MOAR FISA warrant abuses on the horizon

This is getting real boys, we need to keep the pressure up.

A federal judge took the DOJ to the woodshed today and asked them to explain why: "the memo shouldn't force investigators to acknowledge the existence of MOAR records related to foreign surveillance".

The DOJ said it currently "cannot confirm or deny the existence of more FISA records".


Trump needs our support more than ever now. MAGA

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We want moar

Aight, present and comfy af.

Hahah so fucking desperate. Your little memo was a complete flop and a failure so now you go in full damage control pretending there was more to it.

Hahah so fucking desperate. Your little Russia investigation was a complete flop and a failure so now you go in full damage control pretending there was more to it.

All the laws they said would never be abused, were immediately abused once they were passed.

Hahah so fucking desperate. Your little memo was a complete flop and a failure so now you go in full damage control pretending there was more to it.


Memo has ousted intelligence agencies as the corrupt, biased pieces of feces they are. Now people are demanding answers and transparency, instead of just blindly trusting and giving them the benefit of the doubt.

spoiler alert

romney got cucked by the spooks

nice digits


While shills and leftist activists shitpost on Sup Forums, normies are talking about this in worried tones. How can our democracy be legitimate, when the intelligence agencies are weaponized and for hire as political mercenaries and assassins?


Do you believe that? I mean honestly? I know you’re paid to say it, but you can’t possibly have a sane mind and actually THINK that.

ahhh shit!

But as we know from Snowden and other whistleblowers, the FBI and the US intelligence agencies have so much information on what's going on in the world that the FBI probably knew themselves from other technology there was no such meeting with Carter Page and these Russians and pretended otherwise just so they could spy on Trump people.
Exactly. Like a cheater who has stollen the answers to the exam questions ahead of the exam, the FBI has access to all the raw intel on everyone, courtesy of the NSA. When they need to "get" someone, and everyone is guilty of breaking *some* law, the FBI just pulls the "answer" from the NSA data. Then it creates the legal fig leaf of going thru whatever motions are still required to preserver the illusion that the country operates under a law of checks and balances with peoples' rights preserved.
Thru Hillary, the FBI was obsessed with spying on the Trump campaign. The FBI pulls the raw intel and finds... nothing of substance to use as a pretext. Apparently the best they could find was Carter Page talking to a Russian. But you can't go to the FISA court and say you need to wiretap the guy based on your wiretap info from the guy you want to wiretap. Doesn't look good. So they unearth the article in Yahoo news as their non-wiretap "source".

It CAN’T. That’s why house must be cleaned and motherfuckers MUST be put in prison for many years. Examples HAVE to be made or this country is over.

Holy shit! Just (((who))) sunk the titanic?!

It CAN’T. That’s why house must be cleaned and motherfuckers MUST be put in prison for many years. Examples HAVE to be made or this country is over.

> was H..Her Turn, right guys? guys??


Cleanup on aisle 7


take my energy

I've got my broom

How do you do that? Find all those posts like that

With no evidence, I think this.

quit exposing us Satan oh lord and master!
we work for you dammit


Obvious bots are obvious


The bantz on this guy!

Grassley "Memo" which is incoming is going to be a criminal referral, definitely for Christopher Steele. Looks like AT BEST Christopher lied to the FBI when we was working for them. He was both (a) pushing the Steele Dossier out to new outlets WHILE also "working" for the FBI, and (2) Telling news sources he was working with the FBI, which got quoted in a news piece.


I don't get it. where's the problem?

Hahah so fucking desperate. Your little Russia investigation was a complete flop and a failure so now you go in full damage control pretending there was more to it.


That memo is the real deal.
These people need to be exposed and prosecuted for their crimes. The American should demand everything be released un redacted in the name of national security

I just hope Devin keeps his shit together
God bless Trey Gowdy considering it was Nunes who said he appointed Gowdy to do the investigation into the matter




GCHQ was cooperating with hillary to spy on Trump for political reasons?

>Federal judge working on Saturday


>A filing from USA Today's lawyers Friday pointed out that the late-October 2016 issuance of the FISA warrant on Page matched the month that Trump claims the Obama administration started wiretapping his phones at Trump Tower in New York.

>romney got cucked by the spooks
whats their hold on him?

