Post homosexual characters.
Post homosexual characters
No. They both have crush on guys.
You and Homu-Homu.
>No. They both have crush on guys.
Reina does. Kumiko doesn't.
>anime secondaries
Delusional guys like you need to let it go
>literal fanart
>calls other people delusional
The ironing.
Good news they making Kumiko Love Story movie which will break your yuri soul
>claiming to be a -fag of a source material you've never read
>making claims about upcoming material you can't back up
Why are so many ESLs such shitposters?
Oh the delusion
this guy
>spoilerino for nips, open for promotion chance
Hibike Yuriphonium: Love Story.
>You truly are... Hibike! Eufonium.
Fucking really?
Only the anime is relevant.
Posting the only real homosexual character in this thread so far
Akarin isn't a homo
It's yuri.
On ice.
She loves Chinatsu.
Nobody loves Chinatsu.
Parts of the novel are translated, Kumiko is in relationship with him, author just don't make big deal of it, maybe KyoAni will add more scenes with them in movie to make it more clear for people like you
Just give it up, man.
This discussion could not possibly get anymore tired.
Plus, I'd prefer it be saved for an actual Hibike thread.
The anime will confirm Those two when your English is good.
Fuck off whale
Are we posting bi characters?
Sure, why not? See OP's picture for example.
>Parts of the novel
Exactly, novel. Not anime.
You start OP
stop posting the wrong kind of gay
Chagen's attempts to create a fag paradise on Sup Forums will never amount to anything because most anime viewers in the west are heterosexual males.
stay mad yurifag
I was being ironic.
Heterosexuality is a meme.
You forgot
I know nothing that's why.