The FBI isn't going to lose this Sup Forums

The FBI isn't going to lose this Sup Forums

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>Muh FBI
Everyone knows that the MSM is replacing Mossad with FBI because it's all zionist controlled media.

>Nothing proves our innocence quite like veiled threats

The FBI isn't a 4th branch of the US Government and works underneath the office of the US President. Know your place.

basically Trump's gonna get his shit pushed in.

This tbqh

I think majority of FBI are focused on the objective at hand, but they probably know there is bullshit partisanship at the top, and they don't like it one bit.

You sign up to the FBI to protect your country, not play political games.

The real power of a secret police force is secrecy and shadow, coming out and fighting in the open is a really stupid thing for them to do.

the FBI people are probably pretty tired that all these nobodies come to the TV to say what they think. In the real world, they just want their paycheck and career progression


Democrats have the FBI and CIA on their side.
Republicans have... Trump

Trump could fire the entire FBI if he wanted to

CNN is toast now. It's been done. No credibility.

>we wuz heer longurr so we duh gud guis

Is Sup Forums strong enough to destroy the liberal media? Somebody’s gotta do it. The fuckers only tell one side of every story. Whatever side Pelosi and Schumer tell them to.

Turn on CNN. Trump just abolished the FBI.

Who was Lavrentiy Beria? What happened to him when he played this game?

The people are power.


they're also completely confident that they'll be victorious as evidenced by all the people stepping down and the frantic hollering of the MSM

>The FBI isn't a 4th branch of the US Government and works underneath the office of the US President.
if they demonstrate otherwise oh boy oh boy will they have a bigger can of worms to deal with

>you better stop fucking with the Deep State that doesn't exist

All general trump needs to do is issue the order 50 million of US will slaughter anyone that he commands

>The FBI isn't a 4th branch of the US Government and works underneath the office of the US President. Know your place.
the FBI are the best Law Enforcement Officers in the world. the point of his statement is that they've seen Trump's behaviour many times before, but Trump hasn't seen what they can do.

not even close.

Donald Trump will probably be the first indicted President. They will arrest him early and let it go to the Supreme Court.

I've come to believe that we are unironically protected by a higher power, something akin to the true desire of the human collective

So they're probably planning another "train crash" with the Democrats.

Growing up I had so much respect and admiration for the FBI. They were literally my heroes. I fantasized about joining their ranks.

To see them fall to this shameful low really breaks my heart. They were corrupted by Obama and Clinton, and it's a shameful, national disgrace.

wow, a shadow government threatening the elected president, nothing bad going on here, goy

The American people have been around since 1776, we're going to win.

Have you chuckleheads even considered what the consequence of a failed revolution/coup against the president would be? You will be creating Ceaser, but you jews never learn.

So the veil is finally lifted? Power over reach is real. Totalitarian organizations do exist. We, the people, SHOULD be pissed?

I say if he is indicted(lol) he should just bring the whole thing down. DECLASSIFY EVERY DIRTY THING OUR GOVERNMENT AND POLITICIANS HAVE DONE. Imagine it the deepstate goes to remove him

msnbc and cnn are advocating removing an elected president

The rank and file need to revolt.

The soul of our country is at stake. The FBI was/is the last bastion of Americanism left. The greatest law enforcement agency on the planet was used as a political weapon.

Jokes on them, Trump is a time traveler.

And we wouldn't have it any other way.

Pretty sure the office of President was establish prior to 1908. Or is he referring to individuals with 110 years of service?

Didn't Chucky Schumer warn him way back in Jan 2017 to be afraid if the US "intelligence" agencies?

They are specifically creating Lincoln actually

Bill Clinton was the last US President to be indicted. The word you're looking for is successful indictment, since only one house of Congress agreed Clinton was guilty.

>the FBI are the best Law Enforcement Officers in the world.

Also fuck off, the FBI have shown they were complicit and played a political lapdog targeting Trump's campaign using fake and tainted evidenced provided by a foreign agent in an election year. Sounds like something you would hear out of a South American or Middle Eastern corrupt government.


There are things that should be done that no one will do until it's too late.

This was the Marxists end game, these alphabet agencies were going to be the new secret police and the KGB, above all law except that of the party leaders.

This FBI agent who just quit says it best
>Furthermore, a congressional memo released on Friday accuses the F.B.I. and the Justice Department of abusing their surveillance powers to spy on a former Trump campaign adviser. But every statement of fact included in an affidavit for foreign intelligence collection must withstand the scrutiny of at least 10 people in the Department of Justice hierarchy before it is reviewed by an independent court.
>There is, however, a difference between oversight by those in charge of holding the F.B.I. accountable and criticism by politicians seeking partisan gain. Political operatives are weaponizing their disagreement with a particular investigation in a bid to undermine the credibility of the entire institution. “The system is rigged” is their slogan, and they are now politicizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process used to collect critical intelligence about our adversaries.
>The assumption among confused and dismayed F.B.I. employees is that the attacks are meant to soften the blow should the investigation by Mr. Mueller, the special counsel, lead to additional charges. However, these kinds of attacks by powerful people go beyond mere criticism — they could destroy the institution. Although those critics’ revisionist supporters claim their ire is reserved for institutional leadership and not the rank and file, it is the F.B.I. agent on the street who will be most severely affected as public support for federal law enforcement is sacrificed for partisan gain.
>These political attacks on the bureau must stop. If those critics of the agency persuade the public that the F.B.I. cannot be trusted, they will also have succeeded in making our nation less safe.

