Apollo "moonlanding" was hoax, filmed earth?

look these evidence, there are more facts to back up claim that Apollo moonlandind was hoax and filmed earth, than they really went moon 1969

NASA admitt that its development capsule that could go through van allen belt radiation, and that capsule is no near completed.

Still, official story is that they allready go trough van allen belt 1969 twice.

allso there is many contradictory things about Apollo moon films that are against fysic, like astronauts punch metal hammer to metal in moon, you can hear sound of that hammer, but that is impossible because moon, its vacume, so sound could not been hear there, NASA admits that you cant hear sound in Moon, but they deleted that site where they admit that you cant hear sound in the moon, still Apollo film you hear sound when Apollo astronaut throw hammer against metal in moon.

Look these 2 videos and try to debunk them.



this video, ignore tittle flat earth, is misleading, content there is anything about flat earth but interesting prove that Apollo was hoax and filmed in Earth


Other urls found in this thread:


>buy a good telescope
>point it at the moon
>see the moonlander and footprints
>never make a thread like this again

It was a hoax. NO way did the US throw together the technology to go through the VAB in a beer can and land it safely on the moon with a computer that was better suited to be a boat anchor. It's ludicrous that the lie keeps going on nearly 50 years later.

Impossible to do that, of course. The most powerful telescope on Earth can't see shit.

Look at this high-tech piece of equipment NASA tossed together to land on the moon. Tent poles and drywall. Does this sucker look airtight to you>?

yeah, its ridiculous, but when they faked this, they could not guess, that 50 years later there this thing interenet and millions and millions could investigate this tinfoil, ducktape made "lunar module" etc, etc.

and lets remember, all astronauts were freemasons

here they looked like pointed pistol, because they know that its all lie. look at this their press conferense, do they look like happy people with succes operation behind, or people that know that they talk big lies


moonstones were proven fake, etc, etc, this whole Apollo moon landing story its bullshit

'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake
A moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969 has turned out to be a fake.


Moon, and space, its vacume, you could not hear sound of there that is science fact, still Apollo films you could here sounds.

Moon landings hoax - Sounds in Vacuum


Some junk and prints don't prove man went to the moon. Only prove man put some junk & prints on the moon. Got Remote Vehicle?

Alright do it and show us, retard

50 years NASA had technology that they just deveploment today....

Apollo story was that they went beercan throug van allen belt moon and back

Nasa put out a video explaing the Orion Mission, in this video he admits how dangerous the Van Allen Belts arefor d humans, so obviously it would not have been possible over 45 years ago.


Someone is mad they aren't part of the greatest and most technologic nation ever to exist. You think chuck yaeger and buzz gave a fuck about dying for the chance of glory??

The CIA also likes to drop hits through Hollywood. "Intersteller" is set in the future and there's a scene where they mention the moon landings were all staged. This is a way of softening up citizen's psyches for when they find out the truth--it was all a bogus boondoggle that cost the taxpayers billions. A lot of that money was spirited away into the Deep State. I work with photography and the first convincer for me was seeing two astronauts on level ground walking to and away the flag. One astronaut's shadow got much shorter when going to the light source and the other's much longer when he moved away. The lengths changed! The sun wouldn't do this, but spotlights do. It was staged.

>space isn't real

drop hints, not hits. Hits too, though...like when they whacked Gus Grissom.

"Interstellar" may as well spell that properly too

We went to the moon because it was easier than faking it.


Thanks Fin. I think this seals it for me. He's so disgusted to be back in this shithole he could barely talk. At least on the moon he could just chill with his astro bros and talk about space stuff.

How are these astronots still ALIVE??? Didn't they die in the 86' challenger explosion? They never were ON-BOARD! Don't believe me? Heres proof.




Same facial features, same names.

Lol don't dilute yourself. The whole point of that scene is to provide a lesson on how pessimistic people become when you stop trying to achieve glory (in this case space travel)

In the case of the Apollo missions, the solution was to minimize the second two factors. We can’t control the energy of those particles, though they can be large. The density of the Van Allen belts is well known (from sending uncrewed probes through them), and there are hotspots you can definitely avoid. In particular, the innermost belt is a rather tightly defined region, and it was possible to stay out of it for the trip to the Moon. The second belt is much larger, and harder to avoid, but there are still denser regions to avoid. For the Apollo trips, we wanted to send the astronauts through a sparse region of the belts, and to try and get through them quickly. This was necessary in any case; the crafts had to make it to the Moon in a reasonable amount of time, and the shorter the trip, the less exposure to all sorts of radiation the astronauts would get.

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Scientific Visualization Studio
An artist's depiction with cutaway section of the two giant donuts of radiation, called the Van Allen Belts, that surround Earth.

