Hero Academia

Do you still believe Kiri can be the traitor after this chapter?

Toga is love.
Toga is life.
Toga is a miracle of the universe.
Toga may have done some things wrong, but she is still a beautiful person inside and out.

Post cool quirk ideas.

the traitor is a lie!


Mina for best girl

Kiri for hardest boy

Create another one of your shitty generals and take your stupid-ass shitposting and waifu-wars there. Nobody besides you and Kendoufags give a shit.

Todo looks like Zuko in there

Quirk that makes you think you're dreaming

"Step on a Crack"

Responding to posts made by posters with this quirk immediately results in the reader's mother's death. Reading spoiler text by posters with this quirk compels readers to reply.I don't have this quirk.


I still think it's Kouda, he's way too silent. Also that rock villain that hasn't been formerly introduced yet could be Kouda's dad

Bad mathematics - the sheer power of your incompetence can change the world. for example, 1 car + 1 car =.......3 cars? And bam there will be three cars where before there was two. It can backfire as well.

But ochako is the traitor

I want to tongue fuck Amajiki!!

would coal control be a cool quirk if you can ignite the coal?

fuck you user

Why would she betray her husbando?

Waifufaging is ok as long as he doesn't spam it the whole thread

The gargoyle - you can make wings out of stone and earth that let you fly, and you can instill fear in people so long as you are higher up than them and perched on something

Go to hell.

Maybe Deku is the traitor
>Gathers all info as posibble from all heroes
>What a better way to beat the next gen by knowing all their weak points
>How he mocks us at the begging of each episode/begining of the manga how he become the mightiest "hero"

Good thing I turn off my feelings for him and found someone better

>as long as he doesn't spam it the whole thread
That's all any Togafag or Kendoufag does! They're both equally cancerous.

I love seeing idiots take the grapefag "start shit" bait same shit hes been doing for weeks and people keep replying to it

good on you for being the first idiot i'm sure hes happy your here nice and early so he can keep shitposting

But I didn't make you do anything...

Kouda not even a rock , he's weirdly shaped

Won't happen but it's a nice fanfic.

That's some fucked up but cool reality warping ability. Doesn't really suit bnha though. Something like raildex would work better

What if All Might is the traitor?

carbon manipulation - you can manipulate carbon within a variable radius so long as it isn't living i.e. no animals etc. This can include changing carbon into a different form or simply moving it around. You can only do that as much as you could physically

An Hero

Kill yourself painlessly

>Kiri for hardest boy
not anymore


They haven't done that for the past 2 days and some togafags have come out and said that they were gonna cut back on that till she reappears

Alright boys it's time to start thinking with eugenics. Come up with you best quirk combos that will produce strong offspring.
>Bakugo x Mina
>Child quirk creates chemical bombs

He'll get better.

so soft he is hard boy

How can someone be so perfect?

>Deku x Froppy
>Confirms best ship

Perception - ability to sense position and speed of every object in some radius around.
shootin' through dem walls

>Uraraka x Bakugo
>Child basically has the power of SPACE

one for all tongue smash

She has the strongest quirk and none of you all are even talking about it

keratin manipulation - you can grow or shrink as well as control your nails, hair etc, as well as that of others in a 3 meter radius, although that's much harder

necromancy-user can bring the remains of anything they touch back to life for a short period of time so long as they have a good idea what/who it was. Limited to only things that have been dead for 50+years

If he took multiple ofa punches would his shock-absorbed punch be stronger than all-mights or deku's?




please hori, don't let him die



Mr. steal your quirk

Say something nice about this kid.

Aizawa and Mei for zoomed quirk deletion

Giant metal Buddha hand

Imagine if it was Tetsu in this fight instead of Kirishima. We know that they have about the same level of hardness, but Kiri seems to grow the hardened parts out of his skin, when Tetsu just turns himself to metal. Imagine him trying to tank those hits and his arm just cracking and finally shearing off.


she has jellybean fingers like a cat

Uraraka + Todoroki. Todoroki's power isn't ice, it's heat manipulation. Thei child could literally destroy the universe.


She's a cutie just like Tsu!

don't joke about that I'm serious

R.I.P Kiri's face/torso, least he'll get a cool full body scar out of this

Kendou can already do giant Buddha palms , and she'll use them to win the next sports festival

she literally murders people user

He has a limit on how much he can take, I imagine more than one hit from OfA would destroy his fat and probably exceed his storage limit.

blood vessels. You can thicken the walls of your veins and arteries, putting them under more pressure. This increases the amount of energy you have available to you and it makes cutting you very difficult because your veins etc become like steel ropes. They can also be controlled to a trainable degree like actual whips, although this has the obvious issue of interfering with blood flow

I'll admit, that made me chuckle

She has nice ochakos

I love how much she hates Mei

>giant metal Buddha
I mean...


i hope that heroe uses rollerskates

>Mina had the most votes last thread
Mina bros where you at?

hey that's a pretty good ship

So?. The user asked for something nice to be said.

That froppy is far too normal looking.

Real Froppy needs fuckhuge eyes and a super wide mouth.
Real Froppy honestly would look like a kind of abomination.

Kendou has never lost a fight. Deku, Bakugou, and Todoroki all have. How is she not in Class A?


Aizawa and Mongoose would be better.
>Quirk would paralyze and remove quirks for a 100% disable.
>Snake eyes means no dry eye/blinking, so the disable would only wear off when they stop looking at the target.


sorry im a retard and didnt see that it was an answer

This is kind of autistic but I like it

Of course she did, Alien Queen is a star

air compression and density, similar to Kyle from Psyren and that kid from Class B. I don't think it's OP and can't be used as a crutch to win battles.

I want to stroke her horns

Deku is the main character of class a

Kendou is the main character of class b


>This is kind of autistic

Deku and Todoroki fought fucking Stain, the biggest threat Kendou fought was a teenager with a gun.


can the airkid from class be make balls of hardened air to throw at people?

>Phase through basically anything
>Nearly got given One For All on top of that

I just want to take a moment to appreciate how fucking broken a character Mirio would be had he been given All Might's power.

No, the true EUGENICS OTP for Aizawa is the canon one: Ms. Joke.
She clearly wants to marry him cause she recognizes the eugenics greatness of a child who could disable both the physical body and quirks together.
Ignore the fact that the child would likely have a giant smiling mouth and wide eyes and look absolutely terrifying.

Except she lost the Cavalry Battle.


Why are you crossposting?

This is from my own series idea but the powers works similar enough to quirks so

Green Thumb
allows the user to grow and alter plant-life. But it comes out of her own nutrients so if she wanted some extra juicy oranges she'd be giving up a bit more vitamin C

i love this man so fucking much dude

Kendou is perfect!!

>Thei child could literally destroy the universe.
elaborate user

she's got a nice body