Why is this faggot alive again?

Why is this faggot alive again?

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You dare call our true lord and ruler a faggot? How cute

What are the chances that they base the next series off this explanation, that makes complete sense, as opposed to scrapping it and having Lelouch actually die like the one picture ova implies?

Because third season = more money. I'm not complaining.

Lelouch is simply too great a character to kill. Even his death, which was beautiful and brilliant, couldn't stop him. He really is one of the great characters of anime.

why does he want to rebel after completing his goal in season 2 again?

>calling God Emperor a faggot

He isn't done fixing the world yet.

>He isn't done fixing the world yet

Isn't the whole point of the ending that he sacrificed himself to achieve world peace?

Perhaps Nunally got attacked or something? Season 3's going to be shit anyways, why bother?

>lelouch has therefore obtained code geass

This alone makes so much sense that I believe it

If you think the world is at peace because they joined together to kill lelouch then you're an idiot. They'll go right back to their old struggles. Like how the USA, Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China joined together to defeat Germany and Japan but went back to their own petty squabbles right after. Hell, Americans and Chinese were killing each other literally less than 15 years after Americans voluntarily risked their lives to defend China.

I'm afraid this might be true
You can't just make a sequel out of a perfect ending. Some things are just better left finished.

Not everyone liked Zero how are you gonna achieve world peace when there are still factions out there wanting to rule.

If I have learnt something from this series is that nobody is dead if they don't show the corpse, and even then, you can't be 100% sure.
I can't wait to see what asspull they do to get lelouch alive again.

>Hell, Americans and Chinese were killing each other literally less than 15 years after Americans voluntarily risked their lives to defend China.

Maybe I'm just drunk but when I first learned about all that stuff it actually made me cry. Individual American men volunteered to protect China from Japan by facing insane odds as fighter pilots based in China, with Chinese support. Then not even 10 years later, they were trying to murder one another. People are fucking awful.


>Japan don't give a FUCK about how he's alive. Code Geass and Evangelion are sugoi genki!!!!!!

>Also $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Will he save us from the generic MCs?


lulu thread?

>there are still factions out there wanting to rule
Who? Do you realize what kind of regime Lelouch ran?

I hope there is a legit acknowledgment that the eternal mecha anime goal of "ending war forever" is a pipe dream.

Lelouch would have to literally be immortal, and rule the Earth forever as its god-emperor, to truly end all war. Even then he probably couldn't manage it. It's an impossible goal.

>Lelouch would have to literally be immortal
But he is now, just read Now all he has to do is retake the throne.

Power vacuum. Lelouch should have seen this coming. You can just die as a dictator of the world and expect everyone to let bygones be bygones. People will want that power that Lelouch left.

Yeah, in hindsight if Code Geass' world is anything like our world, Lelouch should have anticipated this.

Not to mention he left the world in the hands of a bunch of lolis and Suzaku, who is not exactly a brilliant strategist. Sure they have brainwashed Schneizel, but that may not be enough.

$$ for sunrise