You do realize they can't fire him only because the Republicans know it's political suicide right? Besides he isn't going to find anything and Trump will be exonerated

They leaked the video from the Campaign Dinner

Kek are you there?


yes why fire him?
Mueller has enough rope to hang himself


lil nunes
release memo/s

Don's staff is doing great right now, even if the rumors are true and he wants Mueller and Rosenstein gone, they're not going to let him fuck this all up, he will look like roses

March 2017: wiretap claims a deflection from Russia
February 2018: okay we wiretapped you but you're only declassying it to deflect from Russia

2 different ids posted the exact same thing and are posting the exact same thing in other threads

Because victimization is 1, 2, and 3 in the Jew playbook. They threw their money behind the nigger because they knew they could use him for a soft coup and simply claim racism if caught. You think anybody will cuff the first nigger president?

Dammit, Satan... I just got home from work, don't make me clean more stuff up! It's bad enough I have to clean up after a pack of wild Mexicunts and Poo-in-Loos

he's obviously holding a Sup Forums Gold pass for advanced channers; amirite tho?

Blessed thread

Are you guys still talking about the stupid memo? It turned out to be literally nothing.

I-is this the storm lads?

When you say your you out yourself as a shill

The storm has only just begun, friend

It wasn't just Joooooz - white people wanted this nice black man as president to finally, this time maybe for real, make black people happy.

You realize all your doing is galvanizing, right?

FBI Informant?

Guilt is 3, 4, and 5

FTFY, stale meme fag

Tell me what I'm looking at here.

nothing is going to happen you stupid faggot because the only people who care (you) are too chickenshit to leave the house let alone go protest government abuses. you worthless cocksuckers talk so much shit about "soyboys" and "hipsters" but they actually go out and tear shit up when they get upset. they still have more balls than you. that's a fact. god I hate this board and all you tryhard queers

No.nononono gowdy details everything.

More's a comin'.
See this longish podcast for an indication of how much:

Nunes himself said in the Interview with Bre Baier that he appointed Gowdy to conduct the investigation, it's probably the reason why Gowdy left politics and go back to the Justice system, he's not as bad as you're painting him

If it's proven that FISA warrants were issued directly on Trump by the Obama administration, it will probably lead to a multi-year congressional investigation and a lot of talk about abuse of executive power.

Watergate, except that Nixon's gone but the cronies are still there.

They are going to deny info to a judge?? Isn't that what got them in hot water to begin with -- not supplying all relevant info.

you are a fucking delusional idiot and a disgusting traitorous faggot and you should kill yourself.

You know what's funny. I'm 100% sure the entire Trump presidency as well as all these scandals could've been avoided if they had just ignored Trump.

Like no constant media exposure, no espionage, just pure lack of acknowledgment.

Obama literally dug his own grave by fearing Trump.

One overlooked issue with the FBI wiretapping was that the FBI was leaking info they gathered as fast as they could get it. If you think back to the first few months of the Trump presidency, you'll remember all of the leaks. At first it was whenever Trump was at the White House but his transition team's phones were obviously tapped. He traveled to Trump Tower and the same thing happened. It wasn't until he started operating out of the Mar a Lago compound that the leaks stopped


That's why he threatened Comey with the tapes of their convo. He knows (((they))) were recording everything!

>chickenshit to leave the house let alone go protest government abuses
>too busy working your normal day job, paying taxes, mortgage and making a future for your children

We are not unemployed hippies &\ niggers like the left

If you have any questions or concerns you're undermining their ability to protect us. Don't ask questions, Goy!

Because they didn't go for our guns

His energy levels are surging! God Bless America and God Bless our People. We will prevail!


>implying the entire country isn't Trump territory
>implying leftist crybabies don't gather in their safeprotests to hug each other
You can go anywhere within the borders of the United States, on our Embassies, or on our ships and if you look down you will see ground where Donald Trump is President

Normies "fighting racism" is why a cia nigger muslim criminal walks free

Normies are why satanic pedo vampires summoning an AI demon run the world

Normies are why we cant go back to the gold standard, abolish the fed and income tax and unleash the life extension and interplanetary technology

Normies ruined the internet, social media, and even Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Fucking normies

If definitive proof comes out that Obama really was never born in the USA and Trump was 100% right all along, I think the Civil War would start on the spot.

>Civil War incoming

you misspelled shot on cnn live


Delusional; thy name is Libtard.

In summary, you are describing Parallel Construction

You just described exactly the orwellian (and felonious) abomination known as
>parallel construction
See pic related.

Supposedly, the NSA doesn't provide that kind of support to the FBI, but I don't know how easy or hard it would be for corrupt people at NSA to access the database and give it to other feds (or whoever) off the books.

> Buy a mansion built with the specific intent of being the resort White House
> Have decades to retrofit it, add things no one knows about, make it perfect

It's worth noting that it has a SCIF... that TRUMP built before he got elected.

Eat shit, soon Brock will have no more money to pay you.

Are you real?