
More like Uzumakimonogatari, M I RITE?

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its gud

It's all just fun and games at the academy until your eyeball starts shooting lightning.

>best new character is shown in the anime instead of the manga

>eye lightning causes a warp portal



>Sumire is Boruto's Rin.

>Kawaki after all is the real good guy

that's my cue to watch a better show I guess

What's the actual Japanese on that panel anyway?


>it's a "someone wants to blow up the hidden leaf village" episode


Can someone colour Boruto's hair black? I want to see if he looks like Araragi

Evil hawawa is so hot. Salad can't compete even with her slut outfit.



>Namikaze Neji is the son of Namikaze Menma and Hinata Hyuuga

I hope she doesn't die like Rin. I still feel like Rin shouldn't have died. I wanted Rin to live so bad. Rin would have made a top tier waifu. I love Rin. Fuck the Mist for putting a Biju in her. Rin didn't deserve any of that suffering.

Lord Sixth pls

Obito stop.

She tecnically killed herself.

The third could've controlled the three tails.

Rin a shit

>Rin a shit

How about no? Go fuck yourself. Rin is the best waifu a man can ask for. I'd send her into Kamui's world just so I can have her to myself.

>that bare back

Orochimaru is not only free after all the shit he pulled, but he can even order assassinations. What the hell is Yamato doing again?

You know what I don't get? Orochimaru had access when he made shin. Why the fuck did he go through all the problems with sasuke when he apparently had shin in the tank long before the series even began?

I still fail to see the likeness between the characters, to be honest.

Considering Orochimaru's actions in Mitsuki's prologue, it was most likely a test if Mitsuki can be disobedient

Again, his new goal is to make interesting stuff without getting himself directly involved and killed and see what sticks

Didn't he want Itachi and Sasuke because they were attractive AND powerful which made them the perfect hosts? I remember him telling Anko how beautiful he was and how he was talented unlike her.

Is Inojin the least popular kid out of the main 6? His card stack at the Boruto museum looks totally full while ChouChou's is almost sold out.

He has the least screen time and Mitsuki is more interesting

Chocho is the designated comic relief

He really is Sai's son, so sad.


New Movie incoming

Oh cool


will it be canon or filler trash?

Will Boruto walk her home gently?

A new movie already? The Bort manga just started to get into new content after the first movie events. Still hype.

Most likely Canon. Pointless to go for filler when the previous two were canon. It will be a letdown.

I hope this has Denki in it, I've really wanted to see more of him lately.


>eye-contact while doggystyle

Nips having shit taste like always

>kakashi stack more empty than the main characters of both series

>already a second bort movie
>tfw kakashi hiden will never be animated
just kill me now senpai

Cool, i really hope the bort manga doesn't do another movie recap though.

Anyone have any good NaruHina pics they love? My HDD crashed and I couldn't save any of the thousands I saved when Hianta won. Those were the best threads.

Watch as it's the Gaiden.

What if it is the hiden.

That would be great but it needs to be shown on the show first otherwise nobody will understand Sarada's character.

then I'll come buckets

but i would assume it's going to be some sasuke/sakura shit or some other boruto thing, I find it unlikely that they'd go back to recap kakashi's life at this point

Wouldn't make sense being something about the Uchiha family since we're about to get into a entire arc about their family.

Isn't Kakashi going to teach him Purple Electricity? That seems like the perfect excuse to talk about the first time he used it seriously.

user don't get my hopes up like this. i am not ready for crushing disappointment. it's been two years since the hiden came out

Databook says bort learns it so, he will.

>Databook says bort learns it so,
What? When? How?

Obito, this ends with her having Hatake babies, not yours.

Strength··············120 Dexterity·············160
Intelligence···········90 Chakra················140
Perception············130 Negotiation············90

Unarmed Hand-to-hand Fighting (Sudekakutō)
…and others

Ninja Arts
Water Release: Splash Bullets (Suiton: Himatsudan)
Wind Release: Gale Palm (Fūton: Reppūshō)
Lightning Release: Purple Lightning (Raiton: Shiden)
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
…and others

Everyone of the kids knows moves they weren't able to show yet


RIP Sumire.

I fucking hate how Japan turns everything into a video game.

He did nothing wrong.

he had the capacity to end generations of narutards, but failed.

Is he the only villain that Talk no Jutsu didn't work on? I find it hilarious that he's probably still rotting in prison while Sasuke and Orochimaru get away with everything and Obito is forgiven despite all he did.

It is pretty funny how he was just completely forgotten about yet he was in the very first ever fucking chapter

That horrible filler of him turning into a cat ruined his chances of ever coming back.

and flat chest

She's very young user, best girls don't have flat chests forever



Serious question

Has any main girl every gotten as of an ending as Sakura? She's so seperated from Sasuke, the one consistent thing in her entire life, that she can't even manage to get a real photograph of them together and goes through the pathetic pathetic pathetic hassle of editing a family picture.

I fucking hate Sakura and just thinking about how hard she lost gets me hard. Do you think Sasuke ever let her touch him for anything other than reproduction?

*as bad of an ending

>"Hey, Sauce. I really like you, and..."
>"Go away."
>"Hey Sakura, do you want to go out with me instead?"
>"Ugh go away Nardo you're so annoying."

She went for the bad boy who never paid her any attention, she got the bad boy. She just got BTFO when she realized what that meant.

>Now, let me talk about when i met your parents, heh it's such a wacky story...

>I tried to murder your dad, fuck your mom and ripped out your aunt's eyes but they forgave me so we're all cool now

don't forget that hinata literally rip his eyes out too you know


So I just watched the Boruto movie.

Are we really going to have to wait like five years worth of episodes for it to catch up to the movie for Boruto to get over how Naruto has a job?

Unless the show skips ahead eventually, which seems likely.

>Is he the only villain that Talk no Jutsu didn't work on?
No, Kaguya is apparently immune to it. Even narujesus said she doesn't have a heart.

>she doesn't have a heart.
Neither did Obito

The raw of Boruto SD's first chapter has been released

(I tried to link the direct link for people that dislike tumblr but Sup Forums considers vk to be a spam website)

Reminder that Class Rep will get a hamfisted "but it matters none what your dad wants because you are you and nobody else and don't you remember all of the FRIENDSHIP with us, your NAKAMA?"-esque speech and will become the girl she was before. Then she will take on some mission in some remote location and/or go on a quest to find herself and disappears until episode 500 where she will appear as a mere easter-egg.

Yet he still ended up as one of naruto's tnj victim, while naruto didn't even bother with kaguya.

Kakashi is actually the most popular character in the series.

The first part is right but I don't agree with the last bit. There are exactly 5 new kids for a reason.

Can someone make an HD webm of Naruto transforming in the last ep?

So there'll be a two-girl one-guy team? If Denki even counts as a guy...

Will he tap the Inchou?

Can't wait for Gaiden to start

its chinese

>Shipped BoruSara because of eugenics and poetry
>But now I think Sumire is best girl
>She's not even really canon

It hurts

Character stats aren't video games.

>user is excited for Shitty drama
why ?

Would you say you're a strength level 100 or more of a 110? What's your negotiation level? This totally isn't a fucking video game.

Made even worse when that annoying idiot she so carelessly pushed away eventually becomes the most respected ninja jesus that everyone looks up to. And the said ninja jesus ends up with a wife who truly loves and appreciates him.

Man it feels satisfying everytime I think about it.

Str should be about a 9 in average

pinkshit gens would ruin everything!!! It already ruined Salad by giving her a shitty personality.

Stop self inserting, user