Fuck, marry, kill.
Fuck, marry, kill
Fuck CC
Kill Mikasa
Marry Asuna
Asuna is blatant waifubait of course, but that still makes her an ideal wife
What a garbage choices OP
Fuck CC
Marry Mikasa
Kill whoever the 3rd girl is
Thank you
Fuck Mikasa
Marry CC
Kill Asuna
where's annie?
marry asuna, kill mikasa, fuck the last
Fuck Mikasa
Marry CC
Kill Asuna
Fuck and marry CC
Kill the rest
Fuck CC
Marry Asuna
Kill Mikasa
Fuck Asuna
Marry CC
Kill Mikasa
kill all of them
correct choice
Fuck Mikasa
Marry Asuna
Kill CC
>Kill CC
Good luck with that
Fuck Asuna and Mikasa
Marry CC
Kill myself
Marry, kill, fuck. Anyone who doesn't marry C^2 is a homosexual.
Objectively, CC is a horrible person and probably deserves death more than the others. Mikasa WILL cheat on me with Eren at some point, and he still has a few years left to live so I'm not on board with my wife banging another guy for that amount of time. I'm not really familiar with the girl on the bottom, but she's from that Sword Art Online show so I guess she's generic love interest #23b. In that case:
Kill CC
Fuck Mikasa
Marry 3rd girl
>CC is a horrible person
Based on what?
Marry Asuna
Fuck CC
Kill Mikasa
right is loyal waifu
left is dat ass
bottom is literally who
How can you say you love C.C. when you're not even willing to grant her wish and end her life in a glorious murder-sucicide, because life without C.C. isn't worth living?
The only correct answer is fuck, marry and murder C.C.
>implying death is her true wish
shiggy diggy
The only correct answer
my initial thought was to kill asuna because she's a shit character that I dont like at all, but then I realized I'd have to marry one of the other 2, who are both batshit insane. So I guess I marry asuna, fuck pizza, and kill titan.
You're a fucking retard. Anyone who likes SAO is a faggot.
3 characters from MLP-tier shows......
bitch what
Fuck and marry CC. Kill the rest.
Mikasa is ugly and SNK is dogshit. Even SAO is better.
Fuck CC
Marry Mikasa
Kill Asushit
Anyone who thinks differently is a huge faggot.
Kill, Marry and fuck the asuka.
Also good.
>marrying the XY chromosome dyke
That's the point
Having CC in a fuck marry kill kind of breaks the game don't you think
I know dude, I don't like anime that don't have any loli fap bait either! I watch anime to jack off. SNK doesnt have any slutty loli
>normalfag tier show
time to fuck off
It is though. Not that it's unentertaining, but it's pretty bad.
And MLP isn't as bad as either of you seem to think either.
>hating on Code Geass
Please leave this board
Fuck Mikassa, marry delicious pizzabut, kill the other whore.
Helping Lelouch massacre innocent civilians.
Fuck CC, Marry Mikasa, Kill Asuna
hello neo-Sup Forums
This. Mikasa is so disgusting.
>All these fucking faggots acting like they're too good for any of the girls in OP's pic
That's the reason all you guys are alone.
marry and fuck all three
kill myself
Marrying Mikasa is the smartest financial decision given her insane DNA. You'd father a generation of superhumans. Convince them to become pro athletes and then rake in the cash.
Marrying CC is the smartest sexual decision, since she doesn't age. You'll be banging sweet roughly 20-year old pussy for the rest of your life.
Marrying Asuna gives you nothing, just a regular girl.
Hating on Code Geass is the most neo-Sup Forums thing you can do
I'm too good for CG shit.
Marry pizzabutt
Fuck Mikasa
Kill Asuna
>You'd father a generation of superhumans. Convince them to become pro athletes and then rake in the cash.
Lavar Ball posts on Sup Forums?
go to bed pedro
the only correct answer.
Marry CC
Kill the other two
Fuck the rules
Yoyr country a shit
Marry Asuna
Fuck Asuna
Kill None
Fuck and Marry Horo
My man.
"I could beat the Beast Titan one-on-one"
My negro
Marry Mikasa, fuck Asuna and kill C.C. because she is immortal anyway.
You type like the guy who got banned for talking shit about Yotsuba.
This guy gets it.
Mikasa is even blander than Asuna, but at least she hasn't been fucked by tens of thousands of men, so I'll fuck her. Then I'll marry Asuna and put the product placement girl to rest.
>Fuck CC
>Marry Asuna
>Kill Mikasa
this man gets it
Fuck CC. Marry Asuna. Kill Mikasa.
Asuna is rich so this is a no-brainer.
>marrying and having sex with girls
This nigga knows
We've cracked the code.
this, all the way
>Marry: Asuna
She's rich. Only a fucking retard would let hatred of SAO get in the way of fucking money. Besides her awful characterization makes her the ideal wife for most of you virgins
>Fuck: Mikasa
I need me some dat muscle girl pussy
>Kill: CC
She'll get better
Anyone who doesn't marry the submissive rich girl is retarded
>muh finanical decision
>Asuna has nothing, not like she's fucking rich or anything
Are you faggots so determined to hate her shitty anime you'll make objectively wrong decisions just to not be with her? Asuna could be a big beefy bara and I'd still marry her for her money.
Fuck whoever that person in the bottom panel is
Marry Mikasa
Kill whoever the one on the top left is
I seriously can't tell if you're baiting or not, either way fuck off.
>i know! ill make a thread with 9 possible answers
>it'll be great
Code Geass > SAO > SnK
>all these "fuck CC" posts
More cocks to take after 500 years of taking cock
Fuck Asuna
Marry Mikasa
Make CC compact :^)