Shingeki no Kyojin

Annie did literally nothing wrong

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First for Based Captain Rico

Why don't they just have a human soldier eat Annie after Eren or Armin break open her crystal? It seems like a massive waste to leave a titan shifter unused.

Annie is made for Bert cock

Reiner is a crybaby

I really can't stand Bert.

annie si my love

That's really sad!

Not first, but you tried.

>"Eren, I...."

zero personality

does bestatsu come out on weekends? or since 8th is on a saturday does it come out on 10th

Armin a cute.

Post the follow up where he's raped by Magath.


>Pieck and Annie instantly pair up

You can't win unless you try.




That's true

does anyone have that edited page about falco saying to reiner he bullied hobo eren and reiner saying he is a deadman

Also is there any reason why Zeke is the only teenage warrior? Wasn't his generation the start of the warrior program?

Without a doubt.

How do you feel about EL being canon?

They all died.


>tfw Levi didn't just breed an army of Ackermans

Why did superhuman powers have to fall to such a faggot?

>Why did superhuman powers have to fall to such a faggot?

*this also applies to Eren, Armin, Bert, Ymir....lots of fags getting superhuman powers in this show

Lewd implications here I think

This is nice, but I feel sad that Annie didn't have any friendships with other's of the 104th, even if she is a Warrior.

o let me have a quick guess about the political situation of paradis right now.
>Decisions are still being made by Queen Historia BUT there is a parlament for big decisions because of the previous tides with the SL.
>Probably all 3 corps got reformed into just one big army
>The 9 surving from the SL probably have really high ranks with Hanji being general with Armin being her right hand
>There was an intense campaign to tell the thruth though the whole island.
>Marley is now know as the common enemy
>They sent ambassors or spies to other nations to get the genral view of the modern world
>Huge advances on science and tech since now investigations are free.
>They know shifters are friendly since they protect the island

If Reiner is only part Eldian, can we finally accept the Mikasa is going to become a Titan?

it's one of the possibilities of what happened to her

who cares, we get the leaks earlier

mikasa isn't part eldian

True. It has been a few years. I think it would be cool if Rico, Connie, or Jean got Annie's powers, they're good side characters and it would be nice to see them get more attention in the story. Connie in particular has a very strong motivation to voluntarily shorten his lifespan in order to get some revenge on Marley.

The fact that she's an Ackerman who're now revealed to be titan science experiments might negate her and Levi becoming titans, also she's only 25% Eldian at most if her father is half Eldian half Ackerman and even if being an Ackerman doesn't negate becoming a titan a minimum of 50% or above in bloodline purity might be required

Mikasa isn't part eldian though, she can't become a titan. But it's clear that being half eldian is enough to become a titan...imagine if Eren and Mikasa had a kid. Titan shifter Ackerman.

they might have
>Huge advances on science and tech
not huge but significant, unless isayama asspulls something yet again
>They know shifters are friendly
generalizing is always bad

Arent Ackermans eldian? They never said they arent.

>Connie in particular has a very strong motivation to bring his mother back
She's a titan already.


I don't want annie to die but the possibility exists, and I think it would be interesting if hitch for some reason gets it, i mean she was one of the few people who actually tried to get close to her

I said that Connie wanted revenge, not that he wanted to bring his mother back.

>Titan shifter Ackerman
If he ate Eren.

Even if they are just modified Eldians, Aclermans being modified magic humans might make them unable to be titans if the plot decides to call for it

>Female Titan
>list has only one girl
Well, I guess Rico is Baesd after all. Rico FT hell yes!

Are Annie and Pieck about to take the Z?

ackerman aren't eldians because eldians turn into titans if any kind of shit using titan powers is done with them, even licking the spinal fluid would titan them into titans

I think Connie would want to bring her back before revenge.
He isn't Eren.

>Female Titan

Does the "female titan" have to be female though? We only call it that because the shifter who had the power was a woman. If a man eats Annie, does he grow tits?

Bringing her back isn't really possible.

Poor Reiner, Pieck should help him out.

fucking pedos

>Reiner isn't and never will be your big cousin

All are way too irrelevant to become a shifter. The only possibilities are Mikasa and Historia.

>All are way too irrelevant to become a shifter.

Armin became a shifter and he's the most useless character in the history of fiction

>Bringing her back isn't really possible.
Why not? If she ate Annie she would become the Female Titan.

You can't trust an ayy lmao who gives alcohol to minors to look after kids


tits is not a power

Yeah, but he's been shoved down our throats constantly. You can't just make a literal who a shifter.

It was only a matter of time

So why they arent? We havent seen any case of someone trying to titanize an Ackerman so we dont know.

To be fair, we've yet to have any development not characterization for Annie. The whole: "Turn the whole world into your enemy'' deal felt more like a opening into Annie backstory. Annie won't die until we get the clear picture is what I believe.

Tell that to Bert and Ymir. We're getting her backstory from Reiner and her dad while she dies offscreen.

Manlet will have Eren's kids.

Screencap this

It does probably, since that illustration with the founding titan and the 8 other powers had "one'' female between them


they are not connected to the paths, their memories can't be erased, paths is what that connects all eldians and titanizes them

How are you preparing for the Ymir-like Annie flashback?
It's very tough for me, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

So....does a guy who eats Annie also become a woman in human form? That has to be pretty disturbing for them.

Is this his own special Ackerman superpower?

niggers that was just a artistic representation of the 9 titans and ymir, they even had fucking clothes do not take it literally anons

Ok original Ackermans are not Eldians but the current gen, Mikasa and Levi probably are a mix.

Eren will die alone like he always wanted.

it's not like we didn't expect it

Mikasa is asian/ackerman
Levi is most likely eldian/ackerman. Wouldn't make sense for a non eldian to have sex with a prostitute underground.

I think them being ackerman must have a significance, i wonder if somekind of mindwipe will happen in the series, or if when eren touches zeke, zeke also gets to control the coordinate

Well, in one illustration there's a viking titan who is clearly representing the armored and there's a female one too.
It's artistic representation, but it's easy interpretable.

Levi Female Titan confirmed? It would be fujos heaven.

and what if the picture was of the next holder of founding titan and people took it as ymir or rather the power of ymir to control titan as you said perhaps only the power is represented so

do you guys watch the anime or read the manga? asking for a friend.

I think I liked this better when it was about humans outsmarting titans, but I get that the stakes needed to be raised, otherwise the story would end too quickly.

anime only, but I still read these threads so I've been spoilered to hell and back. Also read the most recent manga chapters (about post-timeskip reiner)

user please, we watch the anime offcourse, we're all anime onlies, not even a single one reads the manga

>Protect her smile at all cost!

yeah, look at the walking dead, zombies for half a dozen seasons, people get bored

Annie maybe did things wrong but she isn't a terrorist
she actually didn't want to kill her friends and she fell sorry about killing innocent people she only kill soldiers
Isayama maybe makes it mean something and don't kill her offscreen

well he did say he didn't want her to look bad and look as an average person

Levi could probably become a titan, but Mikasa cannot, since she has zero Eldian genes

Endgame right here, brothers.

I miss anniebot

Ymir's seems to be represented with a horn.
But who knows.

But we dont know her parents background. They might not be pure Ackerman or asian.

the horn is the voice to control the titans and turn eldians into titans, founding titan can do that

>Anniebot disappears
>Pedofag and Dollfag are now the face of Annieposting
Truly we live in the darkest timeline.

>Eren's parent's get a origin story but not one for Mikasa's.

Annie is a hero to her people, the Eldians of Liberio. She's an Eldian goddess