Why did surrealism in anime television die?
Why did surrealism in anime television die?
They couldnt handle it.
I don't know what you think surrealism is, but your image certainly isn't.
Is Lain watching us right now?
I wouldn't call Lain surrealist.
Lain could still be good without all that convoluted shit
moeshit killed it
>Why did surrealism in anime television die?
It didn't
Because it's not art, and that anime is about nothing.
Lain thread? Lain thread.
>Why did surrealism in anime television die?
Wow, kind of fucked up OP.
You do own a Lain figure don't you?
Let's all love Lain!
Texhnolyze > Lain
texhnolyze could have been amazing if it was half as long. The pacing was pretty awful.
Kino >>>>>>>> all
More like pretentiousness.
I never got why people like Kino so much.
It even has a stupid tournament arc.
>stupid tournament arc
Literally the greatest tournament arc of all time.
There he is. There he goes again. Of course, everything is "moe" fault, this demented homosexual will start telling us moe raped his whole family and pissed on their corpse too.
Why? Unless you are being ironic. It was obvious Kino was going to win with her Mary Sue super power skills.
>The pacing was pretty awful.
You just have to take it slowly. They even intentionally made it slower, even though they knew many would be annoyed by it.
the pacing almost killed my interest multiple times. I'm glad I stuck with it by the end but I dunno. I understand it's the "point" but the world also was too damn grey and monotone. If the characters were more interesting it would have been fine but they weren't really.
What, did you not watch the same tournament arc as me? Did you completely forget the other characters involved?
Kino was literally kino
probably, I remember being very bored. Maybe she didn't win? I dunno.
I have a feeling she let the last guy win for money for his village or some shit.
How can you criticize something you don't even remember. More importantly, how were you not on the edge of your seat watching that arc? Such a satisfying finish too.
because I thought it was garbage
I will try rewatching the show, I'm a lot less hypercritical than I used to be.
I can't speak for an entire nation but I feel like Japan doesn't really like or appreciate subtlety
Remember to so praise Lain, my daughter.
this is true for all normies.
except in rare cases almost all standard media tv video game or movies or whatever the masses love shit that spells it out for you.
as long as you grant me her hand in marriage
Don't know but Lain is dumb as hell, is liking it a meme?
This series is a masterpiece on how to take ~40-60 minutes of actual content/ideas and spread it over 13 episodes. Lain would be better as a standalone movie.
What are tea ceremonies for then?
modesty and tradition
Depends, user, do you promise to only perform missionary sex when you want to get lewd with her; do you promise to love her forever; do you promise to never make her sad; do you promise to be the best damn husband you can be?
KIds these days are too stupid.
>2 unwatchable train wrecks
>1 passable arty-meets-yuri
>1 comedy