I'm still mad. Fuck you, Kirino.
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is Oreimo worth watching?
The girl in OP looks very sweet,and I know that she doesn't win whatever bowl she's in,but I'm somewhat interested in watching slow train wrecks
Get FUCKED Nekofags.
>girl jobs so the main heroine can win
Shit series.
>Kuroneko breaks up with Kyousuke
>Expects him to get back together with her later on
>she rightfully gets BTFO when he doesn't
>Kyousuke/Kirino is the bad guy all of a sudden
Nekofags are literally the worst. She had her chance and blew it.
What did she even do? I never watched this show. As I understand it, it roughly goes
>brother has a bitchy little sister who's a creepy female otaku that'd be posting on deviant art and tumblr if she were American
>little sister is in love with brother
>brother starts hanging out with sister and all her fujoshi friends
>brother starts dating little sister's greasy, disgusting, Tumblr girlfriend who goes by her online moniker or something and probably doesn't shave her armpits
>brother gets dumped by that friend
>brother and sister admit feelings for each other and kiss
>they decide to go back to being regular siblings because the editors/government stepped in to prevent an incest ending
its a good show
kureneko best girl. also she's cute
That last part basically doesn't matter. They fucked after Season 2 canonically, anyways.
It's just a phase, kuroneko will win in the long run.
Eromanga sensei showed that.
You cannot possibly be this delusional.
You actually wanted her to end up with that beta loser? She can do a lot better, user.
>he doesn't know
You never fucked your sister? it's just youth, you get over it when our older.
>still mad
delusional nekofags
never change
Pretty much, except the exaggerations and there being only one fujo.
Also Neko was retarded enough to dump MC, support the incest route and then break down crying when MC rejected her the second time she confessed.
>They fucked after Season 2 canonically
The fact that they will never change and they will always be reminding us of the greatest love story ever told. That's what makes it beautiful.
Absolutely not. Kirino may be cute looking but she's an abusive cunt. Season 1 vastly improves when she fucks off to America and Kuroneko becomes the main girl and then the entire second half is a kick in the nuts with an ending that makes no logical sense in any way, on top of 90% of the show being really fucking boring generic slice of life.
No. It's shit.
No, at the end of S2 they swore off touching each other ever again. Maybe watch the show before saying dumb shit.
i can't even imagine liking shitcat let alone this much
get taste op
>abusive girl constantly beats up and berates brother into submission and Stockholm Syndrome love, then gives it up at the end in two days
lmao sure dude great story
Look, I'm all for incest but why would you think Kirino is a good choice? She's a bitch. And this is coming from someone who watched it recently in the 2016 christmas stream. I don't think you people remember how bad was Kirino, incest ending aside.
The only question remaining now is: How hard did Kyousuke fuck Kirino?
absolutely worth watching, the existence of Ultimate Mega Wife Kirino will change your life
nope, Kirino is the worst character that I am somehow supposed to like that I've ever seen.
Kuroneko a cute and a poor
they fucked in the LNs and in the PS games. In the PS games they were still related so it was actual incest but if I recall correctly they were not biologically related in the LNs or the anime. Plus, the author literally makes little sister anime pretty much exclusively now. We can extrapolate that they're fucking canonically.
literally the only thing remotely interesting about shitcat is that she's poor as fuck and provides for her siblings anyways. that's the only thing that makes that absolute waste of budget a worthwhile character in any way
Saori is literally the only good girl in this shit show.
I don't mind the incest
kirino is just a shit character with the worst archtype (ala tsundere)
Blame incestfags. They're losers with no girlfriend and friends so they have deep pockets; Dengeki Bunko saw that and got greedy so they ordered Fushimi to change the ending into that hillbilly shit.
On the bright side, that makes Oreimo's ending, both anime and LN's, fanfiction.
High budget but still glorified fanfiction.
I think you forgot to read the title of the story somewhere along the way.
>The word "sister" in the title totally means incest
Come on
Were you born a retard or did you train for it?
>Parody DVD extras are totally canon
Come on
That's some high level delusion you have going on. It'd be cute if it weren't so sad. I still hope you never recover from it. You're the butthurt, tears, and stupidity that give the rest of us joy and love for this series.
Say whatever you want, but I'll rather live in pain than accepting a lie.
You obviously live in both. But whatever helps you out, user.
I bet the possibility of an IF route has you excited which is funny and sad.
>True, canonical ending, the one the author wanted to write.
