Something is missing

Something is missing

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Steak shouldn't be that easy to cut

Where's the ketchup?

Japanese steel, folded then thousand times

Japan likes their steaks to be really soft and tender.

kill yourself

>Using ketchup on steak

Even in America that is heresy.

The waifu that comes with it?

>No fried bread

>likes a rubbery piece of shit
Bet you eat your meat raw too, faggot.

I watch the world burn

That steak is super lean

this thread is gonna turn into a jack thread isn't it

there's a good chance



The way they cook their meats really disgusts me.


just curious, how do you like your steak?

eat wagyu until you die

No you

No ketchup desu

Yeah, its not blue rare



I like to marinate it over night with olive oil, minced garlic, salt, basil, and granulated onion. Then I cook it until just slightly less than medium rare, on the grill if I want the meat to taste better, or on the stove if I want to get a little more serious about the marinade's flavor (Generally I'll add more ingredients to it if I'm going to make it on the stove. Normally I don't make it on the stove though.).

It's rare and well-done at the same time?

no lettuce

That's a perfectly fine way to make shitty meat taste decent enough to eat, but why would you ruin some of the best steak meat in the world with a shit ton of dumb ass seasonings?

Try some Japanese beef sometime.

and japanese steel



>putting semen on steak
2 nukes wasn´t enough.

It's clearly a burger you fuckneck

So it's OK to cum on hamburger?



Pretty sure by "savage" he meant literal cave people.
Like, who else would eat raw meat?

Good stuff.

>I don't season my food, I prefer to eat it bland and with as little effort put into it as possible!
>Because that's high class
Lol, fuck off.

>eat raw meat?
Isn't about the raw but the quality. That's mean "blue rare". The other is "midterm."

Probably he got them mixed.

>knife in right hand, fork in left

Do Japanese people actually do this?

Follow the reply chain.
Original nig said that it should be "blue rare"

Yuck. I had worms once and I will not have it again just because someone thinks of it as fancy

Not only Japanese.

What? If the meat is good then you should let is shine. Good meat is never bland, even if you just grill it with a pinch of salt.

At least that's how we cook in my country. Fresh, high quality ingredients are considered more important than exaggerated seasonings and sauces, at least when it comes to stuff like steak and grilled fish.

You wouldn't go to Japan and pay out your ass for the best steak in the world only to fill it with a million different tastes that overpower the steak itself, right?

>Steak shouldn't be that easy to cut
Then you haven't tried Sous Vide steaks.

>I had worms once and I will not have it again just because someone thinks of it as fancy

My nigga, sorry to read that. One should enjoy the steak, not suffer for it. I hope you may have a future of only good steaks.

Nigger, seasoning it doesn't eliminate the flavor of good meat or whatever dumb shit you're implying. It compliments the taste.

In addition to that, Japan doesn't by any means have the best steak in the world, they import it from out of country; calling it """fresh""" is stupid as hell.

>It compliments the taste.
Nigger, marinating your stake in fucking basil and onions goes beyond "complimenting" (very polite of you, by the way) the taste.

>In addition to that, Japan doesn't by any means have the best steak in the world, they import it from out of country
Obviously there is no THE best steak in the world, but Japan has excellent steak meat (wagyu, kobe) and you're just being silly now.

>"complimenting" (very polite of you, by the way)

10/10 bantz

thats the standard way. Are you an american pig?

I guess I'm the odd one out. I just think it's weird to eat with your left hand.

>that white thing
Is that fucking fat? I seriously hope you guys don't eat that stuff.

Yeah, how has it not rendered yet?

its just easier to cut things with your right hand, because thats the hardest task compared to shoving the food in your mouth. But its pretty common for people to learn it backwards, so dont feel left out.

most japs can't afford meat anyway, so it doesn't matter

no. keep that filthy degenerate in /ck/ please

>Falling for the sous vide meme
Go back to /ck/


Mushrooms, or am I just weird?

I hold fork in my right hand and cut with teeth. These knives can't cut for shit anyway.

>jack taught me that meat tastes the best raw

It's time



Well it was a nice thread while it lasted

>being left handed


The fucking horror.






I thought something was going to crawl out of it when he cut it.

fuck off, Jack.



With steak, you want to make every bite count. That's why I use A-1 Steak Sauce. A-1 brings out all the deep down juicy goodness of every single bite of steak or even hamburger.
Mmm-mmm, delicious. For me, there's only one steak sauce, A-1. Because A-1 has all the taste that makes every bite count.


Is that fucking butter?



Jack needs to be studied by a team of scientists to find out why he has such a superhuman immune system.


You can eat raw meat if it's fresh enough

I want Sup Forums to leave


But that's /ck/ meme


And posting it in tangentially related threads in other boards is cancerous """"Sup Forums culture xD"""" tier shitposting

You think this fat sack of shit is getting such fresh meat? He uses canned vegetables and doesn't even cook chicken all the way through, see and be amazed.


It's actually from Sup Forums like Ramsay and Rogan posting



This man needs to be stopped


j/a/ck is the 3D version of anime cooking.

>Sticker on the apple