i see some preatorian guard in ancient rome scenario. they held the throne of the empire for auction once, they were created to protect the emperor, be his bodyguards but his spies and assassins too. they were eventually disbanded for being a threat to the emperor. perhaps a similar scenario is happening with the position of president and the agencies that are supposed to be his protects/protectors of the nation.

as long as we both agree its a war then I'm fine, lets do it.

Ceaser, Lincoln, Hitler I don't give a fuck, so long as it removes the Communists.

The longer this goes on the more I'm convinced that we'll see an armed entry team riding up to their building to serve a warrant or subpoena, hell it should have been done the first time they refused to give congress documents.

>bragging about corruption

They seem scared. Pretty bold for an organization who has power just because of their "brand name."

It will be civil war with all dirt on both sides being thrown into the public if Trump is indicted for anything. Militias will take action, playing a huge game of chicken vs National guardsmen and the army.

The FBI or (Fan Belt Inspectors) have already lost.



I wonder if they can win the hearts of the millions of Trump supporters again. I believe that the confidence in the statal structures has been permanently altered. This will play better in the long run.

>mfw the FBI forgets that they are a department of the executive branch and Trump is their boss

This is not going to end well for them...

They are in open revolt at this point.

They will face meme magic. Check em

>dont criticize our god-like surveillance powers and ability to make up FISA warrants to shit on the 4th amendment and freedom

Using the same dumb logic, the presidency has been around since 1789 so knows even better how the game is played.


There's grades.


CIA vs FBI civil War.


>partisan gain
well if you didn't want to be attacked for partisan reasons you probably shouldn't have illegally spied on behalf of Hillary's shitty campaign.

They'll lose when a marine expeditionary force kicks their door down.

And the will of the people and the military.

that would be incredibly stupid

The mob rules. Public opinion is king.

>Who was Lavrentiy Beria? What happened to him when he played this game?
He was a good dude. During the coup d'état led by Nikita Khrushchev and assisted by the military forces of Marshal Georgy Zhukov, Beria was arrested on charges of treason.

But see, this is AMERICA, vodkanigger. SO it doesn't work that way.

If you're a traitorous American who has correctly identified themselves as members of the attempted "self-coup" that is the Trump Administration, then you will see exactly what patriots of good conscience in federal law enforcement and intelligence are willing and able to do to protect this Republic and her Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic.

And if Russia gets froggy, just remember vodkaniggers, we're ready to to die any day, to the last man, woman, and child, to ensure our freedom from YOU lot.


(Oh, and fuck Vladimir Putin)

Is he saying the FBI is threatening an elected president?

seriously, how much dope do these "intelligence community" people smoke each hour?

Congress oversees the bureaucracy. They are the ones that blew the whistle. The Inspector General of the FBI is the one that collected the information. So to make this assertion both Congress and the Inspector General of the FBI have to be falsifying their information.

It's as simple as that.

Either that statement is correct or the IG of the FBI and Congress are plotting against the FBI.

Trump's administration is filled with military people for a reason, it won't be militias squaring off against national guard and army, it'll be jackasses in red and black hoodies.

Yep pretty much this.
I’d go to war for trump against the commies any day of the week.

Don't criticize the FBI
They only illegally spied on an american citizen who committed no crime on fabricated bullshit evidence using counter-terrorism FISA courts.
The spying also was done on an elected president about to go into office with this flimsy evidence to access all of his communications using the full power of FBI backdoors

Absolutely nothing big, why would this bother anyone?

FBI spied on an elected president's transition team using fabricated evidence and counter-terrorism powers.

theres no way antifa types could deal with mass firing squads

after the first day of real fighting they'd all have PTSD and would be trying to call it off

>The FBI isn't going to lose this Sup Forums
nigga shoulda took the deal.

now they finna go all "Rodney King" up on his ass.



>You sign up to the FBI to protect your country, not play political games.
exactamundo, cap.

it's a shame.


I'm signing up after the cull.

Given that we just saw the opposition party shut down the federal government to aid and abet foreign criminals I don't think you're in a position to call anyone traitor bud, you are a pawn of foreign interests and you don't have a country so don't go dragging mine through the mud by association.

FBI is the product of the Cold War and Great Depression.

They started out as simple inspectors who couldn't arrest people or carry guns.

They were then given the task of chasing bank robbers and Bolsheviks.

J Edgar Hoover then started spying on politicians.

JFK, RFK wanted to fire Hoover and restructure the FBI.

Anyhow, post 9/11 DHS was created.