>No filthy suits giving orders
>No Ruri being forced to act out of character
Of course I'm going to be excited.
never forget
What was the show name again?
"'The true story Canon ending is an If route that will be released 4 years after the original ending' can't be this cute"
Fuck YOU.
My little sister is such a piece of shit the writers had to help her!
The cutest.
>More Oreimo next year
will nekofags ever recover?
Kyousuke was gay to not choose her or one of the other girls. Every other girl was better than shit Kirino.
Fuck off Manami
Someone have the link to the thread of the episode that Kyousuke rejects Kuroneko? I wanted to see the shitstorm that was.
Yes, Kirino is a miracle of the universe and anyone that says other while are envious virgin loser faggots that doesn't know what make a girl a prestigious jewel in the first place.
Really? Novel or anime?
Kirino is better Kuroneko than Ruri
What is Oreimo Afterstory?
>inb4 not canon
Clearly more canon that Neko winning the Kyousukebowl.
Kuroneko was definitely best girl , but the title is "My Little Sister can't be this Cute", and not "My Little Sister's Friend can't be this Cute"
It could have been worse
Manami or Ayase route
Is it canon? It's written by the LN author, right?
no anime has been the same for me since watching this
Fuck (off/you) and die repulsive incestfag
Fushimi said something "fun"
Probably referring to the Ayase's VN IF route novel .
Yes, gays can't handle Kirino though.
Not only is it written by him, but the crossover scene in Eromanga Sensei IS the after story from a different point of view, confirming it to be real even in the anime.
I don't think so, it's something for the 10-Year Anniversary
Couldn't handle the bantz and losing after her manipulation fell flat then resorts to physical violence like a savage 3rd world nigger, Manamifags will defend it.
>The delusion
>a full on Oreimo/Eromanga Sensei original crossover story where both gangs meet up for some imouto hijinks
fuck me can't wait
>Being this much of delusional
I will buy a water truck to collect more nekofag tears, not that we could possible run out of them any ways but.
We shall recreate the Mars oceans with their tears
This show is absolute dogshit for double digit IQ retards and if you like it you should kill yourself.
And still manami is better than your
1 - Shit Tier Tsundere
2 - Manipulater
2 - Hypocrite cunt
3 - Ungrateful
4 - Mood swinging
5 - Unforgivable bitch
6 - Angry
7 - Evil
8 - Judgemental
9 - Selfish
10 - Aggresive
11 - Violent
12 - Irritating
13 - Annoying
14 - Conceited
15 - Incestuous slut
>having shit taste
user its okay. She's just garbage like your taste.
>manamifag was ESL-kun all along
It gets better and better and better
Stop replying to the anti-tsundere spic retard.
The only way people will know they're retarded and wrong is if you tell them. lurk moar nigger you should know Sup Forums is like this
And you're telling me to lurk more? After replying to that retard who has been spamming his shit in all kinds of threads for months? While misusing spoilers? Fuck off.
Kirino a shit, A SHIT!
The whole point is to enjoy that she's a selfish tsundere. It's a fantasy about fucking your bratty little sister.
What's so good about this autistic kid anyways ?
I wouldn't want to even be friends with some mentally damaged girl who goes around dressed like a french doll, plus imagine actually dating this midget.
I'd die of stress from all the "Ara ara how cute the big brother is escorting his imouto" jokes.
More like
>Brother is estranged from model little sister
>Brother accidentally discovers sister's otaku tendencies, even ends up taking the rap for her
>Brother-sister relationship is mended, he helps her make new friends, engage in hijinks, and he even gets a girlfriend out of the deal
>Suddenly incest, brother breaks up with girlfriend to engage in said incest, and childhood friend turns out to have been the villain all along (!!!) who engineered the estrangement between the two in a desire to monopolise the brother
And all this happened in three episodes or so.
Literally Aizen tiers of asspull.
>there are still anime only shitposters
Was it really not obvious that Kirino wanted to fuck her brother all along?
That sounds pretty comfy
I baited a friend into watching this crap and he gets upset everytime I mention it.
kuroneko best fucking girl
A best.
She's the best girl for fucking, yeah. She's tiny and weak, imagine how good would it feel to manhandle her.
Kirino is a miracle of the universe.
We didn't deserve such an amazing girl.
Ayase-tan a best!
Of course it's canon, I just expected some butthurt Nekofag to dismiss its validity since it's technically not part of the main LN.
My Lovely Angel!
Came here to post this
Excellent taste, my dudes.