
Hi, I'm physically I'll and throwing up because of the amount of anxiety caused by the fact that I'll never fucking escape capitalism and that every action I do upholds it and my future is already basically predetermined.

your future is predetermined but not because of capitalism, but because there is no such thing as free will
man up pussy and exploit things, no one's going to punish you after you die anyway

Capitalism can't win if you kill yourself

finish the job and kys

>Hates capitalism because the "Elite" own all of the fucking money and use it to gain control of the government
>Wants to give that same government ownership over all private property.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Stick it to the man by stealing some gasoline and setting yourself on fire to protest their treatment of people who aren't white males.

I'm wealthy and successful, so I don't know the feels.

Nothing make me happier than your anxiety.

hey thanks it'd be appreciated if you didn't make fun of my mental health

and I and the rest of the anons would appreciate it if you did kill yourself.

maybe you should end the pain and just kill yourself?

grow thicker skin pussy

just move to a communist country and get communist gibs since it's communism, it should be that fucking easy

You need a ticket to Venezuela limpdick

Except that killing yourself is literally the solution to your problems

Sell your awesome memes take the money and MOVE TO RUSSIA

If we lived in a communist country you'd be killed for being useless. Capitalism is just the reflection of nature where people compete and the successful prosper. That's why you feel you'll never get rid of it. Communism still has to get rid of the weak it just does it as a state program. Communism doesn't get rid of nature.

Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same Shekel.

This, fuck the government.

You can escape, cupcake. Just defect to North Korea. Do it.

>Reee capitalism failed me.

Hasn't done anything but shitposted on an imageboard since highschool instead of working like everybody else.I fucking hate you leftypol people ruining this board, go use reddit instead.

Go fucking live in China then you stupid, stupid motherfucker,

This but unironically. I'll probably move to China after I finish college.

Die commie scum your futures predetermined because you are a massive faggot


looks really fake, like the whole area is caked in that make-up silicone.

I've seen wrist cuts, they're nowhere near that jagged and messy, just very bloody.

You HAVE to do something that you love! That is Capitalism. Make money only doing something that you love. Forget about how much you will make and you will live a successful life.

I believe you need some attitude adjustment, OP. Things may not be going the way you want right now, but giving up is for faggots and those who kill themselves. I may not agree with your ideology, but you need to remind yourself that you're an Anarchist, not a Defeatist. Go out there and live, for fuck's sake.

why do you hate it so much?


Well, presumably his organs will be sold to the highest bidder.