Where were you when Amazon killed anime?

Where were you when Amazon killed anime?

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As long as they don't kill HS.

>amazon kills simulcasts
>normalfags and casuals fuck off
>fansubs rise again
How is this a bad thing again?

>paying to watch anime

>inb4 muh supporting the industry

How are they killing it?


>mfw regretting myself not to invest in amzn

How is that killing anime?

They hold back eps for a week, so it's just a problem for legalfags

Is killing anime in the west which is good.


Does anyone actually watch television anymore?

Why what

My grandmother

Amazon paying for exclusive licenses likely gives more money to production staffs who help fund Anime than the subscription of the people who use Crunchyroll who would watch whatever show Amazon has gotten exclusivity for.

>Have to pay extra, even though you have a Prime account
No, just no.

Punctuation, motherfucker



That is probably their deal with the TV station

What in the fuck are you talking about. Crunchyroll pay for licenses too you know? It is exactly the same model. The only reason Amazon being involved would benefit the Production Committee's is that they can ask for higher prices if there is competition for their anime. Something big like Naruto or SnK for example will probably be worth tons of money to Crunchyroll.

At least Crunchyroll acknowledged that the English speaking world didn't consist exclusively of North America. This is a giant fuck you to everyone who isn't a burgerclap or a leaf.

It's not a great deal for America either

>over 200 countries
What part of Africa do you live in?


Literally who

Pancho, please

Who is this guy shilling streaming services so much.

>Using amazon
Found the normie

Guys, do you consider this 2 hours the prime of Sup Forums? I see way less shitposting on all my threads.

Sitting at my desk downloading and watching anime as usual

>>fansubs rise again

You have to be REALLY naive to think they're coming back in droves

>buckets of cash
And then anime was saved

I dont understand. How does this kill anime? Arent they better than cr and fucking steam selling anime?

It's full of normies. Shitposting is good because it keeps the normies out.

Legalfags can go fuck themselves.

>$20 have been added to your Crunchyrollâ„¢ Premiumâ„¢ Accountâ„¢

Fucking normies

Normalfags see Sup Forums as their own shitposting ground because they use Reddit for actual discussion.



Summer is here

Remember you're not as fucked as sports fans where you have to pay like $90 a season and don't even get to watch your home team play

I too look forward to the 24 hour delays.

Neck yourself newfags

Somalia. Shit's cash.

Hiding stuff behind two paywalls is just dirty.

>watching your sports in a stream

Anyone retarded enough to pay for this scam deserves it.

>Not watching all your sports via free over the air television
Non americans, how do they even live.

They took over the slot for funi so half the season is them and half is CR. We have delays instead of reencodes now.

>having to wait an extra hour for HS
>Killing anime

>There are normies here who don't know it's always been said here
I can't wait for summer to be over with

>There are Anons in this thread that honestly think fansubs will somehow magically spring back from the grave if the streamers die

This is why we need /djt/.

You can always thank Herkz for killing any emerging groups before they even had a chance

Have some faith you normie

>trying THIS hard to fit in
>still fail miserably


t.someone who found about Sup Forums from those ebin normies get out videos

I can already tell you're not white

>try to revive fansubs
>get called a racist
>no one downloads your subs

And this is how fansubs remain dead.

based oldfag

more like amazon has everything this season and crunchy has fuck all

though I admit that this pattern has exited in the past, when funi would get a lot of big titles and crunchy wouldn't. I just hope this isn't a reoccurring pattern in future seasons, amazon bruteforcing their way into the market isn't good

Good, Sup Forums is a Hispanic board.


Well one thing that changed is that amazon has a fuck ton of money and throws it around all the time. Also japan uses amazon so there is a win there too. Although I do not believe they have this service.

>Being proud you're not white
Enjoy your low IQ, spic


>Well one thing that changed is that amazon has a fuck ton of money and throws it around all the time

And they can easily screw Japanese companies over if they find their "use" all tapped out or hand them out to dry

Anime fucking killed itself. See next season's chart for proof.

Anime Strike is the Nibiru of anime legal streaming.

Fuck yes, Amazon is saving anime in Japan by giving them millions of dollars and killimg the shit Us industry at the same time, amazing. Die Crshit, Die shittymation.

This reminds me of the kind of shill threads you'd see on other boards. Rejoice Sup Forums, you are influential enough to be worth shilling and viral marketing to! Additionally:

Dear Amazon Marketer,
Fuck off, and take the blatant Crunchy PR guys with you. I have memorized your posting styles from twitter, you aren't fooling anyone.

Who gives a crap? As long as HS rips their stuff I'm fine.

Enjoy waiting forever for subs.

>this thread is filled with cancerous streamfags that use shit like CR and believe they're helping anime
>these pieces of human scum get literally ass blasted
>Amazon is already pouring in more money in Japan than shitters like CR and Funi
Based Amazon.

I just don't want to wait a week for subs man

>going to a store

I'm only using CR because there shit works better and Kissanime are ad cucks these days.

Anyone that works at Amazon is no better than a cuckold. Amazon can't be hit with an anti-trust suit soon enough.

How long would one have to wait for dubs?

Does Amazon even do broadcast dubs?

Fuck off from this board, you literal trash. Go back to Twitter to complain to feel important.

Oh, you sweet summer child. If you can't wait even 1 day for your free anime, you're not going to make it in the real world.


get a load of chad mcthundercock here, he doesnt mind waiting 1 day for his anime subs because he spends his day fucking his gf, playing handegg and going to the beach

Why does CR advertise for amazon?

I would like to watch Jeff Bezos get gangraped. Amazon should stream THAT, I'd actually pay for it.

Feeling important is for those who actually give a fuck about being important so no thanks.

>If you can't wait even 1 day
You must not have been coming here long enough to realize your already behind if you have to wait a whole day.

well, you got them

I'm willing to be that Amazon entering the market is just going to push more people towards torrenting or streaming from third-party sites.

This is Sup Forums, did you forget? We pirate shit, fuck off. This isn't a forum or lledit. Why is this thread still alive?

You sound new.


On the contrary, they are saving the western market. I recall LL producer once talked about how China's large profit to the industry was mostly due to huge bid wars over titles. Meanwhile in the west which barely contributed much to begin with, we got CR partnering with Funi and pretty much owning a monopoly of the western market until Amazon came over and brought back competition.

Who gives a fuck. CR's translation quality was getting progressively worse, they were obviously getting complacent. Amazon might be pricks too but at least they aren't Netflix.

They're worse

They are still shitting everyone not in MUHRICA over.

Good, anime is for Japan and America only.