In the end, it seemed that these tactics worked; the on-board dose counters for the Apollo missions registered average radiation doses to the skin of the astronauts of 0.38 rad. This is about the same radiation dose as getting two CT scans of your head, or half the dose of a single chest CT scan; not too bad, though not something you should do every week.



Can we stop this? We didn't have the technology to fake the moon landing. Getting to the moon isn't that hard.

Also, the van allen belt is a hoax, equal to flat earth.

Nasa and EESA make BILLIONS every year, yet theres no real pictures of earth. Beyond cgi/fisheye lens, which futher casts doubt.

Why not just take raw footage of the earth NATURALLY??? We cant take pictures of other planets, right???

Why fake this AT ALL????

EESA (Europeon NASA) fucked up their CGI, see 15:10


>Inb4 dead pixels, reflections, dust particles, ad hominem, psyop derail

I knew we didn't go in 69 when they admitted they found another layer to the Van Allen Belt in 2013.

How did they accurately math themselves to the moon and back in 2018 when they didn't even know the correct levels of radiation to be shielding against till 44 years later.

lol the only thing that looks faintly similar is the black dude's mustache,

>the wavy flag
it's clearly oscillating after it was rotated. it this a joke?

Why didn't the USSR expose the fraud and collapse the US government?

lol poor fag can't afford a telescope

They go through the belts twice. Not to mention the blaring radiation on the moon. YET...the film in the cameras doesn't show the least bit of fogging like it should when subject to direct gamma rays from the sun. The drastic temperature variations--from 200F to minus 200F should have ruined the film, too. They took studio-quality shots without a viewfinder and clearly many of the photos were doctored. The suits look deflated. They're in a vacuum and death could come from a slight tear of the suit, but no...they bounce around and sing songs like they were on a happy picnic. Because they were.

you pass through that belt quickly enough there's no real danger

you're bathed in radiation constantly dude, it causes skin cancer, bleaches clothing and hair, and damages paint

>and back in 2018

*in 1969

This nerd says otherwise and I got the pics to prove it.

Here is a picture of James Bond on the Moon.

>Getting to the moon isn't that hard.
That's why we never went back in nearly 50 years, right? If it's so easy, why does NASA admit they 'no longer have the technology' to go. It's the only time in human history that technology went backward--the 1960s were superior to the technology today. NASA also destroyed blueprints and telemetry. They destroyed evidence, in other words.

reminder that the hardest part about getting to the moon or doing anything in space is safely leaving earth orbit

the rest is simple navigation

we can obviously put things into orbit, you can see the international space station with the naked eye

moon landing really happened. hoaxers are fringe lunatics. moon rocks have been collected and examined by scientists from around the globe; faking these would be much harder even using current technology than just going to the moon and grabbing some.

for the moon landings to be a hoax, thousands and thousands of people would have to be in on it.

The biggest difference today and back then is people weren't such pussies. You are viewing the risks anachronistically. I know people in the military today that were exposed to radiation during the clean up of that tsunami in Japan. And that's with modern science. Back then it was far less of a concern

Gemini and mercury missions were hoaxed, Apollo missions were not.

Theres a reason they called it the space "Race"

And were it not for werner von braun, the USA would have never made it to the moon.

But here's the thing,

It doesn't matter if they went through it quickly, if they didn't even know the true levels the Van Allen is operation on in 69 how did they shield against the Moon Radiation.

Do you see how one single flaw in the story has a knock on effect.

Take your meds FFS, NONE of these people even look remotely close.

Except that is not possible.


furthermore, all video evidence of the moon landings show moon gravity with absolute accuracy

there is no way to fake this on a scale that is shown by the videos, even using current technology: we have no anti-gravity capabilities

with video tech of the time, it's even more laughable

exactly, and there is so many contradictory things when you investigate this Apollo hoax

it was filmed in Earth, probably by Stanley Kubrick

its proven that Kubrick and NASA had co-operation back then, and for example film shine Kubrick point at Apollo hoax

Lunar Landing Hoax - Hidden Subliminal Messages in Stanley Kubrick's Movie The Shining


You can navigate them, like the article stated. You're imagining it like some thick, stable and immobile belt.

That's why the space shuttle's radiation alarm went off when they were 400 miles above the Earth and still not in the belts. They saw shooting stars in their retinas. They had to turn back and they weren't even in the belts proper. Man has never been beyond low Earth orbit.

There is also a plate on the moon we shoot lasers at to track the distance

>Put to the test user
>testing testing

Yep. Total bullshit. The kike shill tactic "flat Earth" will be here soon to shit up this thread. They always do.

they took a risk dude. that was why they hired hot-shot risk taking test pilots and former military personnel to become astronauts. it was a dangerous job. you could get blown up, burnt alive, or killed on landing.

they took a risk and it paid off. the soviets were all over us and they had incredible infiltration of the US government. all soviet scientists and cosmonauts involved in their space program agreed that the Apollo landings were genuine, even though it was in their best interest to embarrass the US if they could.

