There has been an awakening

>There has been an awakening

>Have you felt it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Good for you, Italy.
Now elect someone that will actually change things.



Good on you my friends

This doesn't bode well for you, Shitaly


Send pizza


Do it Italy


fashwave when?

The fire is rising

Wait has Italy gone full nazi?

You can do it yourself this time, fuck off Pierre.

Who is the modern day Mussolini


Reminds me of the Evrope Identitarian movement in Italy



THIS IS WHERE IT GETS TRICKY, THE KIKES will worm their way into this energy and attempt to divert and direct it. Must think not twice but three times over every action so as to not step into a trap. The kikes want the nationalism in a bid to foment chaos with the foreigners, must not allow them to manipulate the energy.

Nothing a few large bombs from the JewSA can't solve.

This isn't the medieval times anymore where a bunch of angry white men gathering together in the streets is going to fix things. You need industry and technology.

Wow... I can't even... just... fuck you racist, fascist pieces of shit...

Ahh the home of real fascism

Let your colors scream

Farti scopare frocio nero musulmano!

The lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody.


>You need industry and technology
So you need white men is what you are saying?


>not knowing whats going on in italy to envoke such a response
I thought it's racist for PoC to have low IQ?

Shouldn't have let the blacks and muzzies in. Wouldn't have happened, but nooooo that's what you wanted. You reap what you sow.


Some nice roman salutes, can't deny that.

Damn shame its too big to post on here

I always knew that the cucking would stop first in Italy. Unfortunately everything north of the Alps is lost I'm afraid.

>It's an another "Italy goes facist again" episode

Good, the fire rises.

You need white men to get off their asses and start developing tech again and STOP fucking sharing it with people outside of your in-group.

Hail victory!


Hold on one second there. Jews positioned themselves back in power after the second world war to undermine the host nations. Don't blame the Euros for getting betrayed from within. They are the victims.

Italy is the fucking problem though, they are the gates to Europe. Its good that the people are standing up for their nation but it should of been sooner.


combining fascism with modern technology..its gonna be a bad idea

hey, you want to see what goy-self rulership looks like, just look at medieval europe, where they burned people alive and staked people through their anuses up their mouths

if it wasnt for jews youd still all be dirty fucking peasants throwing shit out of your windows.

you goys are gonna miss the comfy jew-led western civilization once its gone, trust me.


Holy fuck that's incredible. I never thought in my life I'd see something like that.

What's with the filename though?

Anyone who does not want their country filled with 3rd world niggers is a racist.

bullshit, the absolute majority of Eurocucks actively supports mainstream policy, they are not victims of an obscure Jewish plot.


The history is repeating itself.
Nearly 100 years since the March on Rome and the founding of NSDAP. The ideology is still present in Europe. Italians doing Roman salutes, Spainiards singing cara al Sol and doing salutes as well. It's happening.

What? It's just Romans doing Roman salutes. It's part of their culture. Don't be so racist.

You could have avoided this.

>To all the fallen Kameraden


keep believing your diddly fantasies, space has already been conquered, you are not needed, and you will not spread your seed beyond this earth. ET dictated that, which we are in contact with.

>you goys are gonna miss the comfy jew-led western civilization once its gone
Nah i think they will be good.

its been waayyyyyy to long in western europe without a war. its been like 70 years and no bloodshed, that is strange

Mind a quick rundown?

Dunno, not Italian. As far as I know they commemorate fascist heroes which is what happened in the video.

It's been way too long since 9/11. I hope you die in the next one.

What was the deal with the different flags there? I think i saw Finnish flag on some video.


Considering the history of Europe it is rather unusual, I am expecting a civil war in a major European country within 10-15 years. Sweden, Italy, Germany are my top guesses.

Is this the beginning? Don't get my hopes up for nothing Sup Forums, you fucks

Here’s your rundown

>combining fascism with modern technology..its gonna be a bad idea
That's your opinion.

Those digits say yes

Will based Salvini leave the EU when he wins?

fuck off people like you will be the first to go into the gas chambers

u are playing with fire, you do understand what you are taking for granted and what you will miss soon. there is a term for this and it is called useful idiot

I didn´t need to lock my bike or our door, just 20 years ago. Shit changes fast.

Also in Spain

You scared nigger?

You are correct but it´s really not stoppable at this juncture. I mean, Pike´s Third is planned and in full motion. Our chance is not stopping it as that will just lead to soft defeat by demographics, but rather winning it without being too broken.

10-15 years? I'm betting more 5-10. Every year since Trump was elected people can't shut their mouths for the life of them about the Nazees cuming back and Europe is getting absolutely garbage truck loads of rapefugees poured into them. The numbers will be too skewed against Europe's favor in 20 years.

>Being a untermensch with no individuality, forming in groups to make you feel better about your worthless existence.

Fascism is the ultimate cuckoldry

anything is better than watching rapefugees run amock and raping and destroying shit

Great to see, slowly but surely white people will awaken.

Unlikely since it would be a coalition government.

That video user... That video.

>b-b-b-b-but human rights! due process!
me ne frego

>What is 50+ years of brainwashing for 500DM Alex


>implying we dont want this

The whole problem with modern life is it is FAR too comfy. Humans need struggle and challenge, at least real humans do. They thrive with it and keep healthier, happier and more fulfilled.

Kinda funny,last time i checked jews were destroying western society by forcing niggers and muslims and feminism down our throats and ruining our art,music and fashion and making every woman into a vapid whore. Who needs you? We were doing fine without you.

Considering the DAILY grenade attacks in Sweden and recent rises in gun ownership in Germany you are probably right.

when can we colonize Libya again? it would be good for us and the Libyans


The Fire Rises.

This. You're on your own this time fellas. This is why Americans didnt want to open the flood gates to refugees. So now instead of refugees they are trying for illegal immigrants from Mexico to incite this reaction so as to push for a literal white genocide.

No more pet goys for (((You)))
Shouldn't have been so impatient about white genocide Shlomo

Fuck you, commie cuck.

This is also one of the main problems. Good times do create weak men, history has noted it and now we have lived it.

>ultimate meme flag
>These posts

Baiting was never this easy.

That is true. It is also one of the reasons Western Europeans (and whites worldwide) became soft.

indeed. I now can leave my door open again though, as I moved into a gated community.
When I went downtown today, I stopped counting at the 15's police car....

These shitalians think the africans are there biggest problem lol

it's easy shooting random blacks and sieg heiling like retards but you will never target the root of the problem, fucking pussy ass retards lol

im italian btw


Communism all the same you retard cuck


We ARE the fire.

I need a status check on the cities in the U.S. have there been any protests forming due to the memo being released officially?

I live in a low population area, at least an hour to 2 hours away from any city. I haven't heard about any protests yet, but then again, I have also been away tending to important shit pertaining to my car (And looking at a few guns). So I'm out of the loop.
