Is anyone else getting sick of non-stop monogatari? it feels like its been getting more and more bland since second season.
Is anyone else getting sick of non-stop monogatari...
Shinobu is the worst part.
I'm not, but what you feel is natural burnout from things that go on for longer than most series. It happens pretty often.
Not at all
I dropped Nisemonogatari halfway through and started tuning out everything that has to do with this series. I knew there was a "second" season, I knew there was one with Kanbaru, and I know there's one with Shinobu right now. It's all just noise as far as I'm concerned.
Too problematic for you?
No, pretty much the opposite, I want more Monogatari and more Bat, the purest waifu material.
Yes, unironically.
Honestly I'm loving it and I'm not even a Shaft fanboy, nor a VNfag. Or was it LNfags, shows how much I know. Not anime or manga, no real care desu
I want that ass on my face.
That ass is a lie
It's faggotry then.
Jesus dude, whats up with that nsfw, use the spoiler tag newfag.
I haven't seen a new Monogatari since Owari, not sure what you're saying.
It was always bland.
im getting sick of the lack of monkey lately but the show is same as its ever been
I'm glad that Sup Forums is turning against this franchise. It took this place long enough. Pic related for how embarrassing the public opinion about it around here used to be.
Kill yourself faggot.
>turning against this franchise
nobody's turning against it, everyone's just accepting the fact that it's a good harem with fun dialogues
the only ones "turning against it" are a bunch of shitposters who keep calling it pretentious and your one of them
although yes, those redditors still pop out to praise crab sometimes
She has a damn bandaid on her vagina. What else do you want ? A fucking hijab?
Does liking crab make me /reddit/? When did this start?
Reddit's Anime community eats up any snarky female characters that is thrown at them, it's their collective fetish.
I just wanna see adult kissshot, she's the best.
Yeah, a little.
I was following it closely since Nise but I skipped the Kizu movies.
I'll find time to watch them after my girl climbs out of hell.
Ragi gets to bathe with Shinobu daily, even with his imoutos
I want to say he's lucky but I think it's more so that I'm just a big useless piece of shit.
>all those tripfags
take a look at this picture
not at all, it's been great if you're not gay
Monogatari has been nothing but a money grab since 2014.
Of course, it's fucking garbage
Its gotten quote stale. Its main appeal are all the inside jokes and references to previous seasons now.
We had so much shit taste with those tripfags back then
Good thing anons started calling out monogatari for what it is, garbage.
You're telling me some people actually thing this isn't a harem?
MANY people think this isn't a harem. MANY people are fucking retarded.
Math saved my interest in the series after hana and tsuki being underwhelming. As long as Nisio still gives her development her I still have something to look forward.
>I'm glad that Sup Forums is turning against this franchise
Why are you so butthurted? haven't you realized that today posts against monogatari and the moralfags suddenly appearing are the wave of ledditors that the "Sup Forums draws berserk OP" thread brought?
Sorry sweetie, maybe in another time line
What a faggot
Yes, isn't it obvious?
I love SHAFT
Not at all. When there are so many shows that stop after one or two seasons because they're meant to just be glorified LN commercials, it's nice to have a a show that comes back around every year or so.
Plus Monkey's antics is something I'd never get tired of.
>the fact that it's a good harem
lol. Keep lying to yourself.
I'm sure Shaft isn't complaining, they need to animate what- 200 frames per episode for this shit?
When did Monogatari peak? I feel it has been going downhill since SS.
Peak in Bake
Find a new image to post autist
Not just snarky, any strong independent woman who doesn't need no man. Of course, when said woman does go after a hetero-normative romance with the designated MC they get triggered.
You think so? Bake was excellent, but I don't think there was a single arc in SS I didn't enjoy.
Is that why? I feel this board got a little shittier today and I was wondering why for a minute. Monogatari has always had that off brand French cinema feel to it but it never pretended to be something more than a quirky harem with interesting dialogue.
That and also summer
I really don't care much ever since they stopped sexualizing lolis in animation, and now every lewd is just the usual crap.
It got too popular for its own "good", so the usual can't-offend-normalfags shit hit the fan.
You just wanted to post Shinobu's ass, didn't you?
Never quite realized how bad I wanted a big booty loli shinobu
Why a band aid though?
>he took time to make that
>expecting us to hate an anime because some other websites do too
Sup Forums is cancer
That bandaid kind of looked like a hairy pussy in the thumbnail.
I am not sick of monogatari, but now I want to see Monkey as mc more than Ararararararagi. Among the cast she's the most interesting and versatile, and I want to see her deal with the supra-natural on her own with her monkey powers. Hanamonogatari was a good start, I loved it, but it was too personal.
Basically, I want her to rebuild the Occult research club.
Get yourself and your shot taste out of here
God, this fucking scene still hurts
She doesn't have her powers anymore
Also she's literally just female Koyomi really
>Sup Forums turning against Monogatari as the light novels are getting released in English
Coincidence? I think not.
>non-stop monogatari
no. last time we got a cour was in 2015 and not many series get fully animated these days so seeing something like monogatari actually get a full adaptation is rare so fuck off faggot
I am a bit thrown off by the timeline of events here honestly, but I thought she still had a sort of "animal smell" for the occult.
I think she's different from Koyomi. He might act like a pervert or an idiot, but he's fundamentally honest. Monkey, on the other hand, plays a part and she knows it.
>Sup Forums turning against Monogatari
>thread is full of negative answers
I will admit I stop following after like what the 5th season? The movies were very solid though, you could say it was kinda simple compared to the anime subplots but made it stand out with a smaller cast. Can you blame Shaft what else do they have to work on if not monogatari?
I'd like them to adapt the 3gatsu bullying arc.
As if it wasn't already bland to begin with.
>it feels like its been getting more and more bland since second season.
second season is reddit tier garbage
In an era where newfags are used to 12 episode anime something with longevity is a new concept. Backlash is understandable however I disagree.
Believe me, I got sick of it at the very beginning.
Glorified boring haremshit. It is beyond me why this garbage is so popular in the first place.
I was sick of it halfway through s1e1.
It's probably the most "Wow it's nothing" while pretending it's something show I've seen
Is Part 3 out and subbed yet?
Can't check Nyaa..
dude upvoted
there's like a season a year at this point, if it was like fate with endless spinoffs and tie-ins sure
I'm (pleasantly) surprised we're even getting a second season of that.
That's fucking embarrassing.
I dropped monogatashit many years ago. You can't get sick of something if you don't watch it.
too bad, owari 2 is snail and spook
monogatari is great, it makes a season worth something that would have otherwise been worthless
Forgetting Dere-Shot cuddling also Marriage. and the revelation that Shinobu's feelings are not caused by their connection, which was already fucking obvious since Kizu. But Gean seriously though Shinobu would kill Araragi the moment the connection was gone. Shinobu also thought this. But we the readers know since Kizu and Kabuki that Araragi is Shinobu's whole world.