Any Sup Forumsnons at Anime Expo this weekend??
Any Sup Forumsnons at Anime Expo this weekend??
Maybe whats it to you
Thats what those kids carrying Kekistan flags in DTLA were for?
Idk is there interest in an Sup Forums meetup?
Fuck off, your normalfag shit isn't Sup Forums-related, as you would know if you weren't new as fuck. Everyone else, remember to sage and report.
As if anyone here leaves the house LOL
I am
some of you guys are alright, don't go to anime expo this weekend
Getting involved in Sup Forums meetups is not a good idea
Convention discussion goes there.
>Hang out with a bunch of socially awkward retards and listen to the autistic screeching of 14 year olds for 4 days.
No thanks.
how much cock do you suck everyday
that's kind of sad. I remember back when Sup Forums got entire panels hosted by Moot. When there were large groups of anons.
I actually danced with a femanon at
the rave some years back.
I got cucked.
No fucking regrets though since I'm normally too beta to ask for a dance to begin with.
This is embarrassingly autistic. There have been a few Sup Forums meets, during anime movie premieres and similar stuff and none of the stories are as bad as this or the other screencaps from other boards.
>mfw /clg/ banned men from their meetups
What? So literally no one attends any of meetup ever?
tfw going alone
wish I had friends
I've seen screencaps from /fa/ and Sup Forums and they're at least as embarrassing.
Me and my roommate were going together but his mom "was admitted to the ER" so now I'm going by myself like a champ. It feels weird but yeah user
I wish.
Boi I'm I'm down to go w/strangers on the internet
>Going to cons
>Full of casuals whose off the top of their head recent anime list contains A monogatari season,Erased, Smash Bros ,and SNK
Probably Kimi no Na Wa too.
I have friends going but just gonna solo and hang out to play card games in the exhibit hall the whole time. All they do is buy shit and flip for profit anyhow.
I'm going alone too on Monday
Honestly afraid of people on the internet last people I met were mega spergs
Smash bros had an anime?
Conventions are full of cancer and overpriced trash
No, its Japanese and Nintendo thus all the normies/casuals there take it as so.
This I was thinking about going because I really wanted Persona shit and then I saw these prices
I'll be going on Sat and Sun.
Gonna try to find out how easy convention girls are.
I'm going just to fuck hot weeb girls
Do those exist
>weeb girls
I do not comprehend