Little Witch Academia
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Damn autocorrect
C&C: Red Alert Counterstrike
man. beat me to it!
nice pic though....
Auto correct is a bitch
a thread with no theme, is this all that's left for LWA from now on?
Episode 19 Deleted scene
yeah, my aunt's a slut
Go back to tumblr and stay there
more like shitty facebook groupname, jesus.
C&C: Generals Zero Hour
Half of Akko's harem is Diana!
So where can you buy the PS4 game?
ew, i didn't want to see paul
Command & Conquer:Tiberian Sun firestorm
>not self inserting as paul
Yes, until season 2/OVA 3
Has anyone fully translated that Anime Times Yoshi interview?
I'm rewatching it, and I really love Chariot's mentor relationship with Akko.
nigga pls, give me frank, i ain't no paul
Yeah. It's weird though. He just keeps spouting about pearl harbor.
What witches make you happy?
All the witches make me happy.
Barbara and her big plump rump
What would the American witch school be like and where would it be?
I want to ask Yoshi or even just Tattun if Diana does gymnastics and which sport Akko practiced in Japan.
Is tattun not dead yet?
Shame this didn't happen in the show. Pretty in character though.
Is this vanilla and lewd enough for you Avery-user?
I want gay daughter like Diana
I'm still pissed that Andrew didn't won the yay.
He is in LA for Trigger's big event.
Anons, Tattun is not coming back anymore just accept it and move on already.
>not having Akko as your daughteru and Diana as your daughteru-in-law
Step it up, senpai.
She's Japanese so clearly baseball. The question is which mlb team does she follow and why is it the cubs
I'll be posting this till we get some more nice fanarts.
>tfw you requested a image of Lord Hanbridge with a pregnant Ursula to self-insert into then later find out you have the same first name
If that doesn't give me the best claim to Ursula as mai waifu I don't know what will.
That's gonna be a while, user. Show's over and we're just waiting for the doujins.
Wew, the art here is almost as nice as the show itself.
Replace Lord Hanbridge with Andrew and I could get behind this.
>implying its his kid
Tumblr is giving him and Trigger shit for showing Sup Forums on the last episode
Post smug
Diana is literal Cinderella
Really? Where?
why is there no LWA breast chart?
>someone save my shitty edit from the first Tattunfest
When's the fucking game?
They can go fuck themselves.
Chariot=Croix>Diana>Amanda>Akko>Lotte>Sucy>Constanze>Jasmina(Fat breasts didnt count)
Good crack ship but I prefer Finneran x Hanbridge
My favorite relationship in the show.
Stop posting this, user. It's making the wait even more painful.
Someone get on this ASAP.
Their smug expressions here make me angry. It's like they're telling me I can look but I'll never touch.
This kind of scene's been brewing in my head.
>riding back home
>one of them just holding tightly and them talking about how much they had fun
>it gets quiet, but not quite awkward
>one of them decides to confess to break the silence
Okay Folks, you are to decide the future of the series based on the follow choices:
4 new OVAs over the course of 2 years or a new 12 episode season?
Which one would you choose?
I vote OVAs. That way, they can maintain better production values, have more consistent storylines as opposed to a season of hit or miss episodes.
OVAs are the obvious answer.
It's already June 30th, where the hell is the netflix stream
I want to hear the dubs in different languages
I like how Sucy/Lotte look together, but it sucks that the show didn't do enough for them.
The sauna scene proves Sucy has bigger tits that Akko and Lotte
New OVAs, easily. If they could repeat Enchanted Parade for the next ten years I'd take that over another sloppy season of TV anime.
>magic will NEVER EVER be real
Or butt chart for that matter
I could see it be a gag in S2. Akko forgot/broke her broom because she did the thing Diana told her not to do, and now she's paying for it.
one last time for posterity
fucken' hell boys i can't wait much longer
It needs to be Akko. Like, her just rattling off all the stuff she and Diana did that day, how wonderful of a time they had and just how good Diana made her, and accidentally slips a "I wish we could be together because I really like you and I-" and then shuts up while blushing like mad.
>If they could repeat Enchanted Parade
i'd rather they repeat the first ova, enchanted parade was so-so
does smug ursula exist?
hey i found the translated last panel
How do we summon Tattun?
Yoshi doesn't want to go to OVAs, though. They mentioned a longer movie or a second season
Constantinople Armadillo von Broombank Alfredoburger
I unironically think it's the best piece of media in the entire franchise. Fight me.
I think we are going to need a blood sacrifice.
Man this show was disappointing.
The first cour was great. The second cour really fell apart.
Finding the words was a poor substitute for real plot progression and the finale contained very few surprises. Trigger must be bankrupt on script ideas right now.
>Constanze put machines on her magic equipment from day 1
>somehow doesn't get in trouble
Shouldn't Finneran have gone nuts?
She did something wrong, but she's working to make it right.
No shut up it's different for some reason. Don't blame Trigger for not thinking ahead.
Nothing can ever be vanilla if it involves elves.
fuck Tumblr
we know who is the alpha board here in cyberspace
because Trigger intentionally didn't draw cleavage even in scenes where it should be there.
LWA was desexualized. I think the style works for the show just like the oversexualization works for Kill la Kill.