The government can technically disband the FBI and hand over its police duties to new outfit out of DHS. Strip DOJ of police duties and just make it the branch that prosecutes.

You may no longer have lawyers, prosecutors playing cop.

DHS would replace FBI with MI5 style organization.

INS got disbanded and replaced by ICE after 9/11 .

This is the spin. He is basically saying nothing wrong happened.

I don't know how anyone sane can look at the FISA system and not see that it needs more checks and stricter balancing. Especially if the FBI and DOJ is going to use it on political officials.

4th amendment.

Sad thing is if it was a democrat being FISA'ed it would be exactly the opposite partisanship. God-like spying abilities need to be curtailed. Even if you trust the current FBI it can easily degrade into a more corrupt one that won't mind using this fabrication on all political opponents.

>challenging patriots

No one forced FBI director James Comey to withhold critical information from a FISA judge in order to surveilAmerican citizens, or to purchase an opposition-research dossier from a political campaign in the middle of an election cycle.
Nor did anyone force Comey to leak confidential notes of a meeting with the president of the United States to the media in a deliberate effort to force appointment of a special counsel. Comey swore that he did not write his letter of legal exoneration until after interviewing Hillary Clinton; we now know that was likely also a false statement. Comey also changed the wording of his original draft to ensure Hillary Clinton’s immunity from possible criminal liability. No one forced the FBI’s top lawyer and recently reassigned general counsel, James Baker, to leak elements of the so-called Steele dossier to the media during the 2016 campaign

No one forced Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to conduct a romantic affair via FBI secure phones, a texting correspondence that revealed that they both were prejudicial to the object of their own then-current investigation, Donald Trump, or to meet with Andrew McCabe to commiserate about their mutual dislike of Donald Trump. Note that their departures from the Mueller collusion investigation were not immediately announced, but rather such news was released months later to suggest that the reassignments was neither connected nor out of the ordinary.
No one forced a compromised Andrew McCabe to continue with the Hillary Clinton email investigation, despite the fact that his wife had recently received several hundred thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from a Clinton-affiliated political-action committee.
No one forced him to concede that without the use of the dossier, FISA warrants would have been unlikely.

>CIA guy says FBI..
Isn't there some massive hidden rivalry?
If I wanted to hurt the FBI as the CIA I'd help Trump

>Fbi openly threatens Trump
Wew lads mission accomplished

>the FBI people are probably pretty tired that all these nobodies come to the TV to say what they think. In the real world, they just want their paycheck and career progression
sorry but the FBI are dedicated to the MISSION, they don't act like communists on the dole.

Bill Clinton was never indicted. Congress brought Articles of Impeachment against him. The Supreme Court ruled in 1973 and 2000 that the Executive Branch can't indict the President. (It's open whether or not an ex-president can be indicted.)

With opinions like that im glad the dickhead quit.

Trump undoubtedly has the military and 70 million strapped Americans on his side. Shady politicians and deep state crooks are powerless in the face of angry people with guns, retard.

CIA and FBI niggers get BTFO!

I'd love to kill this man.

>FBI buys oppo research from anti-trump maniac
>FBI uses said oppo research to gain god-like spying ability using all backdoors known on Trump, a politician for president

Yeah... nothing sketchy about this.

Tough talk nigger. How about you show your real flag?

Or break it up into smaller specialized agencies such as ATF and ICE. The functions of the FBI don't need to be all mushed together into such a large agency.

>The memo hasn't been redacted or reviewed properly! Releasing it is a security risk!
Memo released.
>The memo isn't accurate, Nunes didn't see all the information! muh grave concerns.
The memorandum is actually from HPSCI majority staff, it says right on it. The document has already received the highest level of oversight. The people who oversee the FBI and DOJ are the ones who looked it over.
Trey Gowdy has seen everything. Here is Trey, Chairman of the Oversight Committee, on the authenticity of the memo:

>Haha another nothing burger! Nothing will ever happen, this isn't going to lead to anything.
Victoria Toensing and Joseph DiGenova are two well known lawyers who have run special councils like Mueller's. They have gone after both the Teamsters and former NY Governor Elliot Spitzer.
Victoria is currently a DOJ official representing William Campbell, who just had a gag order regarding the Clinton's and Uranium one lifted in Oct of 2017. Mr. Campbell is an FBI informant who was deep undercover for 6 years investigating Uranium One.
Here is what Victoria and Joe had to say about the memo and what's next:

>Hillary did nothing wrong, she will never get locked up!
Wrong. Hillary and Bill are going down for Clinton Foundation bribery and Uranium One scandal. The Investigation into Clinton Foundation is already under way, thanks to William Campbell. Excellent video of Joseph explaining the case against Hillary Clinton:

reminder that the CIA is just bronies

Phil Mudd is a direct descendant of a man who helped in the plot to kill Lincoln. Where the saying your name is as Mudd. he has made multiple threats to Trump. I think he could use a little Trump curse.

Sorry drumpfh, the FBI runs this country. Know your place.