This show is painful to watch. The story and character are really interesting and I want to see more of them, but it seems like for every good episode there's another devoted to Araragi perving on hs sister or his vampire or whatever. I wouldn't even be mad if they were doing this shit with his girlfriend.
This show is painful to watch. The story and character are really interesting and I want to see more of them...
Other urls found in this thread:
>but it seems like for every good episode there's another devoted to Araragi perving on hs sister or his vampire or whatever.
Those are the best episodes user. What the fuck are you smoking?
It's great, based harem mc ragi. No need to worry though since ragi does do it with his gf also
I always get the impression that she likes Araragi even though she makes it seem like she's only helping him.
It's just slow softcore porn
I'm assuming you're a faggot?
I wanted to watch it for the sexy lolis but it turned out to be nothing but shitty Japanese "humor".
Yeah no thanks. Not to mention that there is literally a character named Meme.
Senjou best girl.
Thats pretty fucking obvious if their death pact didn't make it obvious enough.
Araragi will live up until Shinobu dies. And Shinobu will live for one day after Araragi dies so that she may spread the story of his heroics to the world.
This is the best possible answer to that faggot
>rejecting a pretty twin sister that gives you blowjob and actually loves you
Sound fake anyway though, too good to be truth
maybe hes jjust not into trying to fuck his sister? I swear you guys self-insert so hard
This is the thought of a normalfag.
Haven't you heard?
Pls nerf vampire. Shouldn't get wizard powers
I think that only you sexually deprived virgins on Sup Forums would be fine with getting raped
i just dont know how ararararararagi doesnt fuck all those bitches i would be fucking that tomboy as so hard
Well yes, this show is kinda unrealistic. Although that tomboy still manages to rape him.
Why the fuck did they even force Araragi to be monogamous? Why not just let him have a goddamn harem?
That's the joke, user, he isn't monogamous.
I feel like Monkey teases Araragi that way because she knows he's not going to do anything. If he actually took her up on one of her offers, she'd probably buckle up and become all flustered or something.
He keeps saying he only loves Senjougahara and rejects Cat, Monkey, and Snake to be with her.
Meanwhile he kisses and fondles lolis, rapes his sisters with a toothbrush and is basically married to a vampire
>wah waaah
That's how your post sounds like.
Oh, look, a bunch of retarded normalfags.
If your sister is in love with you at least don't be an asshole and let her sleep with you and try to understand her. Siblings are supposed to be close, otherwise it may lead to misery like with that poor girl who chose her brother out of all boys she knows and he's just dropping his spaghetti and not trying to understand why.
>m-muh social taboos
Relationships between siblings, who were kickin' it in the womb together shouldn't be destroyed with taboos or fear of unknown.
ok? Have fun dying alone, virgin.
What made you leave Reddit and join us, good sir?
Shes a lesbian pervert that sleeps naked and reads bl doujinshi user.
This, what the fuck. So many fags going around saying no one with a sister is a siscon, I don't know how more people don't call them out on their blatant bullshit. Siscons wouldn't exist at all if no one was into real incest.
>she knows he's not going to do anything
>literally poses naked and asks him to dick her regularly
>rapes him
yeah, he knows he won't so she does it for him anyway
>Siscons wouldn't exist at all if no one was into real incest.
Exactly. I'm 29, my sister is 26, and we tease each other, flirt with each other all the time, both waiting to see who crosses the line first.
Please kill yourself.
Best post
How does somebody develop a mindset like this?
He's not married to Kisshot at all otherwise she'd be more powerful.
Just because he fools around with other girls doesn't mean he has a harem in the classical sense of the word. He could have multiple wives, but he chooses not to.
Who the fuck let reddit in?
What does Reddit have to do with this?
>talk about how it's important for siblings to understand each other and be close
>hurr durr
>SAO screenshot
>He's not married to Kisshot at all otherwise she'd be more powerful.
>Just because he fools around with other girls doesn't mean he has a harem in the classical sense of the word.
>classical sense of the word
how new are you to anime, retard?
You know exactly what it means, newfag
Why are Monogatari threads always full of fucking redditors? Did someone shill us there or something?
Oh, you're serious.
By lovingly bapping their sisters womb.
>>talk about how it's important for siblings to understand each other and be close
No, you're not. You're talking about how it should be okay for a sibling to rape and molest another because you would be an "asshole" otherwise.
Ignoring how completely inane and insensitive that train of thought is, it would be even more destructive and unhealthy to let your sibling compromise your own happiness for the sake of humoring her and preserving "closeness".
No, not letting your sister abuse you isn't gay; it's called having some dignity.
I know what I think it means, but I wanna know what you think it means. Do tell, user.
Just go back you stupid faggot.
>go back
Are you referring to Reddit? If so, then why should I?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You really kicked the hornets nest. Call incest and pedophilia fundamentally morally corrupt and the autists come out in full force.
>samefagging this hard
>look at me im retarded
You must be pretty fucking new to Sup Forums
What I think you don't understand is that we don't deny anything about it, we just don't care and don't cater to moralfags like you.
Now, now, user. Let's start accepting reality.
For not caring nor catering, y'all are sure noisy about it when called out for being trash.
fucking dick lovers
Where the fuck do you think you are? Are you going to start demanding gay avatars for this site?