Then how come Alan Bean said he didn't think they even went through the belts. "Now, I don't know if we were far enough out to go through them." How can he navigate something he didn't know about? He later said they hadn't been invented yet when they went. You can find a video of him lying on YouTube.

They did know, and they did protect against it.


Here's the single flaw in your argument then:

Why didn't the USSR dispute the landing? That would have crippled the US government, in the eyes of both the US citizens and the people of the world. Why would they, to this day, continue to deception at all levels of Russian government.

You are like a baby, watch this.
Earth diameter km
Moon diameter km

R = 1
Asquare = 4
Acircle = 3.1416
4-3.1416 = 0.8584
0.8584/3.1416 = 0.273
3474/12742 = 0.273
Fuck right?
How about moon takes 27.3 days to get around Earth too.

Look at the drawing to the left. It is a circle inscribed inside a square. The Earth and the Moon conform absolutely to this simplest of geometrical figures. Let us imagine that the green circle represents the Earth. If this was the case, then everything in the drawing that is not green and is shown in red, would represent the Moon.

The drawing is an expression of a mathematical fact. It represents the relationship between π (Pi) and the number 4. The symbol π appears time and again in mathematics and it has fascinated people for at least 6,000 years. π defines the relationship of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. The true definition of π cannot be discovered because it appears to go on forever. However, if we round it off at the fourth decimal point we could say that π is 3.1416. This is exactly what the builders of the Moon did – they considered π to be equal to 3.1416 – which is yet another way we know that the Moon cannot be a natural object.
The Ultimate Truth

The relationship of π and the number 4 throws up a number of ratios.
π + 0.366 of π = 4.

We could also express this as 27.322% of π added to π would equal 4.

The relationship of the Earth and the Moon throws up the same ratios.
Earth’s polar circumference, plus 0.366 of Earth’s polar circumference equals Earth and Moon size combined. As a result it would also be correct to say that the Moon is equal to 27.322% of the size of the polar Earth.

Who Built the Moon? Christopher Knight

Hey you fucking retarded /x/ Morons. If everything is so clear to even you obese mouthbreathers, why hasnt the Sovietunion - you know the Cold War Enemy of the United States and competitor for the Moon race - exposed these damn capitalistic Imperialists ?

Come on amuse me with some elaborate bullshit answer.

you're nuts if you think every astronaut, every technician, and every individual involves in the construction, maintenance, and preparation of these missions was lying for the rest of their lives.

Placed there by a robot.

Soviet Union would have pointed it out right away. They were at Cold War back then.

It is always a good sign of the truth when you see the word "probably" in a conspiracy theorist post.

They stayed quiet because they knew the US knew that THEY lied about their own space accomplishments. It's also why the US shipped a vast amount of grain to them at the lowest possible price. Why would the US help a cold war adversary otherwise? Then of course they teamed up in space to help cover each other's lies.

>moon rocks have been collected and examined by scientists from around the globe; faking these and their unique isotopes would be much harder even using current technology than just going to the moon and grabbing some.

ISS isn't a hoax though.

If nothing else it is a satellite.

It's 2 meter slow scan transmitter is legit.

Read what I said about the grain shipments. It was a form of hush money.

How is saying "I don't know" proof of him lying. Also, where is this video? I'd be interested to see the full interview, not just an edited clip with scary music overlaid on it.

They were bought off.

>doesn't know that the USSR was financially supported by the USA during the Cold War.
cause the world is a stage and they are all working together

you're showing signs of paranoia and schizophrenia my friend.

there's no way they could have faked all the evidence, it's simply too much to believe, and extremely unlikely.

they'd have to create fake gravity, fake everything, like the Apollo 13 was fake, Sputnik was fake, all the different people on the earth who tracked the missions with radio signals were in on it, etc etc.

you're asking us to believe something far more absurd than a legitimate moon landing.

remember: escaping earth's orbit is the hardest part. once you've done that - and we have - the rest is just navigation.

4 Represents the trigons of creation user.

It was the grain! Of course, why didn't we all think of that!!!

Mystery solved, guys! We bought their silence with grain!

First off, source on your "lowest price" claim. What was the price of grain in the 60s?

Secondly, if the USSR collapsed our government, they wouldn't have to buy shit, they'd own our grain.

Go get up in Buzz Aldrin's grill & call him a liar, op. Report back with results.

Why do you think Von Braun went to Antarctica just before Apollo11? Why, to collect them of course. Then they were altered in a lab. Go back further in time and you'll see a long paper published by the ex-Nazi explaining why a moon landing was far more difficult that could be done any time soon. Yet they did do it in a few years. It's ludicrous. A lander blasts off from the moon and magically links with a command module spinning around the moon at 4,000 mph and they do this without a functional computer or radar? I don't think so! Von Braun knew a lot more fuel would have been required for the half million mile round trip, too.

