in isekai
What do they mean by that image... that helm... i have seen it before
>level 1
Hey man, you just gotta do what gets your dick hard. If it's slaying goblins, then who's to complain?
Goblin is slang for nigger