Oh shit, I recognize your tumblrite writing style. Fuck off nigger.
but I don't have a tumblr tho
No, his sister started abusing him only because she felt rejected by him. Instead of moving to another room because you need some "privacy", in other words because you grow up into an obnoxious faggot who distances himself from his sister, talk to her and let her know that you love her and you're moving out just because you need more place for your shit or something. The situation with these twins is clearly a result of this girl's loneliness and feeling of rejection. She grew up with her beloved brother and when he started hanging out with some cunts instead of her she felt abandoned and feared to lose her bro forever. This girl didn't reach any conclusion with her brother and therefore tried to become close to him again by forcing herself onto him in the most basic way she learned - sexuality. And this idiotic brother, despite being 16 years old, didn't even try to understand her and just dropped his spaghetti and cried. You should be as close to your sibling as possible, especially if it's a girl, she's your responsibility, since there might actually be a possibility of her falling in love with you. I basically raised my imouto myself because I felt responsible for her and everything she did and I can say that she's literally my best friend and the only person who truly understands me.
also get the fuck out, you literal homo
Are you incapable of actual communication without resorting to buzzwords and ad-hominem?
I've been responded to like this multiple times before and it's always some dumb normalfag getting upset by "problematic" shit. Kill yourself.
>modern day buzzword
That'd be autism.
have you thought about not being a fundamentally bad person? that would probably stop the responses
>a fundamentally bad person
this has to be bait
What was your first clue?
Just caught up a few days ago and its been pretty fun. Waiting to know more info about those owari specials.
I've thought about it. The conclusion was always fuck no.
Monogatari S2 is better because it doesn't focus on Araragi, be sure to watch that
>dumb normalfag getting upset by "problematic" shit
Alternatively, he is a redpilled individual who is disgusted by the normalization of leftist degeneracy in his Japanese cartoons.
>inb4 they were always that way normalfags get out REEEEEEE XD
They absolutely were not. The turning point for when the kind of cultural marxism that was previously only found in OVAs became widespread in TV anime was the runaway success of Evangelion.
Oh shit, he just engaged full retard mode.
>Sup Forumstards on Sup Forums
I want to gas you along with your board and your fancy reddit spacing
This is why this show is so based, they aren't afraid of fullfil our dreams, so they made a based mc like ararararagi kun, who can tease touch and fuck every girl in the fucking show, it's the harem dream becoming true
leddit is scouting us today because the the Sup Forums draws berserk thread from early
Are you sure you watched the right show?
I haven't watched any of the monogatari's but monkey is best girl, right?
Everyone keeps saying this show is based because it lets ragi diddle his sisters and his friends and his ghost friends without restriction. Is it even worth continuing if I don't want to watch a harem show then? This show seemed really interesting first season but if it's just gonna be a contest to see how many girls MC can shove his vampire dick into from here on out then I won't waste my time.
>this show seemed really interesting first season
Why did it seem interesting to you? What did you like about it?
Besides being really interesting visually with all the werid camera shots and fantastic character designs, the way the storytelling worked was great too, especially with Araragi and Senjougahara's relationship being as weird as it is.
I'm willing to sit through a few echi scenes if there's more like that ahead, but I've just noticed I see a lot more people talking about why Bakemono was such a good show, where as discussions about the rest of the show seem to only be about who was/is best girl.
Your own opinions are worth more than anyone else's. Watch the other seasons, and decide for yourself.
if you don't like it don't watch it you fucking autist, why would you even make this thread you want someone to hold your hand?
>especially with Araragi and Senjougahara's relationship being as weird as it is
no, it's not worth watching now if you liked that
>all the werid camera shots and fantastic character designs
I don't know what was so "fantastic" about Akio's designs, except for a few characters, but the direction declined, since Itamura worked on it
That isn't even the main shit on monogatari, visually is fucking god tier and the story and dialogues are pretty kino
I say watch it, but if you are going to complain for everything just fuck off, i don't know how many more spoonfeeds do you need
>Implying she isn't beat girl
user how does it feel to be so wrong?
>leddit is scouting us today because the the Sup Forums draws berserk thread from early
leddit is scouting us today because the "Sup Forums draws berserk" thread from early
that thread was posted on leddit so now some of them are here
was it that hard?
The only thing I'm complaining about is all the sudden cutaways to borderline hentai, the rest of the show is fine. Just seems weird to me because it seems like bakemono is pretty well liked across most of Sup Forums, and I know that for every lolicon on the board there's another user ready to call you a degenerate for glancing in Shinobou's direction.
What order do I watch this shit in, I want to start it but there are like 7 different series/seasons and I'm not sure where to start
so what the fuck do you want us to do? watch it for you and tell you? we have already done that, just watch the shit and if you don't like just drop it, it's not like "ANIMES YOU NEED TO WATCH BEFORE YOU DIE", it's okay if you don't watch it
>I know that for every lolicon on the board there's another user ready to call you a degenerate for glancing in Shinobou's direction
You sure are new here
Airing order is the only order, the shit is made to be watched like that, otherwise if you watch it chronological you won't get everything
I'm not asking you guys to watch shit, I know you already did. What I wanted was a yes/no as to wether the rest of the series was worth watching or if bakemono was the only important season, and I got my answer. Feel free to close the thread and leave.
every time I see this question I go to google and type "monogatari watch order" to see if all of the thousands of times this question has been answered have been deleted from the Internet only to see that they are still there and then begin to question why you were even born if you can't do something so simple. But it looks like some anons already answered you and aren't tired of the same question.