>muh radiation
pulled this from a NASA presentation I just sat through.
>a microphone that is hard mounted to the suit and ears which are mounted to sound dampening flesh pick up the same sounds

If they exposed the world's biggest lie, and collapsed the world's view of the US, that would have brought us under heel of "the they" and we wouldn't be the shit talkers we still are today. So why didn't they expose us and collapse us.

Also, when Nixon got impeached why didn't he reveal it then, to get back at the "they" for not protecting him?

Seriously Grain? It spoils quickly, a very bad way to make a currency. Plus they hated each other guts. Still do. When Putin took over he could have exposed them, why didn't he?

They faked Gulf of Tonkin. They covered up the Kennedy Assassination. They were feeling cocky--why not shoot it in an Area51 studio and rake in the money not spent on really going. That's what they did.

The lunar lander needed to be ultra lightweight, so they had a limited selection of materials.

Here we go! Sat nights alright!

Its Flat. And yes, never happened

You know a few days of solar system radiation won't kill you right?
A mouth or two might give you some problems but a few days won't.

lol Jesus Christ, they were altered in a lab?

This is getting dumber by the post.

Because we have evidence of the Soviet's lies--such as Gregarin not really going into space but instead dropped from a plane.

What ? All this Van Allen ,fake Moon stones, thousands of bribed NASA workers, film studio bullshit and all you can come up is " They were bought off " ???

Come on give me another of your phantasy bullshit explanation that compensates your total lack of basic physics.


Rake in the money by not going? They run the world, what's a few billion? Where are they going to spend it, Macys? They own Macys!

The CIA and NASA count on your gullibility. Sure, always believe what the 'authorities' tell you. Be a good little dupe.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha you fucking retard!!!!!!


Explain more friend

>Von Braun knew a lot more fuel would have been required for the half million mile round trip, too.

This is wrong. You don't understand the basics of rocket propulsion when you claim this. The design of the Saturn V and the landing module matches the needed capacity to go and return from the moon given it's size and distance.

Sauce: Master in Space engineering, worked on a launch campaign myself.

>hey USA you faked moon landing
>oh yeah ruski? Youre just jelly that we are da best

*everyone starts throwing nukes at each other

You also didn't tell me why grain, as it spoils quickly and they had their own grain in Soviet Union back then

But you expect me to blindly believe what you and Youtube videos tell me?

I believe you if you pay me in grain.


I like you Finn bra

There is a very clear and mountainous paper trail of the historical progression of rocket science, form the earliest days of the V1 and V2 programs, to operation PAPERCLIP, to the earliest attempts to escape earth's orbit by the Soviets and the Americans, from a simple little device like Sputnik, to Yuri Gagarin, to Neil Armstrong, and beyond.
at every step of the way there were thousands upon thousands of people involved, researchers, scientists, engineers, pilots, and civilians. reporters from all parts of the globe. amateur radio operators. amateur astronomers. physicists, professors.

there were failures, mistakes, and years of trial and error. billions upon billions of money was poured into the effort, and it brought together the best and brightest minds the two countries could assemble in a global competition.

fringe youtube videos are not sufficient to dispute the real history of the space program.

you're just wrong, and it's that simple. doubling down on your mistake is not smart, and it doesn't make you strong; it's insecure weakness.
grow up and get ahold of yourself. this is madness. you're five minutes away from believing the earth is flat my friend.

>Cosmic ray equipment on board Explorer 1 registered nearly no radiation in the region Van Allen had anticipated to be high in radiation. Unconvinced the data was accurate, Van Allen offered another explanation for the low cosmic ray count: the low reading was false and the instruments were actually saturated with particles trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field. Instruments on board the Explorer 3 satellite confirmed Van Allen’s hunch in March of 1958. The discovery of the Van Allen belts became one of the outstanding scientific discoveries of the IGY.

The lander would have spun out of control had it tried to take off from the moon.

That's why they used tent poles, duct tape and plywood? Why did they wrap gold foil the landing legs--serves no purpose other than to add flash. It's all fantasy and front screen projection.

>The high radiation environment around our planet exists because charged particles become trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field; the same magnetic field that protects us from deadly radiation also prevents that radiation from dissipating into space. The particles just don’t have enough energy to escape. So the two belts are like two nested doughnuts circling the planet. Their altitudes vary slightly, but the inner doughnut sits between 600 and 3,700 miles above the planet and is comprised mainly of highly energetic protons. The outer doughnut, meanwhile, sits between 9,300 and 12,400 miles above the planet and is made of both protons and electrons. The radiation environments of both vary, more dense in some places and nearly absent in others.

They never went, it's all made up science.

The m00n is created.

You thought quantum mechanics was weird: check out entangled time


Lol, why? Why could we fly it on earth but not on the moon. I am intrigued.