Junji Ito
While I like Ito mangos, I don't see how they would be fun as anime at all.
I want the Shinsekai Yori guy to direct it.
The anime better have that funky creepy music my mind made up reading his manga.
>my animu better be what i want it to be since i went out of my way to illegally torrent it
I can understand if youre somewhat angry to my post for trying to compare 2 different media (one has sound and shit that comes with video) which could result in ways I wont like, but to include "illegally torrent it"? Damn nigga, I can lend an ear for you to let it all out. Here's a you in the mean time. Or I misunderstood the OP? Thats its not an anime adaptation, just new series or something from Ito?
It will not translate well to anime. Unless they do the more comedic stories, it will be shit.
Wait what is this? Anime adaptations of various short stories?
Obv SHAFT directed by Oishi
Shintarou Kago animu when?
Uzumaki when? Drr when?
A Shit To Remember, yeah?
ready for gyo adaptation tier 2.0??
nothing can't be waifud
So be prepare
>implying most Junji Ito girls aren't top tier waifus
This could be great.
Ito thread? Ito thread.
That's Shintarou Kago.
It better fucking be Hellstar Remina.
I think horror anime can be profitable now with the rise of steaming sales.
Franken Fran anime when?
instead of anime they should color the manga and sell to the west
it would be more profitable
Double penetration out of nowhere!
God bless the Gyo anime.
>nothing can't be waifud
Remina dindu nuttin wrong
I don't recognize the baby stroller one.
Consider this:
Cardboard cutout animation.
>Cardboard cutout animation.
I raise
Fucking this. I've never been so anxious from watching an anime until I've seen Shinsekai Yori especially the 2nd half where the 2nd fiend appeared. The part where they almost got caught and the fucking boat scene man.
Gyo was a mess, hopefully this will redeem it. I hope is the one with Ito's cats.
Holy shit, this is great.
>horror anime
You mean comedy anime can be profitable like Mayoiga and Another?
Holy shit, that's something I wasn't expecting.
oh fuck!
>Mayoiga and Another
I hope you aren't equating this trash to Junji Ito.
You mean Oshii? I want this. But does Oshii even direct anymore?
oh my god I'm fucking hyped
Yuasa would be a great director for this.
>But does Oshii even direct anymore?
His last directorial anime credit was in 2010 and his last full-length anime movie was in 2008.
He's been keeping busy making live action shit though.
>all those newfags
Ito anime already happend.
what a time to be alive
Someone post the one that literally ends with a charcter going "let's not check it out it could be scary"
>pluto anime
>devilman remake
>now this
Very nice.
Oishi the Bakemonogatari/Kizumonogatari guy
>I want the Shinsekai Yori guy to direct it.
That guy is good, but you need to watch Mushishi S2 'shadow mushi'. That shit is scary as hell.
Also, honorable mention: Dennou Coil disappearance episode. The atmosphere is so fucking good.
I am actually, unironically, happy with this news.
Quite sure it's Souichi.
>Oishi the Bakemonogatari/Kizumonogatari guy
Oh. Disappointing.
dumb frogposter.
that's was an ova
>Junji Ito anime
What a time to be alive, he's female characters are top-tier. I hope they animate the story abou the girl inserting objects into her body,
So, what exactly does the pic say? Can someone translate it?
It's anime.
Just like this announcement here.
It doesn't say anything about the form.
Since it's on the Asahi site, I can only assume it's going to be something he published with them.
My bets on either Tomie or Uzumaki.
Boy, can't wait to see how they manage to ruin it.
What the fuck YES.
Anime is becoming more and more like Hollyjewd, thankfully there are lots of manga who haven't been adaptated yet and the remakes are still rare.
I don't know why they'd leave it in the air when people would be disappointed if it's not Tomie or Uzumaki
when will a "comfy" slice-of-life Souichi anime be a reality?
Your point?
I know man, just like those 70's porns music.
SoichiXTomie anime
Oh my fuck
It better be the one about his cats
Call me when something of Shintaro Kago gets animated.
Do you guys remember GASHUNK? Don't get your hopes up.
No, absolutely no-one in this thread has mentioned or referenced Gyo, good job
Still remember that awful 3D shark and the as awful threesome scene.
>new patlabor series
>new Mazinger Z anime
What is going in japan? Now we just need new season of Blue jacket lupin
I was disappointed by the lack of the Whale.
It could have been a really cool OVA even with all the changes, but the animation wasn't creepy enough.
>nothing can't be waifud
Oh you sweet summer child
Giving Junji Ito an anime adaptation is kind of an insult, honestly.
that's what i'm expecting, all i want is a decent Uzumaki adaptation
It had better be a 3 part OVA or something, if it's a fucking shitty TV anime then it'll suck.
People are clearly excited for a TV anime though, because that's what would be cool. OVAs are lame they just come out and then that's it.
Yes ! This is what I have been waiting for, an anthology series base on his works.
I hope the horror host is tomie herself
I kimda miss the days when normal fags never hears of ito jini.Anyway this was my dream ti see his works animated
the only woman for Souichi is Fuchi!
though i would like to see a Fuchi vs Tomie episode
u implyin some things can't be waifud?
Ito Junji is the SAO of horror, easy and accessible for normal fags.
True horror mangaka are living in shit tier magazines which will never be translated.
>new patlabor series
Jesus fuck I missed this. Better be good. The announcement just said "a new project", so it could be some shitty live action for all we know.
>True horror mangaka are living in shit tier magazines which will never be translated.
>living in shit tier magazines which will never be translated.
So are half of Ito's works, he's just famous enough to overcome that.
Alright guys, which story left you the most fucked up and why?
i dont even have to explain why
It'll look terrible and be shitposted for years
>not waifuing Tomie
Get this fucking pleb out of here.
Honestly Ito girls are pretty cute
Yon & Mu
Because cats
>Pluto anime
Kenji Nakamura's next project.
The headless mannequins.
Kuuchuu Buranko is so good.
its going to be an anthology series, Ito 's shorts are really good for anthology horror story
Tomie is the prettiest girl!
I read that and thought "what a cute and funny manga" and then I got to the epilogue and cried
Which story are you hoping will be adapted and why?
Uzumaki, obviously. So much good stuff there.
I want that psychotic nail-eating faggot's scenarios animated. It's always amusing to see everything backfire on him.
Okay so this is going to be based on his short stories? I would really like if we got a show dedicated to Tomie as well.