Is Aishou a good boy?
JoJo thread
when is the fucking OVA coming? i cant wait
He's a wonderful boy who didn't deserve his heartbreak and fate.
Yes but he was very vulnerable after the cucking and let Yagiyama radicalise him, and fell in with the wrong crowd.
Aishou is a cuck
I'm reading Part 6 at the moment and I have a question is there any difference in translation between the Colored scans onBato and the downloads from the site?
Hey guys, I'm gotta run to the butchers real quick for some chicken.
I can trust you to look after my pet Rock right?
Thanks guys.
Good boys don't die in humiliating ways.
Pucci wasn't a good boy.
Which Jojo is most likely to suffer from frequent hiccuping?
>pretty much any dog in the series
part 5 announcement fucking when?
When you stop complaining and be patient.
Calm down, it's only been 6 months since the anime ended. October like for the DiU anime seems likely.
It's a tie between Giorno and Jolyne. Having stands that disassemble and reassemble parts of your body (Giorno's method of healing, and Stone Free in general) would probably lead to some muscle spasms. And muscle spams that cause contractions in the diaphragm are the source of hiccups.
Jolyne probably had a shit ton of hiccups in the final act of 6 cause of the Mobius Strip shenanigans.
On the inverse any Hamon user probably never gets the hiccups ever.
What kind of question is this
One that needs answering.
Which Jojo would probably need glasses when he gets older?
Gappy, to find his tiny penis
Is there any JoJo character that's had it as bad as Emporio?
Reminder that Pucci melted Emporio's mom.
rock men deserve what they got
I want to suck Aishou's rock
I am no longer a Jojo fan
The "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" Official Application is now up.
They will PM any of the pre-register winners via SNS, Email or Social Network.
>Google Playstore
Application for what?
Speaking of broken hearts in Jojolion...
The chapter where Kaato appears is called Walking Heart/Breaking Heart, is Kaato's Stand name Walking Heart?
next month
I already covered it back since it's reveal here:
>Not accepting the inevitability of hair.webm
You never were
Emporio deserved it.
If anyone has the link to their Google Playstore version, let me know.
Hes a cuck
None of the stuff would've happened to him if he just stayed in his trash can.
Spanish "JoJonium" is out.
Funny Vorelentine
Voregar Doppio
True, true.
Anyone has it? How is it?
Don't ever post this again.
When can we expect subs for the new drama cd?
ITT: Handsome motherfuckers
I just knew someone would post this the second I posted that vore shit
Does anyone have the full version of this picture?
Sorry, shouldve been clearer. The last time there was a cd dropped there was a video uploaded to YouTube with a static image of the BD cover and subs for the audio. I'm hoping we can get something like that for the one that just dropped at some point?
Who holds sunglasses like that?
Do you know the secret...?
No Giornos allowed
Warning: do NOT open this image
Sadly, I don't know what the original source is.
That stomach acid should be fucking disintegrating him.
Disgusting style
Contains a virus
It's too fucking big.
>browser keeps running out of memory
fucking chromium forks
i just finished SBR it was amazing
nice bait
Is Jotaro the only JoJo without an official birthday date?
I don't think Josuke has one.
Maybe hamon can repel digestive enzymes? It made eating hamon-users really dangerous for the pillar-men.
Josuke, Jolyne, Johnny, Gappy
We know the date of Kira and Josefumi's death, shouldn't that count?
He came out of the ground days later though, right?
I'd count that, he wasn't really 'born' till he emerged from the earth.
Which boards would which characters visit?
Nope, that's Hato's Stand.
Jonathan: /r9k/
Joseph: /r9k/
Jotaro: /r9k/
Josuke: /r9k/
Giorno: /r9k/
Jolyne: /r9k/
Johnny: /r9k/
Gappy: /r9k/
I've already messaged MistaL who will tell Daxing Dan about it.
It's a possibility but when you see Hato's relationship with Damo, perhaps that's how Breaking Heart comes into play.
I want this to be Kaato's Stand name. I think the lyrics match the character >implying Araki uses lyrics to match a character
I wish we got more Annasui.
not a big fan of country music but this is catchy
I have a problem. I get really sad listening to "Great Days" now. Maybe its because Part 4 was so good but something about the song just brings me down a little bit. Same goes for the ending, just something about the look of it and the song just gets me.
Goodbye my friends
None. He's too pure for this place
No idea. /k/ maybe?
/an/ and /r9k/
/fa/, /vr/
/an/, /fa/, Sup Forums?
/soc/ and every porn board
/r9k/, Sup Forums
Sup Forums, [s4s]
Can a Stand fighting something its user can't see?
Yes, assuming the stands have eyes
Thank's, I was reading Silver Chariot fighting Ebony Devil and wondering why he couldn't hit the little fucker.
Silver Chariot can't see through his eye holes if he has his armor on